Page 18 - PGA Community News- March '22
P. 18

Page 18, PGA C.A.N.!                                                 March 2022                                                                                                                                                    March 2022
      Book Review...

      Taste: My Life Through Food                       as you devour these pages at a hungry pace. (Tucci also   through his mouth
                                                        assumes you won’t mind his occasional use of the four-  again.  Having
      By Nils A. Shapiro                                letter “F___” word whenever he deems it appropriate!)  lost his first wife,
         Of the many hats fit                              Born in Westchester County, a suburb of New York   Kathryn, to cancer,
      to be worn by Stanley                             City, Tucci was raised by parents who had immigrated   he  describes
      Tucci—actor, writer,                              from the Italian town of Calabria and carried on the old   the experience
      producer, director, with                          traditions, most especially the closeness of family and   of fac i ng t ha t
      70 films to his credit plus                       the importance of homemade meals from the recipes of   medical diagnosis,
      scores of  performances  in                       the old country and enjoyed together around the kitchen   the decisions he
      television series, Broadway                       table ... with a special fuss on holidays.         had  to  make,  and
      shows, Grammy-winning                                The early pages of this book warm the reader with   the  six  months  of
      recordings and more—it’s                          Tucci’s memories of his days growing up among family   treatment.
      a safe bet that the hat he is                     and friends, and when he describes the many dishes such      While Tucci’s
      most comfortable wearing,                         as Ragu Tucci, Spaghetti with Lentils, Timpano, or a   memoir ends
      and most enjoys, is the white chef’s toque.       deceptively simple-sounding Tomato Salad, he presents   be fore  t he
         That is abundantly clear to anyone who has the   the recipes right there in the book for you to try!  production of his
      good fortune to experience Tucci’s delicious and richly      In all, there are almost two dozen recipes included   latest television
      rewarding memoir that quickly, and deservedly, landed   in these pages, most of them his family’s own favorites,   success, we know
      on the national bestseller lists and has been there for the   but he has added several from among his world-famous   the result of such
      past several months.                              restaurant chef friends, and added his versions of such   treatment from the fact that he recently took home an
         I had not realized that this is actually Tucci’s third   drinks as a Negroni up, an old-fashioned, and the martini.  Emmy  for  his  six-part  television  documentary  series,
      published book, the first two having been  The  Tucci      One friend from his high school days, Campbell Scott,   Stanley Tucci: Searching For Italy, in which he tours the
      Cookbook and The Tucci Table. But, as the opening text   is the son of actors George C. Scott and Colleen Dewhurst,   regions of that country bringing viewers a taste of their
      of this new book’s dustcover’s flyleaf explains, “From   who, when she was starring on Broadway, got the two   famous foods and cultures.
      award-winning actor and food obsessive Stanley Tucci   young men roles as soldiers in her play. That was in 1982,      To say that I devoured this book after just a few bites
      comes an intimate and charming memoir of his life in   Tucci’s start in show business after he had majored in   of the first several pages in an understatement. I finished
      and out of the kitchen.”                          drama in college.                                  its 286 pages in only two sittings — and there are several
         I have italicized the above words because they are      Since then, this formidable talent has racked up more   good reasons.
      what is the very heart of this book. While food has always   than 35 nominations at such wide-ranging festivals as      To begin with, Tucci has a self-deprecating sense
      been a big part of his life—from his childhood growing   the Academy Awards,  Golden  Globes,  Emmys, Tonys,   of humor that is quite charming. The following brief
      up in a warm, loving immigrant Italian family to the   Grammys, Golden Globes, Screen Actors Guild, Film   excerpt that ends the book’s Introduction section offers
      world travels made possible by his star-studded career—  Critics Circle and others, and he has taken home top prize   an example of this, and makes him such an endearing
      there is so much more to this man, and it is reflected in   14 of those times.                       companion in print that one can’t help but feel he must be
      the down-to-earth, easygoing writing style and sense of      As one would expect in a book about as prolific   a fun guy to know, and wish that you could spend some
      humor that cannot help but give you the feeling you are   an actor as Tucci, he counts many A-listers among his   time with him in person over a few good meals:
      having a deeply personal conversation with a close friend   personal friends, and they turn up in these pages from time     focusing on food than I do on acting, as is evidenced by
                                                                                                             “... I probably spend more time thinking about and
                                                        to time, but only in appropriate and interesting settings
      It’s The Law!                                     during discussions of career experiences that make it clear   some of my recent performances; it seems appropriate
                                                                                                           that this primary passion take yet another form: that of a
                                                        he is not into name-dropping just for the sake of it.
                                                           But Taste is more than just a story of a life filled with   memoir of sorts. The following pages offer a taste of such
      Did You Know That,                                pleasure and success. Tucci’s first wife, Kathryn, whom   a memoir. I hope you find them palatable. (More puns to
                                                        he married in 1995 and with whom he had three children,
      In Florida…                                       died of cancer in 2009.                               Secondly, I myself was born in The Bronx, a borough
                                                           A little over a year later, actress Emily Blunt, with   of New York City, and, together with my brother Don,
      By Adam S. Gumson, Esq.                           whom Tucci had appeared in an earlier film, introduced   was raised by deeply loving parents in the same kind of
         If a  child support                            him to her sister, Felicity, an agent residing in London.   tight, close-knit family, with nearby grandparents, uncles,
      order has been violated,                          They got to know each other and were married in 2012.   aunts, cousins, almost always enjoyed home-cooked meals
      the nonpaying party may                           With her two children from a previous marriage, theirs is   from European Jewish recipes ... so I related completely
      be in  contempt of court                          now a family of seven. Tucci, who despises Los Angeles   to Tucci’s descriptions of his growing-up years.
      if the failure to pay is                          and avoids it as much as possible, now calls London home.     And, finally, I can only add that the very first pages of
      deemed willful by the court.                         Knowing all of the above about Stanley Tucci, what   this book after the Introduction and the book’s very last
      However, even if one party                        do you think would be a terrible punishment to inflict   pages are brilliantly tied together in a way that brought
      isn’t paying, he/she still has                    on him? At Christmastime of 2017, Tucci was diagnosed   tears to my eyes as I closed the cover ... and just sat there
      a right to see his/her child                      with a large cancerous tumor at the base of his tongue.   for a while, so grateful for having gotten to know this very
      so the other party cannot                         Surgery would mean that he could never eat nor taste   special man. You should do the same.
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