Page 12 - Boca Club News - January '22
P. 12

Page 12, Boca Club News
      Council Corner: Happy New Year! Welcome to 2022!

      By Monica Mayotte, who was re-                    the fall/winter. We all know that unforeseen circumstances   of the month around town. The first one is on February 4th
      elected to another term on the Boca               can change this, but the fact that construction is beginning   in Sanborn Square. Farmers’ and Artisans’ Market in Mizner
      Raton City Council, and who is                    is encouraging.                                    Park is every Sunday from 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
      CRA Chair. Ms. Mayotte has been a                    Unfortunately, we are still dealing with the effects of the      Check out the following websites for all the details on
      resident of Boca Raton for more than              COVID-19 pandemic. The new Omicron variant is our most   the activities going on around town. There is so much to
      20 years, active in the community                 recent concern. Please take the time to get your vaccines and   do. I hope you take advantage of all the festivities.
      both in our local schools and as a                boosters, if you haven’t done so already. If you have, your   -
      city advisory board member.                       community thanks you. It is truly the only path to take to   -
         I hope everyone enjoyed the                    put the pandemic in our rear-view mirror. Please continue      As always, please continue to be kind and considerate to
      holiday season. I was able to take some time off to rest and   to wear a mask when you are indoors. I am just as tired of   one another. Feel free to contact me with any city concerns
      reflect on 2021. I hope you were able to do the same. I can   wearing my mask as you are, but it’s the right thing to do   you may have. I can be reached at my email address,
      say with confidence that I am looking forward to what 2022   to protect our community.      or my city cell phone: (561) 212-
      has in store for the City of Boca Raton.             Fortunately, winter in Boca Raton means there are many   5543.
         I am most excited to have our own Brightline station   fun and safe things to do outside.            Take care…Be well.
      opening in 2022. It is currently scheduled to open later in      Food Truck Fridays are taking place on the first Friday
      From the Desk of Palm Beach County Mayor

      Robert S. Weinroth: 2021 Wrap-Up

      Robert Weinroth, a former member                  shortages is $10 million (federal ARP funds) in conjunction   trouble regularly putting nutritious food on the table. Sadly,
      of the Boca Raton City Council, was               with a comprehensive Hunger Relief Plan for seniors and   Palm Beach County has more than 200,000 residents who
      elected  as  a Palm Beach  County                 individuals experiencing homelessness.             struggle with hunger.
      Commissioner to replace Steven                       Substance Abuse/Mental  Health. Substance abuse      The county is committed to taking steps to raise
      Abrams, who retired due to term                   and mental health remain a priority with over $15 million   awareness and provide resources, including the following.
      limits requirements.                              allocated for programs in 2022. Some initiatives include   • Food Assistance Pre-Paid Debit Card: Palm Beach
         I am honored to have been selected             a diversion program that provides treatment and support   County issues pre-paid debit cards to approved residents
      by my fellow commissioners as the                 services to participants and helps them to swiftly return to   to purchase food. To apply, call (561) 355-4792.
      county mayor this past November.                  the community.                                     • Drop and Go Meals: Volunteers deliver meals directly
      As the mayor, I will preside over commission meetings and      Other programs include supportive housing services to   to your door. Contact the Elder Helpline at (866) 684-5885
      serve as the ceremonial head of county government.   adults with severe mental health disorders and outpatient   or 2-1-1 for assistance.
         Economic Development. Palm Beach County (PBC) is   services to children and families. Another example is the   • Meals on Wheels of the Palm Beaches, Inc. (MOWPB):
      experiencing a historic economic recovery! The county’s   ParksRx program which offers over 540 in-person and   MOWPB serves hot meals three days a week and fresh
      unemployment rate was reported at 4.1%, below the national   virtual activities/programs addressing substance use and   frozen meals on the remaining days. To set up service,
      and state averages, and there are more jobs than applicants.  mental wellness.                       please call (561) 802-6979, extension 6.
         PBC was recently identified as the #1 county in the state      Transportation. As a transportation advocate and chair      There are many ways to help this holiday season,
      for growth. This past year, more than 30 companies have   of the Transportation Planning Agency (TPA), one of our   including donating items such as boxed stuffing, canned
      relocated or expanded in PBC, creating over 3,000 high   primary concerns is keeping our roads safe for all users.   vegetables with pop tops, instant mashed potatoes, gravy
      salary jobs and $150 million in capital investment.   In response to an uptick in pedestrian and bicyclist deaths,   and other holiday favorites.
         South County remains a top growth area with incentives   the TPA has implemented a number of programs, including      Nonprofit Highlight: The Kind Kitchen Palm Beach.
      provided for business expansions including ESports Play   unified planning, performance and safety measures for   Since 1987, The Kind Kitchen of Palm Beach (Kind
      LLC and MPLT Healthcare LLC, with a projected economic   pathways and bicycle lanes such as improved signage.   Kitchen) has served our community by providing homemade
      impact of $98 million. Another new project includes      Additionally, I am working to install more electric   glatt kosher meals to any resident in need, including
      NewDay USA, one of the nation’s leading mortgage lenders,   vehicle chargers in more county facilities, including the   homebound seniors and single moms. Volunteers deliver
      which is set to create 600 new jobs.              courthouses, Governmental Center and the Palm Beach   over 2,100 meals monthly and will continue to deliver meals
         Infrastructure. Keeping our roads and bridges in good   County Convention Center.                 throughout December.
      repair  and  filling  potholes  remains  a  priority. To  date,      Agriculture. Agriculture remains one of the county’s      Kind  Kitchen  is  always  in  need  of  volunteers  and
      approximately $40 million has been invested with the   leading industries generating over $1.4 billion a year in   donations for its food pantry. For more information, please
      penny sales tax on infrastructure, including the resurfacing   agricultural sales. PBC leads the nation in the production   call (561) 624-7004.
      of 1,000 lane miles and replacement or rehabilitation of 27   of sugar cane and sweet corn. It also leads the state in the      I would like to extend my best wishes for the holidays
      bridges.                                          production of sweet peppers, lettuce, specialty leaf, rice,   and a happy and healthy New Year!
         During the next few years, over $17.9 million will   radishes, cucumbers, eggplants and sod.         If you require assistance, please contact our office at
      be spent on major road projects in District 4, including      Food Resources. More than 49 million Americans have   (561) 355-2204 or email me at
      resurfacing, intersection and road safety improvements.
      Expect to see road crews on South County roads including
      Federal  Highway, Yamato  Road,  Palmetto  Park  Road,
      Military Trail and Linton Boulevard.
         Housing and Homelessness. Meeting the housing needs
      of our workforce is a top priority, especially in response to             ARCHIVE GALLERIES
      the increased costs of housing. To date, 2,574 workforce
      housing units have been acquired. Of the 2,574 units, 60%
      are rentals, 13% are for-sale units and 14% will be met
      through in-lieu fees.                                        PAYS HIGHER PRICES FOR FINE ART AND ANTIQUES
         As of September 2021, there are 273 for-sale units
      and 1,000 rental units completed or under construction
      throughout the county.                                • Oil Paintings                   • Sterling Silver               • Collectibles
         In addition, the county continues to collaborate with   • Oriental Rugs              • Objects of Art                • Fine Crystal
      local agencies to address homelessness, providing services   • Tapestries               • Sculptures                    • Orientalia
      such as interim housing, rapid re-housing and job training.
      The Board of County Commissioners (BCC) has also      • Fine Furniture                  • Bronzes                       • Tiffany Items
      approved $8 million in funding for a second mid-county   • Service Plates               • Porcelain                     • Clocks
      Homeless Resource Center.
         Budget. For the past 11 years, the BCC has not
      increased the property tax rate and saving taxpayers’ money       We Also Purchase Men’s And Ladies’ Items Including:
      remains a priority for me. With the approved $5.9 billion
      budget for 2022, priorities will include housing, economic   • Old Watches • Cufflinks • Smoking Items • Coins • Antique Jewelry
      development, hunger relief and public safety.           • Designer Handbags • Fine Modern Jewelry • Vintage Costume Jewelry
         Additionally, the BCC recently set the funding
      allocations for the $290 million in federal American
      Rescue Plan (ARP) funds with a focus on water and sewer,                  One Piece Or Entire Contents Purchased
      broadband and cybersecurity, infrastructure and affordable/
      workforce housing.                                            CALL NOW FOR A FREE CONSULTATION, NO OBLIGATION
         Hunger Relief. In 2021, the BCC invested over $39
      million from the CARES Act funds to support our local food
      system by supporting farmers, pantries and food banks.
         The budget allocation for 2022 addressing food           CASH                      561-498-7536                                COURTEOUS
                                                                PAYMENTS                                                                  IN HOME
                                                              UPON REQUEST                                                                SERVICE
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