Page 1 - Boca ViewPointe - June '23
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VOL. 31 NO. 6 JUNE 2023
From The Manager
By April Narine, Chairman and President Randall Raskin of The Palms, We would like to welcome the new members to the
LCAM General Manager Vice President Robert Cornell of Costa Brava, Vice Board and give a sincere Thank You to all former Board
Chairman Bob Greenstein of Lakes of La Paz, Secretary members for their hard work and dedication.
The annual meeting Mary Ann Frazier of The Palms, Treasurer Michelle
of the Boca Pointe Ricciuti-Carter of Encantada, Director Marvin Lazarowitz
of Via Stel, Director Steve Retzer of La Mirada, Director
Community Association Chandra Stewart-Keith of Panache, Director Zachary Director Of
was held on May 16th,
2023 at Edgewater at Elliott of Encantada, Director Paul Hart of Esplanada,
Director David Arlein of Pointe 100, Director Jacob Stark
Boca Pointe. The Village of Costa Del Sol, Director Claudia Salazar of Stratford Security
Presidents elected the
2023-2025 Board of Court, Director David Sussman of Valencia and Director
Directors. The new 2023 Connie Murray of Villa Flora. By Marcel Dos Santos,
Board of Directors are: Congratulations to all!!! Director of Security
Boca Raton’s ‘Summer In The City’ gentlemen. I would
Hello ladies and
Returns With A Series Of Free like to take this time
to congratulate all the
recently elected BPCA
Tribute Concerts And More Board of Directors!
Change is positive but
can prove challenging.
I am confident that each
Summer To Sizzle From Amphitheater and Community Events Manager for the City of one of you are more than capable of embracing and
Boca Raton. “We are excited about this year’s line-up that will
conquering this challenge. Subsequently, I look
Tributes To Neil Diamond And culminate with the 3rd Annual Battle of the Bands, showcasing forward to working with each one of you, and will
our own amazing talent.”
assist you in any way I can to support achieving
Prince To Yacht Rock And Friday, June 16 our goals as a team. My contact information is as
The line-up of free Summer in the City concerts includes:
follows: Email address:, and
Battle Of The Bands The Beach Buoys: A Tribute to the Beach Boys contact number is 561-672-3308. Someone once said,
Friday, June 30 “It’s a welcomed gift to encourage others to achieve
By Hillary Reynolds The Symphonia and FAU Summer Concert Band greatness.” Thank you for that opportunity.
Presenting Movie Soundtrack Favorites
Celebrate the sounds of summer with the City of Boca Friday, July 7
Raton’s Summer in the City series, a line-up of free tribute Best of Both Worlds: A Tribute to the History of Van
concerts with nods to Elvis, Prince, the Beach Boys and Halen Recipe Corner
more, starting Friday, June 2 and continuing most Friday Friday, July 14
nights starting at 8 p.m. through August 4 at the Mizner Park Purple Madness: A Tribute to Prince
Amphitheater, 590 Plaza Real. Friday, July 21 New!! Do you have a
The season heats up with several scheduled ticketed We are Yacht Rock (soft rock hits from the late 70s – favorite family recipe you
concerts with such artists as Walker Hayes, Brit Floyd, the early 80s) would like to share?? Each
Goo Goo Dolls with OAR, and Jason Mraz. Friday, July 28 month we will select and
“Our Summer in the City series was created to celebrate Neil Diamond Tribute Show featuring Rob Garrett feature a recipe from one of
a range of genres and generations,” said Amy DiNorscio, Friday, August 4 our residents. Please submit
3rd Annual Battle of the Bands Competition (in Word format) to lisa.
Summer in the City sponsors include American Social and
Waterstone Resort & Marina.
Ticketed shows include:
Friday, June 23 Brit Floyd
July 26 Goo Goo Dolls & OAR Please Help
August 12 Jason Mraz
For more information, and links to purchase tickets for the Summer is here! Now is the time to clean
ticketed shows, visit
The City of Boca Raton boasts five miles of gorgeous beaches, out your closets! The homeless shelters are
48 parks, and 1,650 acres of accepting used clothing. Please bring any
recreational space, attracting clean, gently used clothing that you would
residents and visitors year- like to donate. The drop off location is at
round. The City’s Recreation the BPCA office located at 6909 S.W. 18th
Services Department hosts a St., Suite A120 in the Boardwalk shopping
full calendar of free community
events at select parks and the plaza. The donations are distributed to local
Mizner Park Amphitheater. churches and homeless shelters. Thank you
For more details on City for your generous donations this past year!
events, visit It is greatly appreciated!