Page 4 - Boca Exposure - July '23
P. 4

Page 4, Boca Exposure
      From The Desk Of Commissioner Marci Woodward

      A Message From Marci                               Emergency Applications                              services, including mental/behavioral health, job training
                                                                                                             The  center  provides  a  full-time  day  program  with

         In preparation for hurricane                       • PBC DART (app) for vital information such as storm   and placement, and educational and recreational activities.
      season, I toured the county’s                      surge evacuation areas, flood zones, shelter locations, and      The  HAB  manufacturing  facility  provides  training
      Emergency Operations Center                        locations with emergency generators.              and  work  opportunities  in  a  highly  sophisticated
      in West Palm Beach, also                              • AlertPBC  is  the  county’s  Emergency Alert  &   technical environment that supplies products for aviation/
      known as the EOC.                                  Notification System that notifies users of imminent threats   aerospace,  maritime,  communications,  medical  and
         The EOC is one of the                           via text messages, email, or telephone calls. To sign up, visit   pharmaceutical industries.
      most important facilities in                                                 Additionally,  the  plant  nursery  provides  a  tranquil,
      our county. It features a state-                                                                     therapeutic environment for members under the direction of
      of-the-art operations room                         Palmetto Park Road Bridge                         experienced horticulturists who teach all aspects of growing
      and is ground zero during                                                                            and caring for bedding plants. For more information, visit,
      emergencies.  It  can  even                        Update                                  
      withstand  a  category  five                                                                            The nursery produces over one million plants yearly for
      hurricane and has 12-inch walls of solid concrete.      Below is a recent update from the Engineering and Public   customers, including municipalities, golf courses, country
         The EOC is activated during emergencies. Depending on the   Works Department on the Palmetto Park Road Bridge project.  clubs, landscape contractors, property management
      severity, representatives from county departments, FEMA and      The bridge reconstruction necessitated re-routing certain   companies and garden centers.
      FPL along with state and local emergency officials are available   utilities (i.e., water main) since they are attached to the south
      24/7 to assist before, during and after emergencies.  bridge (eastbound travel) and needed to be done before   Local Government 101
         These key agency representatives have access to high-  removing the remaining south bridge structure.
      tech tracking and communication systems that monitor      The new water main will be put into service this week   Constitutional Officers
      weather, roadways, shelter and evacuation operations and   and bridge demolition will continue the week of July 19,      Constitutional Officers were established by the Florida
      damage assessments.                                weather permitting.                               Constitution and are independently elected officials.
         The coordination is substantial and can include members      The project schedule shows completion in October 2023.     Palm Beach County has seven constitutional officers who
      of more than 100 responding agencies.                 I live nearby and recognize the impact this project is   manage their departments separately from the Board of County
         While county emergency  officials are prepared,  we   having on residents and businesses and will continue to   Commissioners including:
      urge everyone to take the necessary steps in preparing for a   monitor it closely and provide updates.     • Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller
      potential active hurricane season.                                                                      • Property Appraiser
         Emergency officials advise that residents be prepared to   Property Tax Calculator                   • Public Defender
      survive on their own for at least 72 hours.                                                             • Sheriff
         Supplies sell out fast once a storm has been forecasted,      Property tax exemptions follow the property owner;      • State Attorney
      so planning is imperative.                         consequently, a new owner will most often pay a different      • Supervisor of Elections
         Please  take  some  time  to  prepare  and  access  the   tax amount for the same property.          • Tax Collector
      resources listed.                                     To determine your property taxes, search the property’s      Additionally, they establish the budgets for their offices,
                                                         address  on  Palm  Beach  County  Property Appraiser’s   independent of the operating budget set by the Board of County
                                                         website at                       Commissioners.
      PJ Library from page 1                                At the bottom of the property detail page, you will see   The Public Defender
                                                         a “Property Tax Calculator” button.                  The public defender is an elected office recognized in the
       to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. My family even left a note at the      Enter the purchase price and whether or not you intend   Florida Constitution. There are 20 elected public defenders in
       ‘Western Wall.’ My children were able to feel that they were at   to homestead the property, and the calculator will give   Florida – one for each judicial circuit.
       the most religious site in the world for Jewish people.”   you a property tax estimate.                All persons charged with a crime who face jail time are
          Locally, PJ Library serves more than 6,000 parents, children,      Additionally, the Property Tax Detail provides a list of ad   entitled to representation by an attorney. The public defender
       grandparents and caregivers. In the 10 years since its inception   valorem and non-ad valorem taxing authorities applied to the   represents people who cannot afford a lawyer – commonly
       in South Palm Beach County, the program has given away more   property (i.e., Palm Beach County operating taxes, the School   referred to as being indigent (a person with income equal to or
       than 216,000 books.                               District and the Health Care District) and their millage rates.  less than 200 percent of the current federal poverty guidelines).
          “My family has been involved with PJ Library for the past      To calculate your property taxes, visit www.pbcgov.     Carey Haughwout is Palm Beach County’s elected public
       10 years. It first started out with the opportunity of receiving   org/papa/.                       defender and has served since 2001. As the office’s leader, she
       meaningful books monthly. It›s now a race to the mailbox to      Preliminary millage rates are set in August and   oversees the $18 million budget and over 50,000 cases annually.
       see who gets a book and what book it is,” said PJ Library parent   finalized in October for the November Tax bill.     I recently had an opportunity to meet Haughwout and discuss
       Stacee Stock.                                                                                       her challenges and how to enhance effectiveness in our justice
          PJ Library continues to grow in South Palm Beach County   Nonprofit Spotlight                    system, including offering job training, mental health resources
       with new families joining the program each month. We are                                            and social services.
       engaging and educating the next generation of families raising      The Habilitation Center (HAB) is a local nonprofit      For more information, visit
       Jewish children both here and around the globe. There are plenty   dedicated to serving adults with lifelong developmental      If you require assistance, please contact our office at (561)
       of books and activities for everyone so encourage your friends to   and intellectual disabilities.  355-2204 or email
       sign up for this free gift of Jewish books, at To
       get involved, underwrite programs or join our grandparent circle,
       please contact Elana Ostroff, director of PJ Library and Family
      Engagement at or (561) 852-6080.
         PJ Library in South Palm Beach County is made possible
      by generous support from the Jewish Federation of South Palm
       Beach County, Leon and Toby Cooperman Family Foundation,
       Jewish Women’s Foundation, and the Harold Grinspoon
      Foundation and so many others.
      About The Jewish Federation Of South Palm Beach County          Upscale Resale
         Established in 1979, the JFSPBC is made up of Jewish   Experience The Difference
      and social service organizations, synagogues, and schools that
      provide valued services and programs to recipients in South Palm   New and consigned furniture, unique lighting, accessories and gifts.
      Beach County, in Israel and around the world. The JFSPBC   Complete wallpaper and fabric library for all your design needs.
      is also comprised of local residents, including lay leadership,
      volunteer, donors, professional staff, rabbis, educators, event
      participants and students. Situated on a 100-acre campus in
      west Boca Raton – the largest in the nation – the JFSPBC
      supports more than 70 beneficiaries, engages with more than
      5,000 donors, and connects more than 130,000 residents. To
      learn more about how we contribute to a shared vision for the
      Jewish community, visit or call (561) 852-3100.

                                                                                  Call us to sell. See us to buy.

                                                          Over 32,000 sq. ft. in 2 locations to serve you!

                                                          PALM BEACH GARDENS:                    New Location
                                                          7700 N Military Trail • 561.694.0964
                                                          WELLINGTON: Wellington Marketplace
                                                          13857 Wellington Trace • 561.798.5222

      Marissa Rahn from Congregation B’nai Israel reading PJ                                     Nanci Smith, CEO
      Library stories to children at the 10  birthday celebration
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