Page 10 - The Jewish Voice - July '23
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Page 10, The Jewish Voice

      Local Happenings from page 9                      Friday, Aug. 25                                    Friday, Aug. 11, 6 p.m. Beach Shabbat
                                                        6:30 p.m. – Erev Shabbat Service with our new rabbis, Rabbi   At Carlin Park (400 Florida AIA, Jupiter)
      more info and to verify any change or special event, call the   Ryan Daniels and Rabbi Carlie Daniels     In the event of inclement weather, services will be held
      Temple at (561) 833-8421.                            Services are held in-person and livestreamed to our Facebook   indoors at Temple Judea. Bring your own beach chair!
      Saturday, July 22                                 page (Temple Israel, West Palm Beach). Enjoy music and easy-to-  Wednesday, Aug. 16, Noon
      9:30 a.m. – Weekly Torah Study                    follow passages on our overhead screens. Open to all. For more   Summer Movie Series and Lunch
         We discuss the English text for the Torah portion of the   info and to verify any change or special event, call the Temple   “Crescendo”
      week, providing thoughtful discussion of ancient texts with   at (561) 833-8421.                        When world-famous conductor Eduard Sporck (played
      modern applications. Open to all; call the Temple to determine   Saturday, Aug. 26                   by Toni Erdmann’s Peter Simonischek) accepts a job to help
      if in-person or via Zoom – (561) 833-8421.        9:30 a.m. – Weekly Torah Study                     establish an Israeli-Palestinian youth orchestra, he steps into
      Wednesday, July 26                                   We discuss the English text for the Torah portion of the week,   a firestorm of discord and mistrust. The two factions of young
      10:30 a.m. – Chair Yoga in-person and via Zoom    providing thoughtful discussion of ancient texts with modern   musicians have grown up in a state of conflict, with fear
         Physically and mentally relaxing, with gentle stretching   applications. Open to all; call the Temple to determine if in-person   governing their perceptions of each other. With only three weeks
      and balance postures to strengthen your body through the use   or via Zoom – (561) 833-8421.         of rehearsal, Sporck’s essential task becomes more interpersonal
      of a simple chair! Free and open to all. Call for location and   Wednesday, Aug. 30                  than musical: can the children of conflict come together in
      Zoom access.                                      10:30 a.m. – Chair Yoga in-person and via Zoom     harmony? Director Dror Zahavi brings us a gripping, clear-eyed
      Friday, July 28                                      Physically and mentally relaxing, with gentle stretching   drama imbued with hope for understanding, humanity, and
      6:30 p.m. – Erev Shabbat Service with our new rabbis, Rabbi   and balance postures to strengthen your body through the   peace. $20 per person. RSVP to Randi at
      Ryan Daniels and Rabbi Carlie Daniels             use of a simple chair! Free and open to all. Call for location   Thursday, Aug. 17, 24, 31 & Sept. 7, 10:30 a.m.
         Services are held in-person and livestreamed to our   and Zoom access.                               ShalOHM…The month of Elul is a time for reflection and
      Facebook page (Temple Israel, West Palm Beach). Enjoy                                                preparation for the High Holy days. This year Elul begins on
      music and easy-to-follow passages on our overhead screens.  Temple Judea                             Thursday, Aug. 17. This year why not try something new…Join
      Open to all. For more info and to verify any change or special                                       Rabbi Rose Durbin for ShalOHM…a mindful meditation practice
      event, call the Temple at (561) 833-8421.         4311 Hood Road, Palm Beach Gardens                 leading up to the High Holy Days. Wear comfortable clothing!
      Saturday, July 29                                 624.4633,                             Sunday, Aug. 20, 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
      9:30 a.m. – Weekly Torah Study                    Wednesday, July 19, Noon                           First Day of Religious School – YEP (Youth Education
         We discuss the English text for the Torah portion of the   Summer Movie Series and Lunch          Program) for grades K-6.
      week, providing thoughtful discussion of ancient texts with   “Fig Tree”                                For registration information call the office at 624-4633 or
      modern applications. Open to all; call the Temple to determine      16-year-old Jewish Mina is trying to navigate between a   visit
      if in-person or via Zoom – (561) 833-8421.        surreal routine dictated by the civil war in Ethiopia and her   Wednesday, Aug. 23, 10:30 a.m.
      Wednesday, Aug. 2                                 last days of youth with her Christian boyfriend Eli. When she   Sisterhood Summer Social
      10:30 a.m. – Chair Yoga in-person and via Zoom    discovers that her family is planning to immigrate to Israel   Brunch and guest speaker, Rabbi Rose Durbin
         Physically and mentally relaxing, with gentle stretching   and escape the war, she weaves an alternate plan in order to      “David’s Divas: Analyzing the significant political influence
      and balance postures to strengthen your body through the use   save Eli. But in times of war, plans tend to go wrong. Marsha’s   of King David’s names wives: Michal, Bathsheba and Abigail.
      of a simple chair! Free and open to all. Call for location and   coming of age film debut film is based on her childhood   $20 / Sisterhood member $25 / non- Sisterhood member. Please
      Zoom access.                                      memories of a civil-war-torn Ethiopia. $20 per person. RSVP   RSVP by Aug. 18 to Pat at or call 624-4633.
      Friday, Aug. 4                                    to Randi at                        Sunday, Aug. 27, 3 p.m.
      6:30 p.m. – Erev Shabbat Service with our new rabbis, Rabbi   Sunday, July 23, 3 p.m.                   Volunteer opportunity at St. Mary’s Children’s Hospital.
      Ryan Daniels and Rabbi Carlie Daniels                Volunteer opportunity at St. Mary’s Children’s Hospital.   Prepare a meal for families with children getting treatment.
         Services are held in-person and livestreamed to our   Prepare a meal for families with children getting treatment.   This is a great volunteer opportunity for teens, families with
      Facebook page (Temple Israel, West Palm Beach). Enjoy   This is a great volunteer opportunity for teens, families with   children ages 10+ and people of all ages. Call the office to
      music and easy-to-follow passages on our overhead screens.   children ages 10+ and people of all ages. Call the office to   register at 624-4633.
      Open to all. For more info and to verify any change or special   register at 624-4633.
      event, call the Temple at (561) 833-8421.         Thursday, July 27, 10:30 a.m.                      Ongoing Events:
      Saturday, Aug. 5                                  Tisha B’Av immediately following Minyan            Fridays                  Thursdays
      9:30 a.m. – Weekly Torah Study                    Sunday, Aug. 6, 4 p.m.                             5:30 p.m.. Pre-oneg      9:30 a.m., in person and via
         We discuss the English text for the Torah portion of the   Summer Concert with Pam and Dave       6 p.m., Shabbat Worship   livestream
      week, providing thoughtful discussion of ancient texts with      An exceptional duo of musicians performing all your   Minyan  Saturdays
      modern applications. Open to all; call the Temple to determine   favorite songs, from ballad to Motown to disco to pop/rock   Mondays   9 to 11 a.m., Torah study
      if in-person or via Zoom – (561) 833-8421.        to island music…sit back and listen or dance the night away!   9:30 a.m. via Zoom  via Zoom
      Wednesday, Aug. 9                                 This event is free but please RSVP.
      10:30 a.m. – Chair Yoga in-person and via Zoom
         Physically and mentally relaxing, with gentle stretching
      and balance postures to strengthen your body through the use
      of a simple chair! Free and open to all. Call for location and
      Zoom access.
      Friday, Aug. 11
      6:30 p.m. – Erev Shabbat Service with our new rabbis, Rabbi
      Ryan Daniels and Rabbi Carlie Daniels
         Services are held in-person and livestreamed to our
      Facebook page (Temple Israel, West Palm Beach). Enjoy
      music and easy-to-follow passages on our overhead screens.
      Open to all. For more info and to verify any change or special
      event, call the Temple at (561) 833-8421.
      Saturday, Aug. 12
      9:30 a.m. – Weekly Torah Study
         We discuss the English text for the Torah portion of the
      week, providing thoughtful discussion of ancient texts with
      modern applications. Open to all; call the Temple to determine
      if in-person or via Zoom – (561) 833-8421.
      Wednesday, Aug. 16
      10:30 a.m. – Chair Yoga in-person and via Zoom
         Physically and mentally relaxing, with gentle stretching
      and balance postures to strengthen your body through the use
      of a simple chair! Free and open to all. Call for location and
      Zoom access.
      Thursday, Aug. 17
      7 p.m. – TI Reads Online Book Club: World’s Fair by E.L.
         This monthly group offers invigorating, mind-expanding
      and stimulating conversation on selected books from the past
      100 years in Jewish literature. Call the Temple at (561) 833-
      8421 for more info and Zoom access.
      Friday, Aug. 18
      6:30 p.m. – Erev Shabbat Service with our new rabbis,
      Rabbi Ryan Daniels and Rabbi Carlie Daniels, and Annual
      ShaBaBeQue & Open House.
         Following in-person worship services (which are also
      livestreamed to our Facebook page – Temple Israel, West
      Palm Beach), enjoy a delicious Brotherhood-cooked barbeque
      dinner and an open house filled with activities. For more info
      or to RSVP, call the Temple at (561) 833-8421.
      Saturday, Aug. 19
      9:30 a.m. – Weekly Torah Study
         We discuss the English text for the Torah portion of the
      week, providing thoughtful discussion of ancient texts with
      modern applications. Open to all; call the Temple to determine
      if in-person or via Zoom – (561) 833-8421.
      Wednesday, Aug. 23
      10:30 a.m. – Chair Yoga in-person and via Zoom
         Physically and mentally relaxing, with gentle stretching
      and balance postures to strengthen your body through the use
      of a simple chair! Free and open to all. Call for location and
      Zoom access.
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