Page 13 - Boca Club News - January '22
P. 13

Boca Club News, Page 13
      Memo from County Tax Collector Anne M. Gannon:

      Things to Know in the New Year!

      By Anne M. Gannon, Constitutional                    View Payment Status Online. Did you know that you   Raton. Connected Warriors has been providing services for
      Tax Collector serving Palm Beach                  can check the status of your payment in five easy steps?   over 170,000 veterans nationwide the past 11 years through
      County. You can reach her office                  Step 1. Visit our payment site:   partnerships with the Department of Defense and Department
      by  Email:  ClientAdvocate@                       Step 2. Click the tab you wish to check the status of: Property   of Veteran Affairs through its therapeutic yoga programs. Phone: (561)                 Tax, Business Tax, Tangible Tax, Tourist Development Tax.     The Connected Warriors Center will allow veterans of all
      355-4271.                                         Step 3. Click the drop down to search by: Name, Account   eras faster access to licensed and professional mental health
         First, Happy New Year to you and               number, Address, etc.                              treatment. The therapists are either veterans themselves
      your family and friends. I am hopeful             Step 4. Once you find your information, click on the account   or are experts in the veterans’ culture. There is no cost to
      that 2022 will be a very good year as             number highlighted in blue.                        veterans and services are covered by the 2018 Mission Act
      we return to some level of normalcy. The new year typically   Step 5. Look at the right-hand side under the text that says   as well as local donations. The new center is designed to
      means declaring well-intended resolutions. While not a   “COLLECTION CART” to see your payment status.  provide veterans the support necessary to overcome the
      traditional resolution, I always look forward to this time of      Coming to a Neighborhood Near You. After so many   trauma of war and military service through customized
      year when the weather offers cooler temperatures and gorgeous   ups and downs over the course of the pandemic, we, like   treatment plans along with their trauma conscious yoga
      sunny days, and I can commit to spending more time working   you, are excited to be back out in the community and   practice. Treatment options include hyperbaric chambers,
      in my garden.                                     returning to a “new normal.” Our team of Community   equine therapy, adaptive sports, aquatics training and yoga.
         From  planting and  weeding  to  tending  to  my very   Engagement Ambassadors will be visiting Palm Beach      Connected Warriors is located at 21301 Powerline
      productive honeybees, the South Florida winter months, with   County community events and associations in the coming   Road, Suite 106 in Boca Raton. If you or a loved one
      the lower humidity and cooler temperatures, give me greater   months, and they look forward to seeing you there!  need assistance, call (954) 278-3764 or email info@
      opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and my garden. Gardening      Some annual events, such as the Palm Beach Pride
      has always been a passion of mine and I am so honored to   parade and festival in Lake Worth Beach in March, and Belle   Important Dates and Deadlines:
      have recently been appointed to the Board of Directors for   Glade’s Black Gold Jubilee in April, are open to the public   January 17th – Martin Luther King Holiday – Offices Closed
      the Mounts Botanical Garden, which is Palm Beach County’s   and all are welcome to attend. Our team will be there with   January 31st – Last day to receive 2% discount on property
      oldest and largest botanical garden. If you, like me, share a love   educational materials and ready to answer your questions   tax payment
      for the outdoors and the many native plants here in Florida, I   about our services. Other outreach events we participate in
      encourage you to visit Mounts Botanical Garden at 531 North   are held for smaller groups such as civic or homeowners’
      Military Trail, West Palm Beach. You can visit www.mounts.  associations.
      org for more information and maybe I will see you there!     If you are a member of an association that would benefit
         New Year Resolution: More You Time! Our agency wants   from educational information from the Tax Collector’s
      to help you accomplish your resolutions in 2022 by freeing   Office, reach out to us at by
      up your time. With the many services we offer, we expect at   choosing “Community Engagement Request” on the right-
      some point you might need to schedule a visit to one of our   hand side of the webpage. A member of the team will follow
      service centers or perhaps call our office for assistance. Here   up to see how we can best partner with your group.
      are some tips to save you time.                      Follow us on social media: @TaxPBC on Twitter and
         Convenient Payment Options.  We offer several   Instagram, and @PBCTAX on Facebook to see where we
      convenient payment options, such as: online e-Check and   will be headed next – perhaps to a neighborhood event near
      credit card payments, mail, drop boxes located in each of our   you. We look forward to seeing you soon!
      services centers, self-serve kiosks for vehicle registrations,      New Veterans’ Mental Health Resource in Palm
      and wire transfers. We don’t, however, offer payments over   Beach County. Local veterans have a new resource to help
      the phone so we encourage you to visit https://www.pbctax.  treat mental health issues. Connected Warriors, a 501(c)(3)
      com/payment-options/ for more information.        nonprofit, has opened a new behavioral health center in Boca


                 The exclusive Bocaire Country Club is an intimate boutique club of only 239 homes, boasting no tee times on a renowned championship golf
                         course.  Tennis program, fitness center, fine dining, social events, resort style aquatics center. Bocaire is friendly and active!

         Sian’s Featured Bocaire Listings

                       4555 Bocaire Blvd.                              4976 Bocaire Blvd.                               17535 Bocaire Way
                        5570 square feet                                 4089 square feet                      4703 square feet Completely Renovated
                      Offered at $949,000                             Offered at $1,249,000                            Offered at $2,150,000
                                       Sian Matthew PA

                                             Bocaire Resident Realtor
                                        Highland Beach Resident Realtor
                                                   Coldwell Banker
                                     Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist
                                               561-945-6550                                                                 PENDING

                                                                               4634 Bocaire Blvd.
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18