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Our Village Voice

        VOL. 34 NO. 12                                                                         DECEMBER 2023

      the Shores of Jupiter                                                                                  Bill’s Box

      holiday plant Swap                                                                                    By Bill Thompson

                                                                                                            this is it
        Maura and Steve Miller invite you to The Shores of                                                    My cell phone got me
      Jupiter Eighth Annual Holiday Plant Swap at their home                                                again. It took flight from
      on New Year’s Day, Jan. 1, 2024, from 8 to 11 a.m.                                                    my moving cartop just
        This  is  a  family-friendly  activity  welcoming  new                                              for the hell of it and killed
      neighbors and friends.                                                                                itself. My good friend
        Master gardener Maura is swapping bromeliads,                                                       John Hornyak used his
      century plants, crinum lilies, Florida native plants, and     Look for postings on social media, The Shores  of   technical magic to “find
      herbs.                                             Jupiter newsletter and website, and JTGC email group.   my phone.” He pinpointed
        Bring a unique plant to swap or come and say hello     Thanks to everyone who participated in past years’   its location precisely by Central Boulevard. We drove there
      and learn about gardening in subtropical zone 10.   plant sale.                                       and he retrieved it in poor condition. Off to the Apple
        No monies will be exchanged. Any unswapped plants     miller’s residence:  The Shores of Jupiter, 6526   store with the hope my information can be restored and
      will be donated.                                   Winding Lake Drive, Jupiter, FL 33458              transferred into a new phone. These days are difficult if
       commissioner’s update                                                                                not near impossible. Makes you want to cry “help!” …
                                                                                                            i can’t go on!” Then again, as Glenn, my irrigation guy
                                                                                                            would say when he was stumped, “Oh well.”
                                                                                                            our village
      honoring and Supporting                              The  County  Department of  Housing  and  Economic     Our little place in paradise is aging. Our 599 lots have
                                                         Development makes state and federal financing available to
                                                                                                            long since been built out since we pioneers arrived in circa
      our veterans                                       private and nonprofit developers who construct affordable   1987. Dawn and I purchased a lakeside lot with a great view
                                                         housing with preference for veterans. Additionally, the   in ’88 and watched our home being built. We moved into
      By Commissioner                                    County Commission has urged our federal legislative   the new digs in January 1989. What a proud day.
      Maria Marino                                       delegation to prioritize housing, financial and credit     Over the ensuing 34 years, we have seen a big change
        Each November, we                                counseling programs for veterans.                  in demographics. Many homeowners were older and well-
      observe  Veterans Day to                             Earlier this year, the commission established a Veteran   established people. Over time, they moved on. Newer
      honor Americans who have                           Services Advisory Board to assess the needs of veterans in the   homeowners began to move in. Now, the age change has
      served in the U.S. Armed                           county and to help facilitate coordination between agencies   been dramatic. Much younger adults with young children.
      Forces. As fellow citizens,                        and organizations whose mission is to assist veterans and their   The Shores has maintained its desirability through poor
      we must remember to express                        families. The members of the advisory board are veterans and   economic times. Not only a “wish-I-could live there” for
      our gratitude to veterans,                         others experienced in the areas of mental health and substance   its quality throughout its 599 homesites, but we have the
      who have been willing to                           abuse, financial assistance, housing, employment, mobility   lowest HOA fees to be found. That can be attributed in large
      step in harm’s way to protect                      and a representative of the Veterans Administration Medical   part to wise and frugal handling of superb maintenance of
      us, and the freedoms we hold                       Center. The Veteran Services Advisory Board will report to the   common areas and strict compliance with the corporate
      dear. November also has become the month during which we   commission on needs and gaps in services. Through their input   Architectural Guidelines. We have been blessed with
      observe National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week.   and guidance, the county will take steps to seek additional   talented Board of Directors throughout the years. Choosing
        Sadly, veteran homelessness spans age groups from   resources and help maximize assistance to veterans.  highly qualified property management firms has also been
      those who served in the Korean War and Vietnam era to     The emergency helpline for veterans in Palm Beach   key to our success. Attractive properties are the key to
      the Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts. There are currently   County is 2-1-1. The following link will take you to a   protecting property values.
      more than 67,000 homeless veterans in the United States,   comprehensive list of telephone numbers for veterans seeking   imagine my Surprise
      and roughly 2,500 homeless veterans in Florida. Service   assistance,     During a recent visit with my dermatologist, she detected
      men and women returning home, many with disabilities,     If you know a veteran who is struggling, please share   a suspicious spot on my face. It proved to be carcinoma. Off
      mental illness and post-traumatic stress disorder, struggle   this information with them or have them contact me at   to a talented plastic surgeon. He dug out the cancer making
      transitioning back into civilian life.             (561) 355-2201 and I will connect them with service   a nickel-sized hole. The lab results were that the cancer had
        Palm  Beach County Veterans Services, (561) 355-  providers who can help.
      4761, assists and counsels former and                                                                 Bill’s Box on page 3
      current members of the Armed Forces
      to apply for benefits, including housing,
      disability compensation, education,
      employment, financial assistance, health
      care, and other resources. The county
      works with the U.S. Department of
      Veterans Affairs and the  Department
      of Housing and Urban Development
      through the Rapid Rehousing and
      Supportive Housing programs, but the
      need remains for additional affordable
      housing and support services.

                                                                                    RepoRt SuSpiciouS activity immediately
                                                                                         to the JupiteR police depaRtment

                                                                                                           (561) 799-4445

                                                                                                 Use 911 for emergencies only. Lock car doors.
                                                                                                       Do not leave valuables in the car.
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