Page 1 - Talk of Tequesta - January '22
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VOL. 25 NO. 1 JANUARY 2022
Fundraising EvEnt
The Arc Raises $77,650 With WILD Pants Party
The Arc of Palm Beach County puts the
“fun” in fundraising. On Dec. 2, supporters and
clients celebrated the finale of the annual WILD
Pants fundraiser with a rowdy runway show at
Gehring Group in Palm Beach Gardens. The
party celebrated individuality, innovation, and
community spirit, and raised more than $77,650
to support programs for people with disabilities.
Throughout the fall, advocates for The Arc
used social media and personal outreach to
show off their outrageous pants and compete for
the title of top fundraiser. At the finale, Aaron
and Julie Menitoff took home top honors and
the championship belt. Josh Sandquist hyped
up the crowd and earned the popular vote.
Fundraising Event on page 4 Jessica McCarten, Nika Wolfs Thelma Pollard, Yaka Canubida April Osborne Julie and Aaron Menitoff
tEquEsta ProFilE tEquEsta sPotlight
Hundreds Of Palm Beach Zoo & Spirit Of Jupiter
Conservation Society Supporters High School
Enjoyed The Annual Do At The Zoo Marching Band
Palm Beach Zoo & Conservation Society kicked off Wins Title
the Palm Beach social season with its highly anticipated
annual al fresco evening for wildlife, Do at the Zoo – A
Culinary Social Under the Stars, on Dec. 2. The Spirit of Jupiter High School Marching Band had
More than 300 guests began their zoo adventure with something to prove.
a welcome by Wilbur the celebrity sloth and Perus the Missing the last two year’s state band competition
precocious hyacinth macaw. Strolling farther into the seasons after they were called off because of the
culinary social celebration, guests enjoyed delectable pandemic, the Spirit of Jupiter was eager to compete for
bites from a variety of top-rated local restaurants while the first time since 2019.
sipping festive cocktails, and coming nose-to-whiskers
with some of the zoo’s most fascinating animals.
Other highlights included live music and exclusive
access to Zoo Lights, Palm Beach Zoo’s eco-friendly
holiday lights tradition presented by Florida Power &
Light (FPL) SolarNow .
Dinah Evan, Don Silpe, Ruth Baum, Linda Silpe Funds raised at Do at the Zoo help save wildlife in wild
places and provide care for
the zoo’s animal residents,
many of which are rare,
endangered or orphaned.
Chairmen of this successful
event were Ruth Baum, Dr.
Dan Comerford, and Cy and
Lulu Ryan.
Tequesta Profile Tequesta Spotlight on page 6
on page 3