Page 18 - Boca Exposure - May '22
P. 18

Page 18, Boca Exposure
      Mayor’s Update:

      Boca Raton Infrastructure And School Upgrades

      Scott Singer is the 35th                           expanded multiuse path along Palmetto Park Road.   additional public school in Boca Raton in nearly two
      Mayor of Boca Raton.                                  For many governments, from the federal level to nearby   decades. How did we get here? Again, it comes back to
      A South Florida native,                            cities, one of their biggest problems is infrastructure: failing   hustle and partnership.
      attorney, mediator, and                            roads, bursting pipes and other issues. We have prevented      Boca Raton was already ahead of all other cities in
      small business owner, Scott                        countless problems by investing in these crucial assets year   Palm Beach County in  getting two  of  the first seven
      and his wife Bella live in                         after year. In fact, we are in the midst of a multiyear, half-  schools to be rebuilt with sales surtax funds. This school
      Broken Sound with their                            billion-dollar campaign to upgrade our roads, sidewalks   was originally planned to go elsewhere. When that site fell
      two young children.                                and network of underground utilities, as part of the city’s   through, we moved quickly to donate 15 acres to bring
         Last month, I spoke of                          Innovative Sustainable Infrastructure Program.    the new school to our city. We got this new campus only
      how hustle helped us bring                            The innovation comes from using advanced sensors to   because we seized this opportunity, becoming the first
      business and amenities                             detect problems and prioritize areas to be replaced. Boca   city in at least 30 years to do so. After our initiative, years
      to Boca Raton, including                           Square is only one of more than a dozen neighborhoods   of planning and much collaboration, we look forward to
      the new Brightline station slated to open in the fall in   that have undergone major improvements in the last few   the opening in August. Our creative partnership with the
      Downtown Boca Raton. Brightline is just one of our many   years. The upgrades above and below ground are done   district will add nearly 1,200 student seats, serving both
      investments to address traffic and build infrastructure for   together to save millions in costs. It also saves residents   the many families in Boca Raton and creating space for
      roads, utilities, schools and more.                money each month; our water rates are only a fraction of   more new students as more people move here.
         Newspaper articles from the 1960s talk about a traffic   what some nearby cities charge.             The investments in infrastructure both help us continue
      problem in Boca Raton, so that has long been a concern.      This work on S.W. 12th Avenue, in the Boca Square   to deliver outstanding services and also help our bottom
      To address it, we are constantly upgrading our technology   neighborhood was completed in time for the opening last   line. Boca Raton again has one of the lowest tax rates
      to better time our traffic lights and, unlike other cities,   August of the new Addison Mizner School. 2021 was   of any full-service city in Florida. And when you layer
      have synchronized control of all intersections. The North   the second of three straight years that we will see a new,   in the additional costs, like the water fees that are much
      Federal Highway corridor has historically lagged other   state-of-the-art public school added to Boca Raton. We   higher in other cities, we see how much more efficiently
      areas because of limited road connections.         appreciate our strong partnership with the school district   we serve our residents– with the higher level of service
         I am pleased that we are in planning stages to connect   and Board Chair Frank Barbieri, and it was this partnership   we expect for our city. You can see some great slides
      Clint Moore Road across the railroad tracks to Jeffery Street   that takes us to our next topic, schools.   showing these savings, and other topics, as part of the
      within the next few years. We have only a few options to      Progress continues on the brand-new Blue Lake   recent State of the City address at
      link major roadways and this connection will be a major   Elementary, which will be located off Military Trail.   Please email me at with any
      improvement. We have also invested in more options for   For the past two years, this site was used as a temporary   thoughts and stay connected with me on social media @
      bicyclists and pedestrians. This year, we will begin work   school while both Addison Mizner and Verde K-8 were   ScottSingerUSA on all platforms.
      on connecting our award-winning El Rio Trail with the   under construction. In August, it will open as the first
      Why Robotic Surgery Is Best

      For Prostate Or Kidney Cancer Removal

         Urology surgeries today – including removing prostate,      “We can use robotic                   in your abdomen. Through these “ports,” surgeons insert

      bladder or kidney cancer – are less difficult for patients.   instruments to do many                 slender instruments and manipulate these instruments using
      Minimally invasive surgery has become standard. But not all   different types of urologic            their hands.
      minimally invasive surgery is the same. Robotic surgery, as   surgery,” says Barbara                    Robotic surgery uses the same ports. However, surgeons
      performed by Cleveland Clinic urologists, is the most precise   Ercole, M.D., a Cleveland            sit at a console, carefully controlling robotic instruments. A
      form.                                              Clinic Florida urologist                          camera displays a close-up, 3-D view of the patient.

         Cleveland Clinic was one of the first in the United States     who sees patients in Weston           “The robot allows us to mimic the motion of the human
      to perform robotic prostate removal. Now Cleveland Clinic   and Coral Springs. “We                   hand through very small incisions,” says Dr. Ercole.
      surgeons use robotic surgery to treat all types of urologic   rarely need to make large              “Because surgeons can do everything through tiny holes in
      cancers, at locations close to your home.          incisions anymore.”                               your abdomen, the surgery usually causes less pain and less
                                                            How is robotic surgery                         bleeding than traditional surgery. And you recover faster.”
                                                         different? Dr. Ercole                                To schedule an appointment with Dr. Ercole or another
                                                         explains that standard   Barbara Ercole, M.D.     Cleveland Clinic Florida prostate cancer specialist,
                                                         minimally invasive surgery                        call  (877)  463-2010. Visit
                                                         – sometimes called laparoscopic surgery – involves tiny cuts   prostatecancer to learn more.

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