Page 14 - Southen Exposure - August '22
P. 14

Page 14, Southern Exposure

                                                                sYmpHonY news

                           Young Friends Of Palm Beach Symphony

                       And The Norton Museum Of Art Celebrated

                             The End Of The Social Season Together

        In a soaring social season finale that hit all the right   here in Palm Beach County.
      notes, Young Friends of Palm Beach Symphony and Young   Both the symphony and the
      Friends of the Norton Museum of Art enjoyed cocktails and   Norton are grateful for each
      an intimate recital in the Great Hall at the Norton Museum.   and every one of you.”
        “Tonight we celebrate the performing and visual arts     Scholarship competition
      as well as the longstanding, collaborative partnership   winners Katie Riley,
      between the Norton Museum and Palm Beach Symphony,”   Alexandre  Meyer  and
      said Norton Museum of Art Chief Development Officer   Rafael Mendez, who
      Abby Ashley as she welcomed the exuberant crowd.   received a total of $24,500
        The event featured the three winners of the season’s   in scholarship cash prizes,
      inaugural Mary Hilem  Taylor Music Scholarship    p e r f o r m e d  a l o n g si d e
      Competition which provides scholarships and performance   Palm Beach Symphony
      opportunities to students of strings, woodwinds, brass and   principal musicians Valentin
      percussion who are between 18 to 24 years of age and reside   Mansurov,  Cha unce y
      or are enrolled at an educational institution in the tri-county   Patterson, Laura Sherman
      South Florida area.                               and  Sheng-Yuan  Kuan  as
        “Felicia Taylor Gottsegen, who created the scholarship,   well as section players
      is here this evening,” said Palm Beach Symphony CEO   Marina Lenau and Brent
      David  McClymont.  “Felicia  is  also  a  supporter  of  the   Charran.  Following  the
      Norton, which is a testament to all of our supporters   performance, attendees   Anderson Tallent, Bryan Garces, Christina Calderaio, Isora and Steve Sherman
      who understand the value of cultural organizations   voted to award an additional
                                                        $500 prize to Riley.                               Hildebrand, Morgan Hosseinipour, Aramas Kaloustian,
                                                          Other attendees included Palm Beach Symphony Music   Nicholas  and  Courtney  Lala,  Lindsay  Scherr,  Michele
                                                        Director Gerard Schwarz and his wife Jody, Otto Berges,   Schimmel, Kate Stamm, Olga and Serge Strosberg, Ryan
                                                        Todd Dahlstrom, Bryan Garces, Carla Georgiades, Carl   Swenson, Anderson Tallent, Krystian von Speidel and
                                                                                                           Adam Wolek.

      Billy Ceglia, Lindsay Scherr Burgess and Jonathan Burgess

                                                                                                           Kevin and Sarah McCaffrey  Gerard and Jody Schwarz
                                                        Melissa Herring and Karla   Garrett Byerly and Carrah
                                                        Cruz                      Malone                   Symphony News on page 15

                                                                       Please Vote for JANE JUSTICE for
                                                             State Representative in the Republican Primary on
                                                                   or before August 23rd- the Choice is Clear!

                                                                           JANE JUSTICE - For Us                                 Opponent - Against Us

                                                                           4 Unapologetically Pro-DeSantis                       X CENSURED by Republican Party
      Adam Wolek, Todd Dahlstrom, and David McClymont                           and America First                                    for endorsing a RADICAL
                                                                           4 Goals: • provide school choice • protect               DEMOCRAT over a
       HANDY-MAN                                                                 parental rights • reduce gas prices • reduce    X CRITICIZED Governor DeSantis’
                                                                                                                                     conservative  Republican i
                                                                                 inflation •  stop overspending • protect our
                                                                                                                                     ban on mask mandates ii
        HOME SERVICES                                                            borders • promote election integrity            X SUPPORTED RADICAL
                                                                                                                                     TEACHER UNIONS against
                                                                                • increase homestead exemption for
                                                             seniors •  clean up water supply • protect coastal waters • reduce   mandates iii  parents and children on mask
                                                             beach erosion •  reduce crime by Backing the Blue
            NO JOB TOO SMALL                              4 ELECTED and RESPECTED Republican Executive Committee   X BRAGGED about extravagantly spending your hard-earned
                                                                                                                 tax dollars iv
                                                             member                                            X VETOED by DeSantis for spending on pork projects v
          u Water Stains        u Screen Repair           4 Courageous when standing up for what is right      X BANKROLLED by Dark Money and Disney PACs vi
          u Painting            u Leak Repair             4 Reliable supporter of 2A, the unborn and religious freedom  X ABANDONED his Delray seat and gave it to a Democrat vii
          u Caulking            u Misc. Repair            4 Generous with time and money for Republicans and  charities  X BULLIED North Palm Beach over his lawn signs, using his leftist
                                                                                                                 lawyer viii
          u Interior/Exterior                             4 Hardworking small business owner and               X NEVER donated to DeSantis, Trump, Rubio, Scott, Mast or West ix
                                                             licensed Realtor
                      ... and much more!                  4 Devoted to her faith, her family, the              i
        Housesitting Available • References Available        Constitution and the conservative values          ii
             (Serving Palm Beach County since 1980)          of the Republican Party                           v
                                                          4 Consistent full-time resident of Palm              vi
                                Call Rubin                   Beach County for over 24 years                    viii
        Licensed & Insured   561-346-2467                             P a id f o r a n d a p p r o v e d b y J a n e J u s t ice , R ep u b lic a n, f o r Flo r id a H o u s e o f R ep r es en t a t i v es, Di s t r ic t 87.
                                                                      Paid for and approved by Jane Justice, Republican, for Florida House of Representatives, District 87.
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