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VOL. 25  NO. 7                                                                                 JULY 2023

      Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Palm Beach And

      Martin Counties Announce Awards And Scholarships

         Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) of Palm Beach and                                                    The newly founded Florida Prepaid College Foundation
      Martin Counties recently held their annual Big and Little                                            Path to Prosperity Scholarship Program powered by FPL
      Awards on Thursday, May 25, at the Manatee Lagoon.                                                   offers high school students the opportunity to receive
      New this year, scholarships were awarded powered by                                                  a two-year Florida College Plan Scholarship. Eligible
      Florida Power & Light (FPL).                                                                         students must meet all the criteria, including being an
         Amidst trophies, plaques, videos, a grilled cheese                                                active member in the mentoring program through Big
      bar, and dessert, friends, family, and supporters gathered                                           Brothers Big Sisters of Palm Beach and Martin Counties.
      to cheer the bonds between “bigs” and “littles” that                                                    After a short program, the honorees gave personal,
      steadfastly represents the nonprofit Big Brothers, Big                                               heartfelt accounts about the difference the program
      Sisters of Palm Beach and Martin Counties. The awards
      dinner was held to honor the successes of the BBBS Littles                                           Big Brothers Big Sisters on page 4
      and those who defend their potential.
         The event was held at the Manatee Lagoon in Riviera
      Beach and set the stage for smiles, laughter, hugs,                                                   Check Your
      sentiment, and recognition for the Big and Little of the
      Year honorees and scholarship award recipients.
         “These awards celebrate critical relationships between                                             Voter Status!
      mentors and youth. This year, FPL has provided these
      amazing opportunities for Littles to continue their path
      to success after high school,” said Yvette Flores Acevedo,                                               The 2024 presidential elections are just months away
      CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Palm Beach and   Scholarship recipients, Jeanni Hawkins, top row: Yvette   for the state of Florida. Are you ready to cast your votes
      Martin Counties.                                  Flores Acevedo, Kate Cotner, Juliet Roulhac         in the three major elections scheduled for 2024? Is your
                                                                                                            voter information current
      Record-Breaking Funds Raised At The                                                                   and up-to-date? Have
                                                                                                            you checked your voter
      22nd Annual Robert F. Novins Memorial                                                                 status?
                                                                                                               The dates to save and

                                                                                                            prepare for are:
      Golf Tournament And Reception                                                                         • Presidential Preference
                                                                                                            Primary – March 19,
                                                                                                            • Primary Election – Aug.
         Twenty-two  years ago,                                                                             20, 2024
      Carson Novins, owner of Carsons                                                                       • General Election – Nov.
      Tavern in Stuart, and his family                                                                      5, 2024
      founded the Robert F. Novins                                                                             Additionally, I would encourage all registered voters
      Memorial Golf Tournament and                                                                          to take the time to make sure your voter information is
      Reception in honor of their late                                                                      up-to-date. Ask yourself these four simple, yet important
      father. Each year they host this                                                                      questions:
      event that mirrors their dad’s                                                                        • Has your address
      kind and generous nature.                                                                             changed?
         Since 2013, Volunteers in  Carson Novins and Mary                                                  •  Has  your  name
      Medicine (VIM) Clinic has been  Fields                                                                changed?
      the nonprofit beneficiary from                                                                        •  Do  you  need
      this event. This has resulted in raising over $1 million for VIM   Christie Rhea, Patsy Devine, Dr. Scott Tapper, Liz Tapper   to update your
      Clinic to further their mission of “Giving the Gift of Health” to   and Christa Dunn                  signature?
      Martin County neighbors in need.                                                                      • Would you like to
         This year was a record breaker! The 22nd Annual   weekend encouraging all participants to work together to   change your party?
      Robert F. Novins Memorial Golf Tournament and Reception   exceed all previous giving records. His love and dedication to      Please visit
      raised over $180,000 for Volunteers in Medicine Clinic! VIM   this event and VIM Clinic’s cause was infectious and indeed   www.MartinVotes.
      Clinic is so grateful to Carson, his sisters Beth and Jeffrey and   broke previous records!           gov  and click on
      to all our donors, sponsors, tournament committee, volunteers      The reception at Carsons Tavern is always a festive night   the “Access Your Voter Information” tab located in the
      and raffle and auction participants! Carson kicked off the   with this year over 200 supporters coming out to celebrate.   middle of the home page, fill out the prompts, and review
                                                                                  Over $56,000 was raised on   your information. You can update your voter information
                                                                                  raffle baskets, live and silent   at or by calling the
                                                                                  auctions and the Dream Golf   elections office at (772) 288-5637 for assistance.
                                                                                  Trip to Ireland donated by      As your Martin County Supervisor of Elections, I
                                                                                  Celtic Golf. It was incredible   consider it an honor to serve you. Please do not hesitate to
                                                                                  to see this group of giving,   contact me with any questions or concerns as we prepare
                                                                                  caring people come together   for the upcoming presidential election cycle.
                                                                                                                                               Vicki Davis,
                                                                                 Record-Breaking Funds                    Martin County Supervisor of Elections
                                                                                 Raised on page 3
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