Page 1 - PGA Community News - August '23
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VOL. 33 NO. 8                                    FAX 561-624-9088 • E-MAIL                                        AUGUST 2023

      PGA POA Communication Corner

      By Gail Coppage,                                   summer months there is always a need to do some active   Mail Collection Boxes and instead bring mail to the
      Communications                                     landscaping trimming. This is also a good reminder that if   local USPS Office to send mail securely and safely. The
      Committee Chairperson                              you have a neighbor who may be away during this month,   best way to ensure that your mail is safe is to pick up your
         Greetings and cool                              but you might notice a lawn/landscaping suddenly out of   mail every day. If you are not home or plan to be away for
      thoughts  for  August!                             control, please follow up with your property manager or   a length of time, please visit the hold mail request online
      August in South Florida                            HOA representative so that the manager can communicate Staying
      can be a hot month, so it                          this issue directly with the resident. Oftentimes there might   safe every day means that sometimes our regular plan
      is important to stay as cool                       be an issue with a landscaping company not tending to a   and schedule may need to be adjusted, especially when it
      as possible. Who says that                         property, and with homeowners away, they might not even   comes to mailing letters and/or packages at the local Post
      PGA National residents                             know there is a problem with their landscaping.   Office vs. one of the Mail Collection Boxes.
      aren’t cool? Keeping blinds                        Health Benefits Of Our Environment                   If you currently do not receive payments via direct
      and/or drapes closed,                                 The beauty of South Florida lives all around us at   deposit at your bank, maybe this is a good time to chat with
      staying hydrated with water enhanced with cucumber   PGA National! Because of the beautiful weather and   someone about setting up direct deposit. Direct deposit of
      perhaps, wearing cool, lightweight clothing and trying to   breathtaking scenery and greenery, we are all fortunate   payments will help to lessen any worry about a problem
      stay out of the direct sun during the hottest time of the   to be able to enjoy the outdoors in a myriad of ways.   with mail delivery or worse, stolen mail.
      day are all helpful hints. Sounds like the time for a good   Not only being active outdoors helps to keep us healthy   Speaking Of Hot … How Is Real Estate Right Now In
      book and the pool or beach! These are the long days of   and engaged, but according to a recent article in The   PGA National?
      summer that bring very active storm weather including   Washington Post, we might even live longer.      Sale prices are remaining higher than average and
      heavy, drenching thunderstorms and the possibility of   the number of overall homes available for sale in PGA
      possible tropical storm or hurricane activity. Keeping a   solutions/2023/06/28/aging-green-spaces-nature-health/    National are constant, averaging about 83 homes for sale
      rain jacket, hat and umbrella in your car is needed this      Keep enjoying our surroundings!        this time of year. The good news is that there is still strong
      summer. It is always good to be prepared so please visit   Post Office Vs. Postal Boxes              interest from home buyers to purchase a home in PGA
      the POA website for more specific      There have been several recent stories in the press   National. The bad news is that there is limited inventory.
      detail about storm preparation and what to do when an   about a surge in crimes targeting the U.S. Postal Service,   Prices are down slightly from one year ago, but the real
      active storm is headed our way. The Hurricane Handout is   especially targeting the blue USPS Mail Collection Boxes.   estate market is still strong in South Florida. Interested in
      very useful and a great document to keep close by during   Experts are warning Americans against sending checks   moving to a different community in PGA National? There
      hurricane season.                                  through the mail, whether it is a birthday check for a   are a host of great local realtors who are knowledgeable
      Time To Trim Your Trees!                           grandchild or a payment to an account. In some instances,   about PGA National, and who would love to help assist
         Before a storm hits, having trees and shrubbery   letter carriers are robbed, and mail is stolen directly from   you with either the sale of your home or condo and the
      trimmed with the timely disposal of debris is the best time   resident mailboxes. While thankfully PGA National hasn’t   purchase of a new home. PGA National offers about 40
      to do this important landscaping work. Reminder: PGA   yet seen this type of crime in our area, we ask residents   diverse communities of single-family homes including
      POA rules require any debris generated by contractors to   to remain vigilant about not either mailing checks and
      be removed by that contractor by 5 p.m., not placed at the   leaving them in their mailbox to be picked up by the mail   PGA POA Communication Corner on page 3
      curb for Waste Management. PGA National residents are   carrier or receiving checks in the mail if possible.
      so fortunate that we live in such a beautifully green, lush      Please note: The USPS has also issued a warning
      natural environment, yet plants grow so quickly during the   that Americans should avoid depositing mail in USPS   Time To Get
      Commissioner’s Update                                                                                  The Donuts!

      Speeding Up Inspections                               To meet the high demand for inspections and to
                                                         save  the  public  time  and  reduce  the  inconvenience  of      Hi Everyone! We hope you’re enjoying Gail’s
      By Commissioner                                    scheduling and waiting for an inspection, the division has   articles for PGA POA but the POA office staff
      Maria Marino                                       launched a new program offering video inspections. This   wanted to share this with you directly. It’s a special
         Palm Beach County’s                             program specifically applies to limited residential permit   announcement for all the anxious residents who
      Building Division reviews                          descriptions  as  part  of  single-family  home  renovation   have been calling (and calling, and calling) the POA
      thousands of building                              projects requiring a permit and includes:           office asking when Dunkin’ Donuts would open –
      permits each year.  When                           *Reroofing                                          THEY’RE HEEEEERRREEEE!
      construction is underway,                          *Garage door replacement                               Dunkin’ Donuts has opened in the LA Fitness
      inspections are required                           *HVAC equipment change out                          Plaza between  Chase  Bank  and  Truist Bank  on
      to ensure compliance                               *Plumbing/water heater change out                   Fairway  Drive. We  are  happy  to  see  them open!
      with  codes.  During  the                          *A/C electric hardware                              Welcome!
      current fiscal year (10/1/22                       *Shutters
      to 9/30/23) thus far, the                          *Siding
      division has conducted more than 164,000 inspections.  *Stucco on lath
                                                                                 *Tube-type skylight
                                                                                 *Solar photovoltaic system
                                                                                 *Water heater electric
                                                                                 *Wi ndow a nd door
                                                                                   A licensed inspector
                                                                                 performs the inspection

                                                                                 Commissioner’s Update
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