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VOL. 13 NO. 3                                                                                MARCH 2023

      Women’s Philanthropy Leader Vivian Lieberman

      Pledges $2.5 Million to Care for People in Need

         Jewish Federation of                           gathering known as the Applause Event has been renamed   a Forever Lion of Judah, after endowing her annual gift to
      Palm Beach County                                 the Vivian Lieberman Applause Event.               Women’s Philanthropy at Jewish Federation. Forever Lions
      continues its historic season                        Lieberman’s remarkable gift symbolizes her broad   are recognized among the most dynamic philanthropic Jewish
      of philanthropy with its latest                   support for many causes, and Federation’s bold mission to   women in the world.
      remarkable announcement:                          care, connect, inspire, and protect the Jewish community.      “Vivian is one of the most selfless, kind, and generous
      Palm  Beach Gardens                               In addition to her multiyear commitment to Federation’s   people, with such clear determination to create a vibrant
      resident and dedicated,                           Annual Campaign, the organization’s primary fundraising   Jewish future,” shared Michael Hoffman, President and CEO,
      long-time  leader Vivian                          vehicle to address the needs of today’s Jewish community   Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County. “I am inspired by
      Lieberman has made a gift                         locally and abroad, Lieberman’s gift will bolster programs   her vision, exemplary levels of leadership, and deep passion
      of  $2.5  million  through  a                     and initiatives at several local Jewish organizations, including   for empowering and supporting women through all phases
      combination of annual and                         at the Mandel JCC in Boynton Beach and Palm Beach   of life. Naming the Applause Event in her honor is well
      legacy commitments. With                          Gardens, Temple Judea in Palm Beach Gardens, and Alpert   deserved.”
      her special passion and deep  Vivian  Lieberman.  Credit:   Jewish Family Service, which includes funding a support
      commitment for Federation’s  CAPEHART Photography  group for families impacted by addiction. The group, which   Women’s Philanthropy Leader on page 4
      Women’s Philanthropy, the                         Lieberman attends regularly, is named after her son, Jay, who
      nonprofit’s biennial women’s leadership and celebration   passed away from addiction. Lieberman is also celebrated as   The Lord’s Place
      Honoring Our Wisest

      Community Members                                                                                     Hosts 16th Annual

         The Torah teaches that people who                                                                  SleepOut at Roger
      have reached a certain stage in life are
      deserving of honor. Temple Judea was                                                                  Dean Stadium
      honored to recognize and celebrate its
      members who have been blessed to reach
      85+ years of age with an early Shabbat                                                                Working Together to End
      worship and luncheon.
         Senior Rabbi Rabbi Yaron Kapitulnik                                                                Homelessness
      explains that we should refer to our
      85+-year-old members not as eldest, but                                                                  The Lord’s Place is throwing a curveball for its 16th
      as wisest. It was during a visit to one of                                                            Annual SleepOut. Roll out your sleeping bags, set up
      our wisest congregants’ homes when                                                                    your tents, and get ready for a spin on the agency’s
      the idea for an early worship service                                                                 signature event on Friday, March 31, at Roger Dean
      was generated. This member shared that                                                                Chevrolet Stadium in Jupiter.
      driving at night had become a challenge                                                                  Let SleepOut 2023 take you out to the ballpark
      for her and her husband but that they                                                                 for some brand-new activities, an uplifting program
      truly missed worshiping in person among                                                               complete with powerful and moving client stories, and
      a community. In that moment, the idea                                                                 a live candlelight ceremony you won’t forget! SleepOut
      was borne and this special service has                                                                will shine light on those experiencing homelessness
                                                                                                            in our community — helping these most vulnerable
                                                                                                            individuals access the tools needed to create sustainable,
                                                                                                            independent lives. The event will also provide hands-on
                                                                                                            service opportunities as a way for people of all ages to
                                                                                                            give back and help the homeless in a safe environment
                                                                                                            (volunteer hours will be provided).
                                                                                                               After the program, all attendees are encouraged to
                                                                                                            set up sleeping bags and tents at the event, uniquely on
                                                                                                            the outfield, or in their homes or backyards. SleepOut
                                                                                                            encourages people to step out of the comfort of their
                                                                                                            homes for a night in a symbolic effort to raise awareness
                                                                                 become a quarterly highlight   of the estimated 3,000 men, women, and children
                                                                                 for Temple Judea’s clergy   without a home on any given night in Palm Beach
                                                                                 and staff. At this particular   County.
                                                                                 service, Temple  Judea’s      Each additional housed person in Palm Beach
                                                                                 wisest congregant joined us   County is a “homerun.” Come to SleepOut to learn how
                                                                                 and, at 102 years of age, led   you can be a part of the solution and hit homelessness
                                                                                 us in prayer.              out of the ballpark.

                                                                                                            The Lord’s Place Hosts on page 2
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