Page 10 - Jupiter Spotlight - August '23
P. 10

Page 10, Jupiter Spotlight
      Financial Focus                          ®

      What Does It Cost Not To                             To be specific, what is it worth …              the other hand, permanent insurance, such as whole life
                                                                                                           or universal life, is usually considerably more expensive
                                                           … to know your family could stay in your home if
      Have Life Insurance?                               something happened to you?                        than term insurance. This is because permanent insurance
                                                           … to know your children could continue their education   premiums, in addition to providing a death benefit, help build
      By Sally Sima Stahl                                plans?                                            cash value, which you can typically access through loans or
        It’s probably not on your                          … to know your debts could be paid without burdening   withdrawals, giving you additional flexibility should your
      calendar, but September is                         your family?                                      financial needs change over time. In choosing between term
      Life  Insurance Awareness                            Clearly, if you were to assign these benefits a “price tag,”   and permanent insurance, you’ll want to evaluate several
      Month. And that means it’s                         it would be pretty high.                          issues, such as how long you think you’ll need coverage and
      a good time to become more                           And that’s the value of owning sufficient life insurance.   how much you can afford to pay in premiums.
      aware of the benefits  of                            So, let’s return to the issue of people putting off buying     Finding out about the benefits, costs and types of life
      having life insurance – and                        insurance because they don’t know how much they need, or   insurance can help you make informed choices to help protect
      the dangers of not having it.                      what type they should have:                       your family for years to come – so don’t delay learning what
        Unfortunately, confusion                           • How much is enough? You might hear that you need   you need to know.
      about some of the basic                            life insurance equal to about seven to 10 times your pretax     This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
      elements of owning life                            annual salary. That’s not a bad “ballpark” figure, but not   your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
      insurance may be keeping people from getting the protection   everyone is playing in the same ballpark. To get a true   Member SIPC.
      they need. More than half of uninsured Americans say they   sense of how much of a death benefit you require from your     Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states
      have put off purchasing coverage because they don’t know   life insurance, you’ll need to consider a variety of factors,   and Washington, D.C., through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P.,
      what to buy or how much they need, according to Life   possibly including your current income, spouse’s income,   and in California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through
      Happens and LIMRA, two nonprofit organizations that   the size of your mortgage (in addition to other liabilities),   Edward Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.;
      provide research and education about life insurance.  number of children, educational expenses and final expenses   Edward Jones Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and
        Yet, while this confusion may be understandable, a delay   for funeral arrangements.               Edward Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
      in acquiring appropriate insurance can be costly in more ways     • What type? You can essentially choose between two     Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
      than one. From a strict dollars-and-cents perspective, it’s   basic types of life insurance: term and permanent. As its name   cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your qualified
      generally much more affordable to buy life insurance when   suggests, term insurance is designed to provide coverage   tax advisor regarding your situation.
      you’re younger. But there are potentially much greater costs   for a designated period, such as 10 or 20 years. Generally     Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
      involved in not having insurance when it’s needed — and   speaking, term insurance is quite affordable for most people,   1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
      these costs are personal.                          especially when they buy policies as young adults. On
      Book Review

      Foods That Made History:                           be prepared for converting                        to 1526) was held in Venice in 1950. At that time, “One

      The Big Names Behind The                           them to ounces, pounds, etc.                      of the restaurant’s regular patrons was the beautiful
                                                                                                           Countess Amalia Nani Mocenigo. She had been advised
                                                         As for the rest, the chef does
      World’s Favorite Dishes                            refer to cups, tablespoons,                       by her doctor not to eat cooked meat for a few weeks,
                                                         teaspoons,  etc.,  just  as  in                   and asked Cipriani to prepare her a dish according to the
      By Nils A. Shapiro                                 American recipes.)                                doctor’s orders. Cipriani had just been to the exhibition
        Some of the most                                   But  even  if,  like  me,                       of paintings and was overwhelmed with the marvelous
      fascinating books I have                           your cooking skills are                           variety of shades of red that he had seen in Carpaccio’s
      reviewed over the years                            limited to popping frozen                         paintings. The dish he prepared for the countess, from
      have been on the subject                           meals into a microwave –                          thin slices of raw beef interwoven with a pale mustard
      of food –Salt,  Consider                           fortunately, my beautiful                         sauce, reminded him irresistibly of these splendid colors,
      the Fork and  The Secret                           wife,  Linda, is  not  only                       and he named it ‘Carpaccio’ in their honor.”
      History of Food, just to                           a fine artist and jewelry                           The Etruscans, a people who dominated Northern
      mention a few – so when I                          designer, but also a kitchen                      Italy before the rise of Rome, were fond of eating a kind
      discovered this title on the                       wizard – there is much to                         of flat bread, embellished with a variety of additives and
      list of new publications it                        be savored between the covers of this book. While each of   flavorings … The name ‘pizza’ may be derived from the
      attracted  my  attention  …                        the more than half a hundred background histories takes   Latin word picea, which describes the browning of the
      and I am delighted that it did.                    up several pages, here are just a few teaser highlights to   dough in the oven … The flat bread was sold as street food
        This just released addition to the genre, by author   serve as a hint of what awaits you in its pages.  in Italy for many centuries before cheese was eventually
      Rafael Agam – a notable chef who studied at Le Cordon     Giuseppe  Cipriani  opened  his  famous  Harry’s  Bar   added.”  When tomatoes were brought over from the
      Bleu in Paris, has worked in Michelin-starred restaurants   restaurant in Venice in 1931. A great exhibition of the
      and now owns the successful  Voila Swiss-French    works of the Venetian painter Vittore Carpaccio (1472   Book Review on page 11
      restaurant in Israel – offers in one convenient paperback
      volume a buffet menu of gastronomical history, delicious
      entertainment and practical, useful recipes that will more
      than satisfy the literary appetite of any foodie reader.
        Chef Agam’s purpose in putting together this book is
      made clear in his introduction:
        “Historians of the past tended to focus on subjects more
      ‘important’ than food – war, famine, plague, navigation,
      and the discovery of new continents. They didn’t bother
      much with recording the history of fine eating. Subjects
      such as the international trade in spices, or the discovery
      of the  New  World  and  its  treasury of  fresh  culinary
      delights, might receive a certain amount of attention from
      historians, but out of thousands of years of glorious feasts,
      dedicated chefs, and revolutionary new dishes – not a
      great deal of solid information has come down to us.”
        Agam has set about correcting that by revealing the
      fascinating stories behind the origins of 53 of history’s
      most famous foods, organized into eight categories: First
      Courses, Two-Legged, Four-Legged, Fish and Seafood,
      Pizza and Pasta, Salads and Side Dishes, Pastries and
      Desserts,  and Beverages.  Many  black-and-white  line
      drawings are sprinkled throughout the text.
        Included among the vast array of 53 foods – there is
      space here to name just a few – are such famous dishes
      as Eggs Benedict, Chicken General Tso, Beef Wellington,
      Schnitzel Holstein, Oysters Rockefeller, Lobster
      Newberg, Pizza Margherita, Fettuccine Alfredo, Waldorf
      Salad, Crab Louie, Tarte Tatin, Crepes Suzette, Earl Grey
      Tea, Kir and Kir Royal. Perhaps less familiar, but equally
      interesting, are such names as Soupe Parmentier, Chicken
      Tetrazzini, Sole Murat, Pavlova, Sachertorte, the Bellini
      cocktail … and so many more.
        (A note of caution: If you plan to try any of the recipes,
      be aware that Agam uses European measurements – grams,
      kilograms (kg) and milliliters (ml)—instead of pounds and
      ounces when listing the ingredients, so you will need to
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