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VOL. 24 NO. 8 AUGUST 2023
Protecting The Gopher Tortoise
Abacoa is a 2,055-acre,
mixed-use community,
design with open space
restoration preserving
environmentally valuable
land, protecting riparian
and endangered species
habitat. The 393 acres
of preserved open space
includes parks throughout Abacoa’s neighborhoods and a A nature trail crosses the creek at the Abacoa Greenway.
260-acre greenway that protects the ecosystem of wetlands
and pine woods, 60 acres of which are set aside as an the tortoise and its burrow are protected under state law.
endangered gopher tortoise habitat. Leaving preserve gates Gopher tortoises are protected at the state level
open creates a serious risk of harm to endangered tortoises through their listing as a “threatened” species in Florida.
that call the Abacoa Greenway home. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service findings states that
The gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) is a terrestrial gopher tortoise conservation at the state level is critical
species and the only tortoise found east of the Mississippi to maintaining populations.
River. Gopher tortoises are found in all 67 counties across Gopher tortoises are long-lived reptiles that occupy
Florida and have been on the planet for 60 million years. upland habitat throughout Florida including forests, pastures, Game @
Gopher tortoise populations have declined significantly and yards. They dig deep burrows for shelter and forage on
throughout their range. Their populations in the Florida low-growing plants. Gopher tortoises share their burrows
Panhandle and southeast coastal regions are severely reduced with more than 350 other species including the Eastern
from historical levels. indigo snake, rodents, gopher frog, Florida mouse, and
In Florida, the gopher tortoise is listed as threatened under
the Florida Endangered and Threatened Species Rule. Both Protecting The Gopher Tortoise on page 4
Explore The Indian River Lagoon Aboard
Boat Tours With FAU Harbor Branch
Florida Atlantic “The Indian River Lagoon is an amazing ecosystem, home
University’s (FAU) to thousands of plants and animals,” said Gabby Barbarite,
Harbor Branch Ph.D., director of outreach and engagement at FAU Harbor
Oceanographic Institute Branch. “We are so excited to share our knowledge, passions
offers a new public boat and important research underway with our community
tour of the Indian River through this new program.”
Lagoon aboard The Admission is $40 per person and must be booked in
Discovery, a 36-passenger advance. Private charters and field trips are also available.
pontoon. Every Friday at For more information and to book at tour, visit
10:30 a.m. and Saturday at 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. tours now hboi/bookatour or call the Ocean Discovery Visitors Center
depart from FAU Harbor Branch, 5600 U.S. 1 North, Fort at (772) 242-2293. Abacoa Upcoming
Pierce. Explorers of all ages can join the 90-minute excursions. About Florida Atlantic University See Concert
An expert guide leads participants through an immersive Florida Atlantic University, established in 1961, officially Events and Music
educational experience as marine scientists on a floating opened its doors in 1964 as the fifth public university in Florida. on Page 3
laboratory with state-of-the-art tools. Activities include Today, the university serves more than 30,000 undergraduate
interpreting real-time water-quality data from the Indian River and graduate students across six campuses located along the Sept. 2 South Florida PBS Night
Lagoon Observatory Network of Environmental Sensors, Southeast Florida coast. In recent years, the university has – Ball Park of the Palm Beaches
surveying underwater habitats with a remotely operated vehicle, doubled its research expenditures and outpaced its peers in Sept. 16 Free Concert: Shee Gees – Bee Gees Tribute
and identifying wildlife of all sizes – from microscopic plankton student achievement rates. Through the coexistence of access Sept. 30 DASTOBERFEST 2023
to sharks, rays, manatees and dolphins. and excellence, FAU embodies an innovative model where
traditional achievement gaps
vanish. FAU is designated a
Hispanic-serving institution,
ranked as a top public
university by U.S. News &
World Report and a high
research activity institution by
the Carnegie Foundation for
the Advancement of Teaching.
For more information, visit