Page 1 - Stuart Exposure - December '22
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VOL. 24 NO. 12 DECEMBER 2022
Hundreds Of Volunteers Pack Thousands
Of Holiday Meal Boxes At Pack The House
More Opportunities Available hospitality, and barista training. They also offer commercial
driver license training, so not only does the food bank
To Help The One In Four provide emergency food but it offers job training. So again,
Struggling To Make Ends Meet I want to welcome you here this morning. It’s a great event
to prepare for the holidays. We really appreciate you all
being here early this morning, and welcome. Let’s go!”
Hundreds of volunteers packed 15,000 holiday meal Several community partners supported Pack the House.
boxes as part of Treasure Coast Food Bank’s Eighth Walmart supply chain was this year’s ceremonial sponsor.
Annual Pack the House, a kickoff to the holiday season. Supporting sponsors were Cleveland Clinic Martin Health,
The event took place Oct. 28 and 29. More than 500 iTHINK Financial, and TD Bank.
volunteers worked in three-hour shifts to fill boxes with Pack the House is one of several activities Treasure
holiday fixings for people struggling to make ends meet. Coast Food Bank holds to ensure that everyone can
Treasure Coast Food Bank Board member Mark Heather Grace, Heather Gunnell, Julia Hogan and Cheryl share in a traditional holiday meal this year as inflation
Satterlee welcomed guests and dignitaries to the kickoff Jones from Walmart Neighborhood Store No. 7299 continues to stress household budgets. There also is
ceremony Friday morning, sharing that Treasure Coast an upcoming holiday auction, turkey drive, and many
Food Bank helps anyone facing economic hardship. the food bank on all the things that they do,” Satterlee volunteering opportunities.
“As deputy county administrator, one of my focuses said. “Besides packing and distributing food, they’re
is economic development and I’m proud to work with also providing career opportunities including culinary, Hundreds Of Volunteers on page 3
Horse Show Fundraiser Benefiting Friends In Pink
Riders from all over South Florida came together at
Tailwind Trails in Palm City, Fla., on Oct. 22 for the second
annual “Ride for a Reason” to raise money for Friends
Horse Show Fundraiser Benefiting on page 4
Fundraiser To Benefit Family Promise Was A Bed Of Roses
By Jackie Holfelder T h e bu si ne sse s,
The sky was brilliant blue and the enthusiasm was nonprofits and organizations
infectious at the Third Annual Family Promise of Martin entering beds included First
County Bed Races that took place on Oct. 22 at First United Methodist Church of
United Methodist Church of Stuart. Stuart, Immanuel Lutheran
The 12 imaginative and creative beds that were entered started
lining up well before the event’s 10 a.m. start time and there were Fundraiser To Benefit
plenty of spectators and supporters on hand to cheer their efforts. Family Promise on page 4
Teams from Love of Learning and Unity of Stuart. Photo by DeVine Portraits