Page 1 - Boca ViewPointe - December '23
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VOL. 31 NO. 12                                                                         DECEMBER 2023

       Meet Your New Board                                                                                  From The Manager

         My name is Marvin                               thesis, toward a multi field doctorate in finance, accounting
      Lazarowitz. My wife,                               and international business. I am a licensed professional   By April Narine, LCAM
      Marcia Lamel and I have                            engineer and a CPA.                                General Manager
      been residents of Villa del                           My professional career started with U.S. Steel where I
      Sol since 2002. We were                            was involved in improving steelmaking operations. In 1958      As we approach the
      both raised in New York                            I was made supervisor of a group that used computers to aid   end of 2023, I would like
      City and as adults lived in                        in management decision making. The computers at that time   to take this opportunity to
      Manhattan’s west  village                          used vacuum tubes and programs were written in “machine   thank each of you for the
      for many years. In 1984 we                         language”. I subsequently left U.S. Steel and became   continuing honor to serve
      relocated to Cambridge, MA,                        manager of consulting services with Price Waterhouse and   as your General Manager
      where we lived for 18 years.                       later director of consulting with Gulf & Western Industries.   at Boca Pointe. I have
      When my wife retired as an                         I provided major consulting services to a number of Fortune   just reached my 6-month
      Enforcement Attorney for Federal EPA, we both wanted an   500 companies. A partial list of companies would include   mark  as your  General
      outdoor life and decided to move full time to South Florida.  General Foods, Squibb, Chemical Bank of N.Y., Borden Co.,   Manager. We have accomplished much since my time
         I am in my ninth year as a member of the Community   Mars Inc. and Paramount Studios.              here.
      Association Master Board of Directors. I have served in      As many of you know I am a very active tennis player.      It is a pleasure to be working with the Master Board
      many capacities during that period of time. I currently am the   When I turned 75, I began competing in tennis tournaments   of Directors, Committee Volunteers and Vendors.
      District 6 representative on the Board. For the past ten years   in my age group, including in USTA national championships      My team and I will continue to provide the residents
      I have been on the board in my own community where I have   in both singles and doubles. I am now 90 and recently won   of Boca Pointe with the utmost level of service. We look
      served as vice president, treasurer and ACC chairman. For   the men’s 90’s national clay court singles championship. I   forward to a new year with a cheerful outlook, dedication,
      12 years I was a director of CERT (Community Emergency   previously had won a national championship in the men’s   and excitement for what is to come.
      Response Team). I was responsible to coordinate, with Boca   85’s. I was also a finalist in two other national championships.      On behalf of Lisa, Diane, and myself, we want to
      Pointe security and first responders, all emergency activities   In the men’s 90’s I am currently ranked number one in   wish everyone a Happy Healthy Holiday Season and look
      east of Powerline.                                 Florida, number three nationally and eleventh internationally.   forward to serving you in the New Year. Have a Happy
         I have an undergraduate engineering degree, a graduate   When asked what my secret is I tell people there’s an easy   and Safe New Year! 
      degree in management and I completed all work, except   answer. All you have to do is outlive everyone! 
      Village Spotlight - Costa del Sol

      By Jake Stark, Costa del Sol President             the shell of a four story condominium whose builder went   have a yearly ice cream social. On Halloween we have a
                                                         bankrupt. Lennar Homes bought it and came in and tore   meet and greet Halloween pizza party. And the favorite
         Costa del Sol is a Boca Pointe community of 146   down the building to replace the land with the desirable   party of all homeowners is our Costa del Sol BBQ Picnic,
      beautiful private homes located on the south side of   community we now have today.                  held twice a year. Many younger families are moving into
      SW 18th Street east of Powerline Road. There are many      We have an ownership of diversified backgrounds and   Costa del Sol lately. So, we try to gear activities towards
      homeowners who don’t know that there was originally a   careers. Some of our homeowners have had or have retired   these younger families with their children. 
      high rise building where Costa del Sol stands today. It was   from interesting careers. The women’s head basketball coach
                                                                                 at FAU lives here at Costa Del
                                                                                 Sol. Go owls! There are also   Please Help
                                                                                 attorneys, doctors, teachers,
                                                                                 contractors, businesspeople,
                                                                                 as well as ex-presidents of      Now is the time to clean out your closets! The
                                                                                 Boca Pointe Community       homeless shelters are accepting used clothing. Please
                                                                                 Association.                bring any clean, gently used clothing that you would
                                                                                   Costa  del  Sol  also     like to donate. The drop off location is at the BPCA
                                                                                 represents a very diversified   office located at 6909 S.W. 18th St., Suite A120 in
                                                                                 ethnic makeup with people   the Boardwalk shopping plaza. The donations are
                                                                                 from over 20 different      distributed to local churches and homeless shelters.
                                                                                 countries.  That makes it   Thank you for your generous donations this past
                                                                                 one of the most desirable   year! It is greatly appreciated! 
                                                                                 communities for people
                                                                                 who  want to  live in Boca
                                                                                 Pointe.  We have expats
                                                                                 from faraway places such     The BPCA Management office
                                                                                 as Venezuela, Peru, Chile,            will be closed on
                                                                                 Brazil, Guatemala, Haiti,
                                                                                 Jamaica, Australia,  Spain,   Monday, December 25th, 2023
                                                                                 Russia, Ukraine, Germany,   and Monday, January 1st, 2024.
                                                                                 France, Italy, Cuba, Israel,
                                                                                 Canada, and of course...          We would like to wish
                                                                                 New York.
                                                                                   Throughout  the year               all of our residents
                                                                                 Costa del Sol provides fun     a Happy Holiday Season! 
                                                                                 events at our community
                                                                                 pool for homeowners. We
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