Page 3 - Martin Downs Bulletin - September '23
P. 3

Martin Downs, Page 3

      Taste Of Martin County from page 1

        It will feature
      delicious foods from
      local restaurants,
      featuring appetizers,
      main dishes, and
      desserts. Guests will
      experience an array
      of drinks from local
      breweries such as
      Sail fish Brewing
      Co., Noxx & Dunn,
      Motorworks Brewing
      Co., and more. Get
      a taste and sampling
      of wines, liquor, and
      food from more than  Kate and Ian Cotner                                                             Cathy  Glover, David Hall, Sandra Barley and  Yvette
      20  restaurants of  all                            Jordan Reyes, Geraldo Reyes, Jadyn Reyes and Teresa Reyes  Flores Acevedo
      cuisines  throughout and  surrounding Martin County.
      Restaurants include Ellie’s Downtown Deli, Culvers of   Florida Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, Jupiter and Stuart   since July 2010 in Palm Beach County. Big Brothers Big
      Stuart, Berry Fresh, and Stringers Tavern & Oyster Bar to   Magazines, and Hubbard Radio.            Sisters of America (BBBSA) recognized the Martin County
      name a few. There will be so much to enjoy in support of     Tickets: Pre-sale tickets are $65 and after Sept. 14, tickets   organization in 2007 as one of the 35 best performing
      Big Brothers Big Sisters. Guests will also enjoy a chance   will be $70 for general admission, and guests wanting to buy   agencies nationwide. Visit to learn more.
      to win fabulous prizes in the raffle! The online auction   tickets on the day of the event $85 at the door. Reserved VIP   Calendar Listing
      opens Oct. 3 through Oct. 10 and will include incredible   tables will also be available. Guests may purchase VIP tables     Tuesday, Oct. 10 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., Big Brothers
      items and experiences.                             for $500. VIP tables include exclusive early entrance access   Big Sisters Big Taste of Martin County will be at Atlantic
        “The Big Taste helps us raise awareness of the mission,   for four people to our VIP Party with catered tastings from 5   Aviation. This event brings the community together for an
      reach potential mentors, and reengage our alumni Bigs   to 6 p.m., a reserved table with four chairs, two drinks tickets,   evening of fun, food, spirits, craft beer, desserts, music, and
      and Littles in the community,” said Yvette Flores, CEO   bonus raffle items, and a complimentary gift bag. VIP table   more for a good cause. Tickets are $65 until Sept. 14, then
      of Big Brothers Big Sisters.                       includes four tickets, a complimentary gift bag, and bonus   $70, and $85 at the door, VIP tables of four are $500. For
        Sponsors include: Publix Super Markets Charities,   raffle tickets. Tickets and sponsorships can be purchased   more information visit: or text
      Rehmann,  Philip  DeBerard  Injury Attorney,  Morgan   online at, visit http://bigtaste.  BigTaste to 76278.
      Stanley Samantha Waggon, Branch Manager, Go Local or text Big Taste to 76278.
      Electric LLC, First Horizon, FIS Outdoor, Terrance Riley   About Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Palm Beach And
      Irrigation, Good Greek Total Relocation Systems, FPL,   Martin Counties                               Stuart Air Show from page 1
      Sunbelt Rentals, Hunter Industries, Inc., Impact Landscaping     Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) provides children
      and Irrigation, Leavy Law, P.A., Salon Appearances, South   facing adversity aged 6 to 17 with volunteer mentors who     The gates open at 4:30 p.m., and shortly after, the
                                                         serve as positive role models. Since 1986 the organization   sky transforms into a canvas of mesmerizing twilight
                                                         has provided mentors to children in Martin County and   performances against the backdrop of a setting sun.
                                                                                                              Following the spectacular fireworks display and the
                                                                                                            infamous “Wall of Fire,” enjoy a rocking fun live concert.
                                                                                                            Vendors and concessions will be open to make it a night
                                                                                                            to remember.
                                                                                                              Special pricing is available for active military and our
                                                                                                              For ticket information, performers, and to learn more
                                                                                                            about this breathtaking celebration of aviation visit

           Advertise in This Newspaper! Call 561-746-3244

                                                                                                            TD Bank Dirty Flight Suit Party 2018. Provided by Stuart
                                                                                                            Air Show

                                              “Our TEAM is committed to
                          YOUR                excellence in personalized dental                             Editorial  copy  appearing  herewith  is  not  necessarily  the  viewpoint  of
                   SMILE                      care, providing quality treatment                             the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.
                                                                                                            Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
                                              that our patients deserve. We offer
                         IS OUR               comprehensive services including
                                              routine cleanings, teeth whitening
                PASSION                       procedures, porcelain crowns and

                                              veneers and complex implant
                                              reconstructions .”               Dr. Shannon Plymale-Galinis,   Seabreeze Publications
                                                                                and Dr. Thomas A. Galinis
                                                                                                                              M. Sean Reid
                                                                                                                                J. Reid
                                                                                                                   Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick

                                                                                                                    Production Manager   Lee Nostrant
                                                                                                                          Production Department
                                                               2812 SW Mapp Rd.  |  Palm City                  Elaine Donholt • Ruth Nekoranec • Katie Heystek
                                                            (772)283-8350                                       All rights reserved. Reproduction or utilization of these contents in any
                                                                                                                 Sherry Whalon • Dianne Strout •  Karen Kalisz
              ALSO OFFERING:                                                  form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, including xerography and
                                                                                                             photocopying is forbidden without the written permission of the Publisher.
                                                                                                               The Publisher is not responsible or liable for misinformation or misprints
              Invisalign®, Dental Implants, Porcelain Crowns,                                                  herein contained and reserves the right to accept or reject all copy deemed
              Facial Rejuvenation & Therapeutic Procedures                                                   unsuitable for publication.
                                                                             PATIENTS                            1102 W. Indiantown Rd., Suite 5, Jupiter, FL 33458
                We continue to welcome new patients and invite you to visit        ARE
                our website for special offers. Complimentary consultations                                            (561) 746-3244
                available upon request.                                        SAYING!                                 FAX (561) 746-2509

         Aesthetic Dentistry Seabreeze Ad JUN23.indd   1                                      5/25/23   6:09 AM
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