Page 3 - Jupiter Spotlight - August '23
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Jupiter Spotlight, Page 3

      Wounded Veterans Relief Fund from page 1                                                             a clear path for employment and a better life,” Durkee said.
                                                                                                           “We are grateful for the support of our partners, as well as
      with a mental health disorder associated with substance use                                          the state legislature, in making this initiative possible.”
      disorders (SUDS), and 63 percent with SUDS also met the                                                Visit, call (561) 855-4207, or email info@wvrf.
      criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). With the                                         org for more information about WVRF and its veteran dental
      increasing number of veterans suffering from mental health                                           care initiatives.
      disorders, the VA reports approximately 17 veterans die by                                           About The Wounded Veterans Relief Fund
      suicide every day.                                                                                     The Wounded Veterans Relief Fund (WVRF) is a veteran-
        This veteran-led nonprofit is filling in the gaps when it comes                                    led nonprofit organization that provides urgent financial
      to veteran dental care by partnering with oral health professionals                                  assistance, critical dental care, and access to professional
      and clinics across the state to provide veterans with access to                                      services for Florida’s eligible wounded veterans. The
      the critical dental care they deserve. Partners include over 60                                      nonprofit was founded in 2009 and Army Veteran Michael
      independent dental offices statewide, The Stiles-Nicholson   Before        After                     Durkee is the executive director. WVRF is headquartered
      Foundation, Nobel Biocare, and Quantum Foundation.                                                   in North Palm Beach, Fla., with additional team members
        “We are thrilled to be the first organization in the state   give this Florida nonprofit the needed funding in order to   located in the Pensacola, Tampa, and Orlando regions.
      to provide this much-needed service to veterans,” Durkee   extend its dental program to a larger number of qualified   “Like” WVRF on Facebook at WoundedVeteransReliefFund
      said. “We believe that every veteran deserves access to   Florida disabled veterans. The Florida Governor signed the   and follow on Instagram at @wvrelieffund and Twitter @
      quality dental care, and we are committed to working with   proposed bill on May 26.                 WVReliefFund.
      our partners to make this a reality.”                A list of basic qualification criteria is listed at                    Photos by WVRF
        WVRF has already funded $332,419.74 in veteran dental   Veterans who qualify for assistance and are interested in
      support in 2023 and has donated over $1 million to veteran   dental care should contact their VA social worker or County
      dental care since the start of the program in 2021. Florida     “We hope that by providing dental care to veterans, we can  It’s The Law!
                                                         Veteran Service Officer to submit a dental referral to WVRF.
      State House Bill 635: Dental Services for Veterans was
      approved and signed by the Florida Governor, and now can   help improve their overall health and well-being, and provide
                                                                                                            Did You Know That, In

        Related Information Provided By The Mayo Clinic  Pneumonia                                          Florida …
          Poor dental hygiene is directly linked to other chronic     Certain bacteria in your mouth can be pulled into your
        health care conditions like diabetes and heart disease.   lungs, causing pneumonia and other respiratory diseases.  By Adam S. Gumson, Esq.
        Studies have found that people with periodontal or     Certain conditions also might affect your oral health,     Remote online
        gum disease have a greater risk of experiencing a major   including:                                notarizations  can  be
        cardiovascular event, such as a heart attack or stroke. Gum   Diabetes                              done, but they aren’t easy.
        disease leads to an increased arterial inflammation, which     By reducing the body’s resistance to infection, diabetes   Florida Statute §117.201
        is responsible for cardiovascular problems.      puts your gums at risk. Gum disease appears to be more   to 117.305 went into
          Studies suggest that oral bacteria and the     frequent and severe among people who have diabetes.  effect on Jan. 1,  2020.
        inflammation associated with a severe form of gum     Research shows that people who have gum disease have   These provisions authorize
        disease (periodontitis) might play a role in some   a harder time controlling their blood sugar levels. Regular   Florida notaries to perform
        diseases. And certain diseases, such as diabetes and   periodontal care can improve diabetes control.  online remote notarizations
        HIV/AIDS, can lower the body’s resistance to infection,   HIV/AIDS                                  after they complete an
        making oral health problems more severe.           Oral problems, such as painful mucosal lesions, are   application and training
        Conditions That Can Be Linked To Oral Health     common in people who have HIV/AIDS.                course. An online notary may notarize an electronic
          Your oral health might contribute to various diseases   Osteoporosis                              signature. There is a lot of fine print to be understood
        and conditions, including:                         This bone-weakening disease is linked with       though, so before setting up that remote will signing, make
        Endocarditis                                     periodontal bone loss and tooth loss. Certain drugs used   sure you understand the details.
          This infection of the inner lining of your heart chambers   to treat osteoporosis carry a small risk of damage to the     In  the  case of a  deceased person,  the  personal
        or valves (endocardium) typically occurs when bacteria or   bones of the jaw.                       representative appointed during probate has the authority
        other germs from another part of your body, such as your   Alzheimer’s Disease                      to sign documents and make decisions concerning the
        mouth, spread through your bloodstream and attach to     Worsening oral health is seen as Alzheimer’s disease   disposition of the estate. A person’s position as an heir
        certain areas in your heart.                     progresses.                                        to the deceased does not necessarily make him or her an
        Cardiovascular Disease                             Other conditions that might be linked to oral health   owner until probate is closed. In addition, a power of
          Although the connection is not fully understood, some   include eating disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, certain   attorney (even a durable one) cannot survive the death
        research suggests that heart disease, clogged arteries and   cancers and an immune system disorder that causes dry   of the principal.
        stroke might be linked to the inflammation and infections   mouth (Sjogren’s syndrome).               A corporation for profit that is solely performing the
        that oral bacteria can cause.                      According to the American Diabetes Association,   purposes of a not-for-profit corporation can petition the
        Pregnancy And Birth Complications                diabetes triples the risk of getting periodontal disease, and   Circuit Court of the county in which the principal place
          Periodontitis has been linked to premature birth and   an individual with diabetes and periodontal disease is three   of business is located for a change in status.
        low birth weight.                                times more likely to develop cardiorenal mortality.     Jupiter Law Center is a private neighborhood law
                                                                                                            firm located in the RiverPlace Professional Center, 1003
                                                                                                            W. Indiantown Road, Suite 210, Jupiter, Fla., (561) 744-
                                                                                                            4600, The firm provides peace of
                                                                                                            mind by solving problems with integrity and compassion
                                                                                                            in the areas of estate planning (wills and trusts, powers
                                                                                                            of attorney, health care surrogates, living wills, probate
                                                                                                            estates, succession planning, contracts and purchase/
                                                                                                            sale agreements), family law (divorce, paternity, child
                                                                                                            support and time-sharing, alimony, property distribution,
                                                                                                            modifications,  collaborative  law,  pre/post  nuptial
                                                                                                            agreements) and real estate (community association law,
                                                                                                            residential and commercial transactions, deeds, closings).

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