Page 13 - Boca Exposure - May '22
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Boca Exposure, Page 13

      The Jewish Women’s Foundation from page 12         the exclusive magazine sponsor, and the in-kind sponsor      Fitness and Fun Program, created during the pandemic,
                                                         was Southern Glazer’s Wine and Spirits.           ensures JARC’s clients remain physically active and
         “As JWF chair, I am looking forward to continuing the      For information about JWF or on becoming a trustee,   mentally engaged through professional yoga, dance,
      exciting and positive momentum that Randee and our JWF   visit You may also contact Tanya   aerobics, and tai chi classes.
      have built. We recently welcomed several new trustees, as we   Miller, director, Jewish Women’s Foundation, at (561)   PJ Library : $5,000
      look to continually broaden our women’s giving circle so we   852-3166 or           The new grandparent’s add-on program initiative of PJ

      can fulfill all our grant requests in the future. Additionally, we   2022 Jewish Women’s Foundation Of   Our Way  provides free, high-quality children’s books,
      want to focus on building an endowment to ensure the future                                          music, and resources that foster deeper engagement with
      of JWF through legacy giving opportunities,” said Rosenberg.  South Palm Beach County Grant Awards   Jewish life.
         Finally, Haley Moss, an exceptional speaker who   Community Grants – $90,000                      March Of The Living Southern Region: $20,000
      continues to challenge barriers, inspired the audience.   The Levis Jewish Community Center’s Schwedelson      From March to Miriam (FMTM) multigenerational
      Moss, a University of Miami law school graduate,   Special Needs Department: $10,000                 program is matching Holocaust survivors with teens and
      passed the bar and is Florida’s first openly autistic      Camp Kavod’s Counselors-in-Training with Special   adults to enrich everyone’s lives and never forget.
      attorney. Recently featured on The Today Show, Moss   Needs Program is for approximately ten young adults and   Ruth And Norman Rales Jewish Family Services:
      spoke eloquently for 20 minutes, without notes or a   teens to serve as counselors-in-training at summer camp this   $12,500
      teleprompter, and captivated the crowd.            year.                                                Fresh Start Program provides training and other
         Sponsors include the CPA firm of Gerson, Preston,   Hillel Of Broward And Palm Beaches: $10,000   resources to attain financial independence for 40 women
      Klein, Lips, Eisenberg, and Gelber and the investment      Jewish Learning Fellowship (JLF) program is for college   and children who are survivors of domestic abuse.
      management firm, Glenmede, which generously sponsors   women looking for a safe place to share their ideas related   Liumi West Retreat: $5,000
      the Jacobson Jewish Community Foundation. The Boca   to Judaism.                                        Women’s Wellness in the Garden program provides
      Raton Regional Hospital Foundation sponsored the 2022   Jewish Association For Residential Care (JARC FL):   women and girls with gardening and sustainability tools
      Granting Wishes event. The Boca Raton Observer was   $7,500                                          and resources.
                                                                                                           The Hanley Foundation: $5,000
                                                                                                              Marijuana and  Vaping Prevention Program is
                                                                                                           conducted at local Jewish schools, including Donna Klein
                                                                                                           Jewish Academy.
                                                                                                           Southern NCSY (National Conference Of Synagogue
                                                                                                           Youth): $15,000
                                                                                                              Hate Ends Now Tour educates and engages about anti-
                                                                                                           Semitism today with a 360-degree immersive show in a
                                                                                                           replica cattle car with actors, voices, and stories related
                                                                                                           to the Holocaust.
                 NEUROLOGY                                                                                 Israel Grant – $15,000
                                                                                                           Am Yisrael Foundation: $15,000
           Stroke risk and stroke symptoms in women                                                          generation with the elderly to create new connections,
                                                                                                             Adopt a Safta program brings together the younger
                                                                                                           memories, and purpose.
           You probably know that stroke is one of the                                                     Micro-Grant Fund Initiative: Up To $1,800 For Each
           top causes of death worldwide. But did you
           know that it disproportionately affects women?                                                  Grant
                                                                                                              To develop the next generation of future Jewish leaders
           According to the American Heart Association/                                                    and philanthropists, local teens and young adults with a
           American Stroke Association, one in five                                                        project or program to enlighten or improve the community
           women will have a stroke. So, if you’re a                                                       can apply.
           woman, it’s important to understand your                                                        About The Jewish Federation Of South Palm Beach
           unique risk factors and be aware of the early                                                   County
           signs of stroke in women.                                                                          Established in 1979, the JFSPBC is made up of Jewish

           Stroke symptoms in women                                                                        and social service organizations, synagogues and schools
           The most common stroke symptoms are the                                                         that provide valued services and programs to recipients in
           same in both sexes, including:                                                                  South Palm Beach County, in Israel and around the world.
           •  Face drooping                                                                                The JFSPBC is also comprised of local residents, including
           •  Arm weakness                               Science-based recommendations                     lay leadership, volunteer, donors, professional staff, rabbis,
           •  Speech difficulty                          The guidelines from the American Heart Association/  educators, event participants and students. Situated on a
           •  Vision troubles                            American Stroke Association provide science-based   100-acre campus in west Boca Raton – the largest in the
           •  Balance or coordination problems           recommendations, including:                       nation – the JFSPBC supports more than 70 benefi ciaries,
           •  Severe headache without a cause            •  Women with a history of high blood pressure    engages with more than 5,000 donors, and connects more
                                                                                                           than 130,000 residents. To learn more about how we
                                                           before pregnancy should be considered for low-
           Some women experience other, more subtle early   dose aspirin and/or a calcium supplement to    contribute to a shared vision for the Jewish community,
           signs of stroke that may be easy to brush off. This   lower risks of preeclampsia, a serious high blood   visit or call (561) 852-3100.
           includes fatigue, confusion, general weakness and   pressure pregnancy disorder.                             Photos by Jeffrey Tholl Photography, 2022
           nausea or vomiting.
                                                         •  Preeclampsia should be recognized as a risk factor
           Any sudden, unexplainable loss in function should   well after pregnancy, because women who have
           prompt a call to a healthcare provider. If it is a   preeclampsia have twice the risk of stroke and a
           stroke, getting treatment immediately can make all   four-fold risk of high blood pressure later in life.
           the difference.                               •  Other risk factors such as smoking, high cholesterol
                                                           and obesity in women with preeclampsia should be
           Stroke risk factors                             treated early.
           Women and men share the major stroke risk factors:
           smoking, high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol.  •  Pregnant women who have moderately high blood
                                                           pressure may be considered for blood pressure
           But according to Sara Huser, DO, a Cleveland Clinic   medication. Expectant mothers with severe high
           Florida neurologist, there are other risk factors   blood pressure should be treated.
           that are unique to women. These include certain   •  Women should be screened for high blood
           hormones, childbirth, pregnancy, birth control pills   pressure before taking birth control pills, because
           and migraine headaches with aura. This is why   the combination raises stroke risks.
           women have their own set of stroke prevention   •  Women who have migraine headaches with aura
           guidelines with strategies to help reduce their risk.
                                                           should stop smoking to avoid higher stroke risks.
           “There are specific guidelines for women,” says Dr.   •  Women older than 75 should be screened for
           Huser, who sees patients at Cleveland Clinic Florida’s   atrial fibrillation risk, because it’s linked to higher
           Tomsich Health and Medical Center of Palm Beach   stroke risk.
           County. “If you have high blood pressure, diabetes or
           cholesterol, or if you’re taking oral contraceptive pills   Sticking to healthy lifestyle behaviors – like
           and smoking, those are major risk factors that you   maintaining a healthy body mass index, eating a
           need to pay attention to if you are female.”  diet rich in fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly
                                                         and not smoking – has been shown to reduce stroke
           The good news is that some of these factors can be   incidence in women and improve stroke outcomes in
           changed or addressed.                         both men and women.

                          TALK WITH AN EXPERT.
                          From stroke recovery and specialized spine care to brain tumor surgery,
                          Cleveland Clinic Florida provides comprehensive care for every neurological
                          condition. Call 877.463.201 to schedule an appointment or visit
                 to learn more.
              Sara Huser, DO
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