Page 9 - PGA Community News - July '23
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July 2023                                                                  July 2023                                                    PGA C.A.N.!, Page 9
      Did You Know That Palm Beach County

      Has An Office Of Inspector General (OIG)?

      By Inspector General                              and  abuse. The  OIG’s  jurisdiction  includes  the  county   fraud, waste, and abuse. So if you have suggestions or
      John Carey                                        government, the 39 municipalities, Children’s Services   suspect wrongdoing in government, you can contact us
         Like other OIGs at the                         Council, and the Solid Waste Authority.            through our hotline at (877) OIG-TIPS or our website at
      state and federal level, the                         OIGs are often called the citizens’ “watchdog.” They Additionally, on our website
      Palm  Beach County OIG,                           fulfill this independent oversight role by conducting audits   you can learn more about what we do or view our reports.
      created by the county                             and reviews of government organizations, operations and
      charter, is an independent,                       programs, and investigations of complaints of wrongdoing.
                                                           Citizens, elected and appointed government officials,

      nonpartisan agency charged                        and those doing business with government play an  It’s The Law
      with promoting the integrity
      and accountability in                             important role in the OIG’s work. Your requests or
      government; and preventing                        suggestions are important when we plan our audits and   Did You Know That,
      and detecting fraud, waste,                       reviews. Additionally, tips are critical in the fight against
                                                                                                            In Florida…

        Peggy Adams Animal Rescue from page 8              To learn more, please visit  By Adam S. Gumson, Esq.
                                                        About Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League                 If a child is adopted
        your pet immediately                               Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League is a nonprofit   by someone other than
        to your veterinarian or                         organization that provides critical services to more than   the biological father,
        an emergency clinic! If                         35,000 animals each year and collaborates with local   liability of the biological
        you see a dog locked in                         area rescues to expand the lifesaving work in Palm Beach   father for child support
        a parked car, call 911.                         County.                                             is terminated.
           Another friendly                                The  mission  of  the  Peggy Adams Animal  Rescue      A    guar di an
        reminder from Peggy                             League  is  to  provide  shelter  to  lost,  homeless,  and   advocacy is a form of
        Adams is that as                                unwanted  animals,  to  provide  spay  and  neuter  and   guardianship for a person
        summer approaches,                              other medical services for companion animals, and to   with developmental
        so do thunderstorms                             care for, protect, and find quality homes for homeless   disabilities who is not
        and holidays that                               and neglected companion animals, to advocate animal   fully incapacitated, but needs assistance in handling
        include fireworks. Be                           welfare,  community  involvement,  and  education  to   their person or property. It is less restrictive than a
        sure to keep your pets                          further the bond between people and animals. Peggy   formal guardianship.
        in a safe, quiet, secure                        Adams Animal Rescue League has a 4-star rating from      An estate’s executor is referred to as a personal
        place inside the house. One in five pets goes missing after   Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent charity   representative (PR). Often, the PR applies for an
        being scared by loud noises. Also, make sure your pets   navigator. Peggy Adams is an independent nonprofit   Employer Identification Number (EIN) for tax filing
        are microchipped, wear a collar with an identification tag,   animal rescue organization operating continuously since   purposes because the person who died (decedent) is
        and their information is current. Peggy Adams’ Wellness   1925. For more information and to donate, please visit   no longer the taxpayer – the estate is – and, therefore,
        Clinic provides this service if they are not microchipped.                         the decedent’s Social Security Number is no longer a
                                                                                                            valid identifier.
                                                                                                               Real estate is conveyed by a deed signed by two
                                                                                                            witnesses and a notary public and is recorded in the
                                                                                                            county where the property is located.

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