Page 9 - Palm City Spotlight - June '23
P. 9

Palm City Spotlight, Page 9

                                  reaL estate

      Treasure Coast Real Estate                           Those  predictions  were  apparently  wrong.  What
      Report                                             happened was common sense returned. As a result, real
                                                         estate prices began to return to a more normal market.
                                                           In Martin County, closed sales in April increased by
      So Much For The Real Estate “Off-Season”           3.6 percent, and the average sales price increased by 14.4
      In Florida                                         percent. No real estate crash going on there.
                                                           In  St.  Lucie  County,  although April  closed  sales
      By Jim Weix                                        decreased by 21.8 percent, the average sales price held
        At  one  time,  not  too                         steady with a 0.5 percent increase. Since the average sales
      long  ago,  everyone  from                         price in St. Lucie County is $409,220 and much lower
      real estate agents to local                        than Martin County’s average sales price of $1,097,831,
      businesses  had  a  limited                        St.  Lucie  County  attracts  more  buyers  looking  for
      time to make much of their                         affordable housing. My experience is that some of those
      annual  income. That  was                          buyers  are  finding  more  affordable  housing  in  Indian
      because the snowbirds and                          River and Okeechobee counties.
      tourists all went back home.                         Feel free to call me if you would like to discuss your
      It  would  seem  those  days                       options. I can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or jimweix@
      are gone.                                
        Last  year,  in April,  the                        Jim  Weix  is  a  broker  associate  with  The  Keyes
      Treasure Coast real estate market was still experiencing a   Company. Jim has 25 years of experience selling real
      wild buying spree. Buyers were actually trying to outbid   estate full-time. If you have questions or want the services
      each other and even waiving common sense things like   of an  experienced  expert,  you  can reach Jim  at (772)
      property inspections. Prices were rising at a seemingly   341-2941 or
      unsustainable rate. Many people were predicting a real
      estate “crash.”

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