Page 7 - Boca Club News - November '22
P. 7

Boca Club News, Page 7

      Mayor’s Update:

      Wildflower Park...A Vision Brought to Life

      Scott Singer is the 35th Mayor                    to draw residents to our waterfront and provide an oasis for   generating session that drew 140 residents and included many
      of Boca Raton. A South Florida                    visitors, neighbors and businesses.                of the features that are now existing at Wildflower. Our city’s
      native, attorney, mediator and small                 Wildflower’s opening is the most prominent addition   consultants held later sessions that resulted in additional
      business owner, Scott and his wife,               to our waterfront park master plan. After years of planning   ideas. After years of planning, it is very rewarding to see
      Bella, live in Broken Sound with their            and work, we are excited that we now have a six-acre urban   ideas brought to reality for the public to enjoy. We can look
      two young children.                               green space that builds the link from our downtown to our   forward to generations of Boca Raton residents treasuring
         Boca Raton residents have raved                oceanfront. Boca Raton is renowned for our green spaces,   this green space.
      about our 48th park, the brand-new                and we continue placemaking with great improvements.     This  project  enhances  our  reputation  as  a  “City
      Wildflower Park on the Intracoastal,                 The site reflects the name of the popular Wildflower   Within a Park” and reflects a true partner with residents
      since its recent opening on October 22nd. After years of   nightclub and will now draw different visitors to the area.   and  stakeholders.  I’m  running  in  the  upcoming  March
      planning and millions in investment, it was a moment of   This opening follows the renovations of the adjacent Silver   2023 mayoral election to help see more of these visions
      community joy to see this park come to life from a visioning   Palm Park, which opened to the public in July, including   to completion, and to keep working to raise and exceed
      session held years ago. Our city is renowned for our parks,   a renovated boat ramp area with a new floating dock and   expectations for what our great city can be. I would love to
      and the addition of this site reflects partnership with residents   two dedicated boat ramps, a reconstructed seawall, new   hear your thoughts on what we can do together to reach our
      and long-term planning that has created a six-acre urban   fish cleaning station, fishing dock and restrooms, additional   goals. Please share your comments, by email at ssinger@
      green space along the waterfront. This latest addition to   parking  for  vehicles  and  trailers,  pedestrian  paths  and, or on the web at, and stay
      our waterfront master plan links Downtown Boca to our   seating, and more public art installation. We look forward   connected for more news @ScottSingerUSA on all social
      waterways and beachside areas.                    to impending improvements with the promenade under the   media platforms. Thank you!
         Construction of Wildflower Park began in January 2021,   bridge to add murals and lighting.          Please note: Florida has a very broad public records
      with the installation of a new seawall and underground      For me, it was rewarding to see elements incorporated in   law.  Most  written  communications  to  or  from  local
      utilities. Additional amenities and features incorporated into   the site that emerged from the first visioning session I hosted   officials regarding city business are public records, and
      the park include a wide pedestrian promenade linking the site   in 2016 with the help of residents and architects. That year,   are available to the public and media upon request. Your
      to nearby Silver Palm Park, waterfront seating, art sculptures,   three residents—Jose Barrera, Margaret Fitzsimons and   e-mail communications may therefore be subject to public
      interactive art and water features, a pavilion and restrooms,   Andrea O’Rourke—came forward with ideas for the site that   disclosure. The City of Boca Raton scanned this outbound
      enhanced landscaping, a new seawall, and an event lawn. We   would not be commercial. We worked, along with architects   message for viruses, vandals and malicious content and found
      are already looking forward to the events to be hosted there   Ken Hirsch, Jon Kolbe, and Derek Vander Ploeg, on an idea-  this message to be free of such content.
      Council Corner:

      Boca Raton’s Exciting Fall 2022

      By Boca Raton City Councilman                     school in Boca Raton in decades. Led by veteran principal   downtown near the City’s Downtown Library, this station and
      Andy Thomson, who was first elected               Seth Moldovan and the extremely talented staff he was able   parking garage has been under construction since January.
      during the special City Council                   to recruit, the new school opened in August and has been off   Brightline expects that the construction will be complete
      election in 2018, and re-elected                  to a great start.                                  and the station will be open—and trains stopping in Boca
      without opposition to the Council.                   Wildflower Park. Boca Raton is known as a “City Within   Raton—in December. Railway connectivity of this kind will
         As summer turns to fall and the                a Park” for good reason. We take our parks and recreation   both take cars off the road and provide efficient transportation
      weather  in  Boca  Raton  becomes                 seriously. Adding to the 47 parks we already have, the City   to Miami, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach and, in a few
      some of the best in the world, a host             of Boca Raton recently opened its newest and likely most   years, Orlando.
      of exciting openings are taking place             talked-about park: Wildflower Park. This new 2.3 acre park,      As always, please let me know if there is something
      in our beautiful City. Here are just a few of the exciting things   located at Palmetto Park Road and Northeast Fifth Avenue,   in  Boca  that  needs  attention  or  improvement.  My  cell
      happening:                                        fronts the Intracoastal Waterway and provides residents   phone number is (561) 334-6471 and my email address is
         Blue Lake Elementary. Boca Raton has a very strong   and visitors with a new waterfront amenity and is a great I’m here to help.
      partnership with the School District of Palm Beach District.   recreation option for all ages.
      Emblematic of that strong relationship is the recent building      New Brightline Station. Another big-ticket item coming      Editor ............................................................................  Nils  A. Shapiro
      and opening of Blue Lake Elementary, the first new public   to Boca Raton is a new Brightline train station. Located   Associate Editor, Broken Sound Club  .......................  Scott Gordon
                                                                                                            Photography By ............................................................  Jon Ricco
      Memo from County Tax Collector

      Anne M. Gannon:                                                                                       Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
                                                                                                            Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
                                                                                                            the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.

      It Pays to Pay Early!

      By Anne M. Gannon, Constitutional
      Tax Collector serving Palm Beach                                                                       Seabreeze Publications
      County.  You  can  reach  her  office
      by  Email:  ClientAdvocate@ Phone: (561)                                                                                        Publisher
      355-4271.                                                                                                                M. Sean Reid
         The 2022 tax season is here and                                                                                        J. Reid
      my  staff  is  ready  to  support  you                                                                                     Sales
      during this busy time of the year.                                                                           Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick
      Once you receive your tax bill, I encourage you to use our
      convenient online payment process by visiting www.pbctax.                                                     Production Manager   Lee Nostrant
      com. And don’t forget to pay early to take advantage of the
      discounts offered. Paying your property taxes by November   enrollees, the IPP goes into effect for the 2023 property taxes   Production Department
      30th will result in a 4% discount – the maximum discount   and not your current 2022 bill. Eligibility requirements are   Elaine Donholt • Ruth Nekoranec • Katie Heystek
      offered.                                          as follows:                                              Sherry Whalon • Dianne Strout •  Karen Kalisz
         Watch  your  mail  for  your  tax  bill  to  arrive  after   1. Your estimated property tax must total more than $100.
      November 1st and please visit for any   2. Complete the online application by April 30th, 2023.    All rights reserved. Reproduction or utilization of these contents in any
                                                                                                             form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, including xerography and
      questions you may have regarding paying your property   3. The first payment must be made no later than July 31st, 2023.  photocopying is forbidden without the written permission of the Publisher.
      taxes. Keep in mind that my office does not determine the      Want more great news? If you make your first IPP payment     The Publisher is not responsible or liable for misinformation or misprints
      amount of your taxes; that is determined by the property   by June 30th, 2023, you will receive a discount of nearly 4%   herein contained and reserves the right to accept or reject all copy deemed
      appraiser’s office and the individual taxing authorties listed   on your property taxes! To enroll, view the payment schedule   unsuitable for publication.
      on your tax bill. Questions regarding the amount of your   and learn more visit
      taxes must be directed to those offices, so review your tax      New Payment Portal. In August, we revamped our   1102 W. Indiantown Rd., Suite 5, Jupiter, FL 33458
      bill for contact information.                     payment  portal  to  help  users  navigate  the  site  more
         Did you know there is an option to pay property taxes   effectively. In doing so, we have created a few tips to help   (561) 746-3244
      in installments? We have an Installment Payment Plan                                                             FAX (561) 746-2509
      (IPP) that allows you to pay your taxes quarterly. For new   Memo from County Tax Collector on page 8
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