Page 8 - Boca Club News - May '22
P. 8

Page 8, Boca Club News


      Mayor’s Update:

      Boca Raton Infrastructure and School Upgrades

      Scott Singer is the 35th Mayor                       For many governments, from the federal level to nearby   In August, it will open as the first additional public school
      of Boca Raton. A South Florida                    cities, one of their biggest problems is infrastructure: failing   in Boca Raton in nearly two decades. How did we get here?
      native, attorney, mediator, and small             roads, bursting pipes and other issues. We have prevented   Again, it comes back to hustle and partnership.
      business owner, Scott and his wife                countless problems by investing in these crucial assets year      Boca Raton was already ahead of all other cities in Palm
      Bella live in Broken Sound with their             after year. In fact, we are in the midst of a multi-year, half-  Beach County in getting two of the first seven schools to be
      two young children.                               billion-dollar campaign to upgrade our roads, sidewalks   rebuilt with sales surtax funds. This school was originally
         Last month, I spoke of how                     and network of underground utilities, as part of the city’s   planned to go elsewhere. When that site fell through, we moved
      hustle helped us bring business and               Innovative Sustainable Infrastructure Program.     quickly to donate 15 acres to bring the new school to our city. We
      amenities to Boca Raton, including                   The innovation comes from using advanced sensors to   got this new campus only because we seized this opportunity,
      the new Brightline station slated to open in the fall in   detect problems and prioritize areas to be replaced. Boca   becoming the first city in at least 30 years to do so. After our
      Downtown Boca Raton. Brightline is just one of our many   Square is only one of more than a dozen neighborhoods that   initiative, years of planning and much collaboration, we look
      investments to address traffic and build infrastructure for   have undergone major improvements in the last few years.   forward to the opening in August. Our creative partnership with
      roads, utilities, schools and more.               The upgrades above and below ground are done together to   the District will add nearly 1,200 student seats, serving both the
         Newspaper articles from the 1960s talk about a traffic   save millions in costs. It also saves residents money each   many families in Boca Raton and creating space for more new
      problem in Boca Raton, so that has long been a concern.   month; our water rates are only a fraction of what some   students as more people move here.
      To address it, we are constantly upgrading our technology   nearby cities charge.                       The investments in infrastructure both help us continue
      to better time our traffic lights and, unlike other cities, have      This work on Southwest 12th Avenue in the Boca Square   to deliver outstanding services and also help our bottom
      synchronized control of all intersections. The North Federal   neighborhood was completed in time for the opening last   line. Boca Raton again has one of the lowest tax rates of
      Highway corridor has historically lagged other areas because   August of the new Addison Mizner School. 2021 was the   any full-service city in Florida. And when you layer in the
      of limited road connections.                      second of three straight years that we will see a new, state-  additional costs, like the water fees that are much higher in
         I am pleased that we are in planning stages to connect Clint   of-the-art public school added to Boca Raton. We appreciate   other cities, we see how much more efficiently we serve our
      Moore Road across the railroad tracks to Jeffery Street within   our strong partnership with the School District and Board   residents–with the higher level of service we expect for our
      the next few years. We have only a few options to link major   Chair Frank Barbieri, and it was this partnership that takes   city. You can see some great slides showing these savings,
      roadways and this connection will be a major improvement.   us to our next topic, schools.           and other topics, as part of the recent State of the City address
      We have also invested in more options for bicyclists and      Progress continues on the brand-new Blue Lake   at
      pedestrians. This year, we will begin work on connecting   Elementary, which will be located off Military Trail. For the      Please  email  me  at  with  any
      our award-winning El Rio Trail with the expanded multi-use   past two years, this site was used as a temporary school while   thoughts and stay connected with me on social media @
      path along Palmetto Park Road.                    both Addison Mizner and Verde K-8 were under construction.   ScottSingerUSA on all platforms.
      Council Corner: Downtown Updates

      By Monica Mayotte, who was                        for the organization for the property on the NE corner of   the rest of our downtown parking, you can pay at a meter
      re-elected to another term on                     Mizner Park and the Mizner Park Amphitheater. I am excited   or by using the ParkMobile app which can be downloaded
      the Raton City Council, and who                   and hopeful that this project will move forward.   to a smartphone from your App Store.
      is CRA Chair. Ms. Mayotte has                        And, a heads up: more parking meters are coming to      Lastly, I’d like to highlight our city libraries. They are a
      been a resident of Boca Raton                     downtown Boca Raton. This can be a divisive topic, but let   wonderful community amenity that is enjoyed by residents
      for more than 20 years, active in                 me explain why parking meters help ensure there are more   of all ages. Our libraries are fully open so come in, look
      the community both in our local                   available parking spaces when you come to the downtown.   around, and even check out some books. Our libraries offer
      schools and as a city advisory                    When parking is free, there is no reason for drivers to move   many interesting programs and classes. You can check out
      board member.                                     their cars. People who live downtown will take up these   all of the libraries’ offerings at and
         Spring has sprung! There are so many exciting initiatives   spaces instead of parking in their own parking facilities
      happening around town.                            because it is more convenient. This makes it difficult for      As always, please continue to be kind and considerate
         Our new Brightline station is under construction. The   visitors to the downtown who want to shop or dine to find   to one another.
      official groundbreaking ceremony was held in January. But   parking.                                    Feel free to contact me with any city concerns you may
      now, actual shovels and all types of heavy equipment are      The newest meters will be located on Palmetto Park Road   have. I can be reached at my email address: mmayotte@
      being used to build both the train station and the new parking   between Federal Highway and NE 5th Avenue, along SE or my city cell phone: (561) 212-5543.
      garage. If all goes well, we are hopeful that the station will   3rd Ave, SE 4th Ave, and along Royal Palm Way. Just like      Take care. Be well.
      be opened towards the end of the year.
         The city council held a discussion in April at a City
      Council Workshop about the ground lease for the proposed
      Boca Raton Center for Arts and Innovation in Mizner Park.   Home Health Care
      We discussed the final outstanding issues for a ground lease
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