Page 1 - Boca Exposure - December '22
P. 1
A Seabreeze Publication
Woodfield Hunt & C.C., Fieldbrook Estates, Boca Grove, Polo Club, Newport Bay Club, Seasons of Boca
VOL. 22 NO. 12 DECEMBER 2022
Jay Leno To Headline Boca West Children’s Foundation
Gala On Jan. 8, Raising Funds For Local Kids
Boca West Children’s chairs are Yvonne and Don Ackerman. The event will feature very charity-minded and gracious. Our guests love his
Foundation will celebrate a cocktail hour, seated dinner, a live auction hosted by Neil performances, and we expect the event to sell out quickly.”
$16 million raised for Saffer, and a live drawing of the annual raffle. Raffle prizes Sponsors as of now include Sally and Aubrey Strul,
projects serving at-risk youth are two tickets and pregame hospitality tailgate to Super Mithun Family Foundation – Marcia and Doug Mithun,
with “An Evening with Jay Bowl LVII, seven to nine nights at the St. James Club and Aw Property Co., Sharyn and Stuart Frankel, Phyllis and
Leno,” on Sunday, Jan. 8, Villas in Antigua, and two nights at The Breakers Palm Beach Howard Boilen, The RADCO Companies, GL Homes,
2023 at Boca West Country including dinner and golf. Hilary and Richard Cooper, Beth and Eric Schlager,
Club. The event will feature “We are delighted to commemorate our 13th anniversary Sky Alpha Advisors, ApexOne, Integrated Dermatology,
entertainment by acclaimed and the significant impact the foundation has made in Bonaccord Capital Partners, Arcan Capital, Batmasian
late night talk show host and our community by supporting local children’s charities,” Family Foundation, Lennar, The Related Companies,
stand-up comedian Jay Leno. said Pamela Weinroth, executive director/COO of Boca Southern Management & Development, Shelly and Arthur
Event chairs are Michelle West Children’s Foundation. “Not only is Jay Leno one
and Gary Gluckow. Honorary of America’s most acclaimed entertainers, he’s also Jay Leno To Headline on page 2
Fourth Annual Taste Of Recovery Culinary Festival
Was A Sold-Out Hit, Benefitting The Crossroads Club
The Fourth Annual “Taste of Recovery” was held on Nov. 5 at A “People’s Choice” Award was given for
the Old School Square Pavilion and sold out with 800 attendees. Best Bite to City Oyster. The Critic’s Choice
Guests enjoyed savory and sweet bites from a variety of leading competition gave first prize to Tim Finnegans and
area restaurants, along with live entertainment by Damon Fowler. second prize to Rocco’s Tacos. Christie Galeano-
Taste of Recovery benefited The Crossroads Club, a nonprofit DeMott, food editor at Boca Magazine, along with
organization in Delray Beach that has served the community for Sun Sentinel Facebook Let’s East South Florida
more than 40 years. The organization, at no charge, provides a host, Mike Mayo, and Coastal Star Food Writer
safe haven for anyone whose life has been adversely affected Jan Norris, decided the Critic’s Choice Awards in
by, or through, the use of addictive substances. Crossroads Club a blind taste test.
welcomes 600 sufferers each day. “Joan and I were thrilled with the outpouring
Participating restaurants included Louie Bossi’s Ristorante, of support from the Delray Beach community
Bar & Pizzeria, Elisabetta’s Ristorante, Bar & Pizzeria, City and the many restaurants that participated in
Oyster & Sushi Bar, Rocco’s Tacos, J & J Seafood, Driftwood, our sold-out event. Most importantly, the funds
Space of Mind Community Classroom Kitchen, Mike’s Chili, raised benefitted the Crossroads Club, which
Eat Thai, Tim Finnegans, Rogie Pierogies, New Orleans
Pralines, Windy City Pizza, Nature’s Corner Café, Catering CC, Taste Of Recovery Culinary Festival
Subculture, and Proper Ice Cream. on page 2 The crew
Ukraine War Hits Home
Ruth & Norman Rales JFS And PJ Library Russian-speaking volunteer families from
In South Palm Beach County Partner To Help PJ Library in South Palm Beach County, a
Ukrainian Families Resettled In Boca Raton program supported by the Jewish Federation
Imagine fleeing your home and escaping gunfire only to of South Palm Beach County.
move to a new place, where you know no one and do not “While we are not an official resettlement
speak the language. agency, we knew we had families from Ukraine
That is what it has been like for about 40 families making their way here who needed our help,
that are adjusting to life in South Palm Beach County and we treated them like any other family who
after fleeing war-torn Ukraine this year. They are being comes our way,” said Danielle N. Hartman, JFS
helped by a case manager from the Ruth & Norman Rales president and CEO.
Jewish Family Services (JFS) and other Ukrainian- and Earlier this year, the first of the families
were paired
up with JFS
Case Manager
Alex Chernis,
who is helping Standing left to right; PJ Library Volunteers Julia Volvach and Yulia Orel,
them navigate and Marina Goldberg, PJ Library volunteer coordinator. Seated left to right;
all services Iryna Kliuchevska (with Ukrainian Resettlement Project), Alex Chernis
t h e y wo u l d (with JFS), Tetiana Savchenko (with Ukrainian Resettlement Project), and
need, including her daughter, Daria Savchenko.
ho usi ng,
employment, Ukraine War Hits Home on page 4