Page 7 - PGA Community News- March '22
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March 2022                                                                March 2022                                                    PGA C.A.N.!, Page 7
      Northern Notes

      Maintenance Is The Key                             part of a planned program
                                                         and each staff person
      By Katie Roundtree,                                knows the schedule for the
      Director of Finance and                            improvements under their
      Administration, Northern                           care. These inspections and
      Palm Beach County                                  services are conducted by
      Improvement District                               a combination of staff and
         We all know that the best                       contractors. An  example
      way to keep our car, our air                       is the inspection of pipes/
      conditioning and even our                          culverts. Staff can perform
      lawnmowers running at peak                         a visual inspection of the
      efficiency is to have them                         visible sections of a pipe
      serviced regularly. This is a                      but only a diver can conduct
      principle that people try to                       an inspection of the pipe’s
      live by because, in the long run, it saves us time and money.   interior. Another example
      It is also one of the principles on which Northern operates   is the inspection of the
      every day.                                         pumps at each of the pump
         Northern’s staff perform regular inspections and servicing   stations. Staff can perform
      of the various improvements we own and operate. They are   the general servicing that

                   Upscale Resale

         Experience The Difference

                                                                                                           keeps the pumps operational but only a specialist can hoist a
          New and consigned furniture, unique lighting, accessories and gifts.                             pump out of the water and perform the full mechanical service
              Complete wallpaper and fabric library for all your design needs.                             that maintains the working life of the pump. On their own,
                                                                                                           or in conjunction with a contractor, Northern’s staff works
                                                                                                           every day to keep the inspections schedule on track.
                                                                                                             Regular inspection and servicing enables Northern to get
                    New 23,000 sq. ft.  Location                                                             the best possible working life from each of its improvements
                                                                                                           and to have excellent long-term planning for the replacement/
                                                                                                           upgrade of systems. Northern’s staff prepares a Five-Year
           Consign and Design has EXPANDED! They have moved to a new, much                                 Maintenance and Capital Projects Plan that documents the
           larger location at 7700 N Military Trail. The previous “Golf Store” has been                    future needs of each area that we serve. The plan is used
                                                                                                           to forecast future projects based on priority and budgetary
           redesigned  and  it’s  gorgeous!  Consign  and  Design  has  been  the  place                   considerations. The plan specifically identifies projects in
           to buy and consign for the last 20 years. They specialize in working with                       excess of $10,000 and categorizes them into maintenance
           high-end  homes,  upscale  designers,  and  luxury  model  homes.  Multiple                     or capital depending on the funding source. Maintenance
           celebrities and sports legends have used their services and shoppers have                       projects are typically funded through the annual budget where
           purchased incredible pieces as a result. With wait times for furniture at                       capital projects are typically funded through the issuance of
                                                                                                           debt. This document is updated annually during the budget
           more  than  a  year  in  some  instances,  luxury  consignment  brings  great                   process and is used as a tool for scheduling and budgeting
           value. They also carry fabulous new artwork, lighting, and accessories. If                      projects. The plan is intended to be a working document and
           you haven’t experienced Consign and Design, check it out soon! You won’t                        is revised periodically to reflect the changing dynamics of
           believe the buys. At least 5 trucks roll in weekly and it goes out fast!                        the district.
                                                                                                              Northern’s staff works hard every day to ensure that the
                                                                                                           improvements that they maintain are in top condition and
           Nanci Smith, the owner, has had a fabulous store in Wellington for years                        working order. We strive to provide the highest quality service
           but decided to expand in the Gardens 5 years ago. She couldn’t be happier                       to the landowners that we serve.
           with  that  decision.  She  states,  “I  knew  we  would  do  well  because  our                   NPDES tip: Safely use and dispose pesticide. If all of
           Wellington clients expect a certain level of service and I felt we could deliver                the pesticide cannot be properly used, check with your solid
           that in a different way than others in the Gardens, Jupiter, Stuart area. Our                   waste management authority to find out when and where to
                                                                                                           properly dispose of this type of hazardous waste.
           store was well received here and the time has come to expand. We also
           fill a void for well curated artwork and accessories. Art is one of our top
           categories, and it’s hard to find in the mid range price point. It’s either very                        Reminder From
           cheap or super expensive. People want original and unique pieces without                            Palm Beach Gardens
           purchasing a name. We offer new and consigned items at a fraction of the
           price and you can take it home today!”                                                                Police Department
                                                                                                                     Adopt These Habits To
                                                                                                                  Prevent Vehicle Burglaries

                                                                                                               • Please lock your vehicle doors every time
                                                                                                             – even for a quick stop or at home.
                                                                                                               • Never leave items of any kind inside your
                                                                                                             vehicle. Hiding items doesn’t work!
                                                                                                               • At a minimum, if you must leave items,
                                                                                                             place them in your trunk.
                                                                                                               • Cell phone/iPod power cords, GPS holders
                               Call us to sell. See us to buy.                                               and other key sets act as neon signs.

        31,000 total sq. ft. in 2 locations to serve you!                                                      • Park in well-lit areas, stay alert and call
                                                                                                             in any suspicious activities to the police
        PALM BEACH GARDENS:                                                                                  department nonemergency number: 799-4445.
        7700 N Military Trail • 561.694.0964
        WELLINGTON: Wellington Marketplace
        13857 Wellington Trace • 561.798.5222
                                                                             Nanci Smith, CEO
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