Page 10 - Boca Club News - November '22
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Page 10, Boca Club News

               From The Professionals’ Desks

      Healthy Answers – A Guide to Healthy Living:

      “You Are What You Eat!” (Part 1)

      By Dale Brown, B.S., M.A., C.E.C.                 reaction, especially in children? One of my friends carries an      There is currently no cure for food allergies, so avoiding
      Dale is a motivational speaker who                epinephrine with her at all times as a precaution should her   the food you know you’re allergic to is the only way to
      has spent many years as a Certified               son unknowingly eat even one peanut. She has been instructed   prevent the problem. However, if you think you might
      Life Coach and has written numerous               that time is of the essence, and an injection of adrenaline must   have a food allergy, here are a few ways to help you cope.
      articles and e-books relating to self-            be given immediately to save her child’s life.        Read the label. This might seem like a no brainer, but
      improvement and ways  to  build  a                   There is no single reason why so many kids are allergic   labels can be confusing. The required labeling applies only
      high-performance team. She is the                 today, but experts tell us it’s due to an overactive immune   to foods that “may contain” an allergen, and not to the
      author of the recently published book,            system that identifies proteins in peanuts as a threat. This   presence of the major ones. Look for a statement after the
      “Small Steps...Big Changes: The                   causes chemicals to be released that lead to an allergic   ingredients list that may read, also contains, milk, soy, and
      Personal Stories of a Life Coach.” Her education and years   reaction. Adults are no exception. How many people do you   wheat. Be cautious when buying products without labels,
      of experience in physical fitness and training of elite athletes   know who check ingredients in foods before consuming   such as pastries.
      has enabled her to sharpen her knowledge in many health-  anything?                                     Take responsibility.  It’s  not  always  up  to  a  waiter
      related areas. The following introduces a new approach to      Not all food allergies are dangerous. A good example is   or host of a party to check as to whether you have food
      Ms. Brown’s series of columns devoted to many topics that   my husband, who accepts and lives with his food allergy.   restrictions. If you know you have specific allergies to
      deal with the mind/body connection and the importance of   He promptly sneezes a minimum of seven times after eating   food, be on the safe side and say so. Don’t find out before
      living a healthy lifestyle. Dale, a Bocaire resident, can be   just a tiny bit of chocolate, or anything that contains or turns   it’s too late that you’ve ingested an ingredient that will
      reached at           to sugar. As family members, we are readily prepared with   make you ill.
         The eating habits of people have evolved and changed   our table napkins held high in anticipation of his outburst.      Learn to know the signs early on. Spotting symptoms
      over the years. There was a time when a menu was nothing   The funny thing to us is his unwillingness to give up sweets.   in yourself or a loved one could save a life. The most
      more than a list of food offerings from which to choose. Now   That’s never been an option!          common allergic reactions to watch for might be:
      you see menus peppered with emojis designating categories      The upshot of this new way of thinking is that the majority      • Skin - itching, redness, hives, rash;
      such as gluten- or lactose-free, low-sodium, or labeled V   of Americans are more concerned about what they eat and      • Eyes – itching, tears, redness, swelling;
      for vegan or vegetarian. There may also be health warnings   how it affects their bodies. Do you remember when pot lucks      • Respiratory – runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion,
      regarding undercooked meats and shellfish.        were popular? Not anymore; not without naming the dish   wheezing, cough;
         It  seems  the  whole  world  is  becoming  more  health   along with what’s in it. My allergic episode was brought on      • Mouth – tongue and lips swelling;
      conscious. My husband, Alan, is not only a foodie, but being   by one such experience. After a happy 4th of July with a gang      • Gastrointestinal – nausea, reflux, vomiting, diarrhea;
      in the travel business has opened up a whole new aspect of   of friends, I loaded my plate with what I love most, salads.      • Cardiovascular – rapid or slow heartbeat, fainting.
      dining for his clients. Just today he received an email from      That evening I began to itch, and soon my body was      Food  allergies  affect  approximately  4%  of  adults
      a 3-star Michelin restauranteur in Norway advising him that   covered with hives. My throat closed to the extent that my   and 5% of children in the United States. So much of our
      they must be given fair notice of food restrictions prior to   voice became a whisper. What was it? I had to track down   lives  revolves  around  food,  as  in  holidays,  birthdays,
      serving patrons. He also warned that if this is not made clear   what might have been the culprit to be forewarned the next   weddings, etc. Having a food allergy may put a damper
      ahead of time, no special accommodation will be observed.   time. After searching for the ingredients in everything on my   on enjoying celebrations, but it doesn’t have to ruin your
         Reactions to certain foods are something we rarely heard   plate, I found it was attributed to clementine extract added to   fun. Awareness is the first step to understanding what you
      about decades ago. Most of us were raised on peanut butter   the quinoa salad. Who knew? After a few doses of Benadryl,   can or should not eat and still remain healthy enough to
      and jelly sandwiches back then. Who would have thought   I was fine. Even when you think what you’re eating is safe,   be the life of the party.
      that it could possibly produce a potentially life-threatening   you really never know.                  (Next month: Part 2 of “You Art What You Eat!”)

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