Page 8 - Southern Exposure - June '22
P. 8

Page 8, Southern Exposure

      Southern Profile from page 1

                                                          Chasin A Dream was founded in 2016 by Lori Griffith   the children, tell their stories, and update them continually on
                                                        after spending the majority of her career in healthcare and   social media and our website. We want you to know them and
                                                        witnessing firsthand the devastating effects a life threatening   advocate for them. We can help them as a community and as
                                                        diagnosis has on a family’s finances. She based the organization   a community I believe we have a responsibility to help our
                                                        on the premise of “locals helping locals” and her belief in   children in need. It just makes us better and stronger together.”
                                                        transparency and letting people know exactly who they are     Next up for Chasin A Dream is their annual Pumpkin
                                                        helping and where their donations are going to. “I truly believe   Festival held at Harbourside Place in October. For more
                                                        if you see the faces of the children who are in need, and you   information please visit
                                                        can follow their journey, that you will want to get involved                  Photos by Benno Klandt
                                                        and make a local difference. All too often
                                                        when you donate you have no idea where
                                                        your money is going to, or if it even is
      Sam Kerrigan, Hilary Marino, Lori Griffith, Missy Weidhorn  helping. At Chasin A Dream we introduce

                                                                                          Michelle Jackson, Kristine Amorello, Kerri Smith, Allison McCarthy, Emilie
      Christine Romani, Chelsea  Tanya  Lorigan,  Marie   Lori Griffith, Missy Weidhorn, Nancy Roth  Wallace, Kerry Hoag
      Reed                     Norberto

                                                                                                           Joanne Callahan, Kirstin Austin, Katherine Shattow, Nicole
                                                        Theresa Halsted, Ivy Rauscher, Annette Schumacher, Lori Griffith  Newsted
      Lynette and Rob Miller   Donna Hamilton, Jeri Glynn

                                                                                                                           Roland  Veit,  Christina  Veit,  Don
                                                        Luna Perrone                      Spencer Loftus                   Brockhaus

      Kellie Kenny, Don Kenny  Jaime and Roger Estrada

       Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
       Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
       the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.

         Seabreeze Publications

                          M. Sean Reid
                            J. Reid

              Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick

                Production Manager   Lee Nostrant

                     Production Department
           Elaine Donholt • Ruth Nekoranec • Katie Heystek
            Sherry Whalon • Dianne Strout •  Karen Kalisz
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