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August 2019                                                               August 2019                                                   PGA C.A.N.!, Page 1

       VOL. 29 NO. 8                                    FAX 561-624-9088 • E-MAIL                                        AUGUST 2019

      PGA POA Jottings

      By Dawn Levinstein,                               ordinances. It is important that you hire licensed, insured   Home Improvements
      PGA POA                                           contractors and hire only qualified arborists to trim trees.     Every issue of this paper has a reminder that owners must
         This is my “reminder”                             More information on what to do before, during and after   get written approval from the POA Architectural Review
      issue so I may go on for a while                  a storm can be found on the internet or on the POA website   Committee (“ARC”) for any changes made to the outside
      but there could be something                      at                                of their home or lot. The full requirement is contained
      interesting so read on:                              Once September 1st rolls around we are in the height of   in Article XII of the Amended and Restated By-Laws of
      Summertime And Storms                             storm season so your preparations should be completed well   PGA POA and explains that any and all changes, whether
         For those who maintain                         before that date.                                  permanently affixed or not, requires prior ARC approval.
      their own landscape and                           Money Money Money                                  The application fee for most projects is $25.00 but if you
      trees, you should be getting                         Thank  you  to  those  who  have  paid  the  PGA  POA   combine a few things (painting and roof for example) you
      the trimming done now in                          assessment: You set a new record this year! As of the end of   would only pay one fee. The application fee for applying
      preparation if you haven’t                        July there were fewer than 500 owners who had not paid yet   after you have done the work (and we send a violation
      already done so. Also, the POA Rules require all landscape   (not bad with almost 5,000 homes). It is now August so if you   letter) is $250.00 so please be sure to contact the POA
      debris to be removed at the end of each workday. Only owners   haven’t paid the $740.00 annual assessment to PGA POA,   to find out how to make application for approval of the
      who maintain their own property (and generate their own   your account is now delinquent and interest charges have been   project you are planning. It is actually pretty easy to apply
      clippings) may put debris at the curb on the evening before   posted. The assessment notice was mailed on May 31st and   but written directions can be confusing so Lori Moody (the
      pickup. Also, please be aware that “hat-racking” trees (i.e.:   the payment was due on July 1st. The Board cannot waive   ARC Compliance Administrator) is always happy to help
      removal of the leafy branches leaving only bare branches) is   interest so please call the POA (561) 627-2800 to verify your   you with the process.
      not only detrimental to the health and strength of the tree, but   balance due then mail your check immediately to avoid more
      it is against POA rules and the City of Palm Beach Gardens   penalties.                              PGA POA Jottings on page 7
      Commissioner’s Update

      Community Services Help                           the homeless services that we currently provide at the   resources  in  Palm  Beach  County,  see  http://www.
                                                        Philip D. Lewis Homeless Resource Center in West Palm
      Residents In Tough Times                          Beach. All of these programs function under the umbrella      Additionally, Community Services operates the
                                                        of Community Services.                             Community Action Program to help residents suffering from
      By Commissioner                                      The local “Continuum of Care” for homeless persons   poverty. It serves to fill in the gaps to help people remain
      Hal Valeche                                       as required by HUD, is responsible for utilizing a Client   self-sufficient and includes vocational and occupational
         Chances are, sometime                          Management Information System (CMIS). This information   skills  training,  adult  basic  education  and  employment
      in your everyday life you                         technology system collects data on the clients accessing our   assistance, and transportation assistance. Emergency
      will encounter people who                         services, the services rendered and housing provided for   services are also available in times of crisis for those needing
      are having difficulty making                      those who are currently homeless or at risk of homelessness.   help with a utility payment or rental assistance to prevent
      ends meet and providing                           Many nonprofit and faith-based organizations make up the   eviction. There are specific income eligibility requirements
      for themselves or their                           network of service providers, and the CMIS is designed   based on available programs. To make an appointment with
      families. You may meet                            to collect data from all agencies and organizations that   a counselor at one of five locations around the county, a
      them in your neighborhood,                        the client engages. One of the benefits of the system is to   resident can register online at
      your congregation, or at the                      prevent the duplication of services and the efficient use of  from
      grocery store. Palm Beach                         resources. It also serves as a reporting tool for outcomes and   home or at one of the county public libraries, or call the
      County’s Community Services Department is a valuable   promotes effective access to support services. For example,   main number at (561) 355-4792.
      resource for residents who require assistance with basic   the county can report on indicators like the percentage of      As always, please contact me if I can be of assistance
      living needs and getting on a plan for self-sufficiency.   households who exit to permanent housing when they leave   at (561) 355-2201, or by email at
         The mission of Community Services is  to  promote   an assistance or shelter program. This helps the county
      independence and enhance the quality of life in Palm Beach   evaluate our programs and
      County by providing effective and essential services to   report results to HUD.
      residents in need. Their divisions provide help to seniors,      A client’s entry into the   Experience PGA National
      veterans, low-income individuals and families, and the   CMIS system begins with
      homeless.                                         the very first call. Clients
         Previously, I have shared with you the county’s programs   are assessed to determine   Members Club This Summer!
      to assist homebound seniors with a variety of in-home   vulnerability, and then are
      services and an array of services to help our veterans. You   referred to the appropriate
      may have seen recent news reports of how the County   service provider based on      We’re having the “Best Summer Ever” at PGA National Members Club, and we want
      Commission is working to site a second homeless resource   priority.         your family to be a part of it all!
      center in the central area of the county that would expand      For a guide to homeless      That’s right; there’s never been a better time to experience all the Members Club
                                                                                   has to offer. With the golf courses in spectacular condition, a full calendar of exciting
                                                                                   summer social events and the brand-new club benefits/signature gold program that
                                                                                   extends membership privileges to over 300-plus clubs nationwide, we’ve got more to
                                                                                   offer your family than ever before.
                                                                                      If you’re interested in previewing the PGA National Members Club lifestyle this
                                                                                   summer, contact the membership enrollment office today at (561) 273-2920 to begin
                                                                                   planning your “member for a day” experience!
                                                                                                                                              Best regards,
                                                                                                                         Karen St. Angelo, membership director,
                                                                                                                                 PGA National Members Club
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