Page 10 - Palm City Spotlight - September '23
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Page 10, Palm City Spotlight


      Treasure Coast Hospice                             possible by closing the four rings and enhancing its   About Treasure Coast Hospice
                                                         quality improvement program by incorporating the newest
                                                                                                             Treasure Coast Hospice
      Achieves National Recognition                      and best practices in serious illness and end-of-life care.   is a nonprofit community
      Through Quality Connections                          “Treasure Coast Hospice is honored to be recognized   organization of skilled
                                                         by the NHPCO’s Quality Connections program for our
                                                                                                           professionals and dedicated
      Program                                            commitment to innovative, patient-centered care,” said   volunteers whose mission
                                                         Vice President of Quality and Education Shannon Cooper,
                                                                                                           is to provide access to
      Demonstrating Commitment To Providing              R.N., MPH, CHPN. “Receiving national recognition is a   compassionate, caring, expert
                                                                                                           and professional hospice and
                                                         testament to our team’s dedication to clinical excellence
      The Highest Quality Care For The Hospice           and our mission to provide the highest-quality care to   grief support services to
      Community                                          patients and families at the end of life.”        patients and families at the  NHPCO’s Quality
                                                           “NHPCO is committed to helping hospice and palliative   end of life. Founded in 1982,  Connections 4-Rings logo
        Treasure Coast Hospice                           care providers deliver the best care possible to patients   Treasure Coast Hospice has
      announced today that it                            and their loved ones. Quality Connections was created   grown to serve more than 4,000 patients annually in Martin,
      has achieved recognition                           to  make  the  ongoing  journey  of excellence  possible,”   St. Lucie and Okeechobee counties. Thanks to the generous
      by earning four rings in the                       said NHPCO COO and interim CEO Ben Marcantonio.   support of our community, the Treasure Coast Hospice
      2023 Quality Connections                           “The Quality  Connections  program continues  to  grow   Foundation is able to fund comprehensive hospice and grief
      program  of  the  National                         and include broader content and learning opportunities   support programs for Treasure Coast Hospice, including three
      Hospice and Palliative Care                        like compliance, palliative care, equity and inclusion that   inpatient units for those who need a higher level of care, the
      Organization (NHPCO).                              serve our patients and communities across the continuum   specialized pediatric program Little Treasures, music therapy,
      Quality Connections is                             of serious illness and end-of-life care.”         massage therapy, virtual reality experiences, individual
      the only national program                            Learn more about Treasure Coast Hospice at www.  and group bereavement services, and Camp Good Grief for
      designed to support hospice                                             children who have experienced the loss of a loved one.
      and palliative care providers’
      delivery of high-quality,
      person-centered care.                                                        kids corner
        Quality Connections  Treasure Coast Hospice Vice
      is structured around four  President of Quality and
      f u n d a m e n t a l  p i l l a r s,  Education Shannon Cooper,
      which are represented  R.N., MPH, CHPN               Inflexible Children Struggle                    for some people, their brain goes on for “miles” before
      by  four  rings: education,                                                                          it reaches a junction. As a parent you might think, “Just
      application,  measurement,  and  innovation.  Quality   By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                        get over it and move on,” but it is not that easy for your
      Connections participants are required to achieve     School Psychologist                             child.
      milestones within defined time frames by participating     “We don’t spring any                        Inflexible children often have difficulty making
      in activities such as quarterly data reporting and   unexpected changes on                           transitions at home and at school. They often see things
      benchmarking, educational courses, case studies, and   him or he has a huge                          their way and have difficulty going with the flow.
      engagement on emerging issues; all of which serve    meltdown,” explained                            This contributes to their meltdowns and stubbornness.
      to promote high-quality care delivery and service    one mom. Her 8-year-old                         Inflexible children are not always pleasant to be around.
      excellence. Achievement in the program is measured by   son had daily tantrums                       They can be bossy when playing and want to do things
      completing activities within each of the four foundational   when things did not                     their way. This inflexibility can create friendship issues
      areas, culminating in the closure of up to four rings.  go his way. Mom was                          with same age peers and inflexible children might prefer
        Treasure Coast Hospice earned the highest achievement   concerned he might have                    to play with younger children whom they can boss around.
                                                           ADHD so we evaluated                              The term executive functioning describes our brain’s
                                                           him to determine the root cause of his meltdowns. Our   management system. Kids with executive functioning
                                                           evaluation showed it was not ADHD but rather he had   difficulty need to learn skill rather than take pills to help
                                                           executive functioning difficulty with shifting attention   them. Mom was happy medication was not the answer for
                                                           and cognitive flexibility.                      her child. My Day is Ruined!: A Story Teaching Flexible
                                                             Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, “That person has   Thinking by Bryan Smith is a book you can read with
                                                           a one-track mind.” That saying captures what happens   your child to teach skills.
                                                           when inflexible people get something stuck in their minds     Call to discuss your child as we test for executive
                                                           and they can’t get it out. They perseverate. Their brain is   functioning difficulty, autism, dyslexia, dysgraphia,
                                                           like a train riding down a track and it can’t make a shift   ADHD, depression, and anxiety. Visit or
                                                           to a new track until it gets to a junction. Unfortunately   call (561) 625-4125.

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