Page 6 - Talk of Tequesta - September '23
P. 6

Page 6, The Talk Of Tequesta

                                                                    peT MaTTers

                                                     The Pet Cottage Post

                                Happy Tails             Tuffy                                              The Pet Cottage Mission
                                                          Tuffy is a 13-year-old                             The Pet Cottage is
                            Military Pets Find Forever   chihuahua. He came to                             a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
                            Homes With The Pet Cottage  The Pet Cottage when his                           located in Jupiter Farms
                              The Pet Cottage honors and   veteran dad was struggling                      that celebrates and
                            appreciates the service our United   to care for him.  Tuffy is                protects the magical
                            States Military personnel have   small and mighty!  Tuffy                      relationship between
                            dedicated their lives to. When   is only 10 pounds and he                      people and pets.  We
      military personnel face a big change – whether it’s                                                  provide homestyle care
      deployment or being restationed – and cannot keep their pet,                                         for pets who lose their
      The Pet Cottage steps in with support. Let us introduce you                is best friends with Elvis,   humans due to death,
      to our pack members with military backgrounds.                             our 55-pound shepherd     disability, or deployment.
                                                                                 mix.  Tuffy also enjoys     Through our two
      Dash                                                                       perching on the back of   unique  programs  – The
        Dash came to The Pet Cottage in July of 2017. She is                     couches, playing with toys   Sanctuary Residency
      an 8-year-old pitbull mix. A young military couple rescued                 and snuggling in the laps of   Program and The Lifelong Guardianship Program – we
      her from an abusive situation. They loved her and helped   Tuffy with Elvis  our volunteers.         promise our pets will always have the home, care, and
      her gain confidence but they received orders to deploy.                                              love they deserve – for life.
      She found her new forever home at The Pet Cottage. Dash                                                We provide pet companionship for senior people and
      is a sanctuary resident due                                                                          cover all veterinary expenses. We are a promise and our
      to her special needs. She                                                                            promise means forever. You are invited to join our pack!
      is  extremely athletic and                                                                                                            The Pet Cottage
      will  climb  trees  after  the                                                                                                         (561) 818-5025

                                                                                                  “Service is our number one priority”



        Arya was an abandoned
      stray who was rescued by a
      young man named Ryan. She
      latched onto his pant leg and
      wouldn’t let go. A year later,
      Ryan had to report for Coast
      Guard training and couldn’t
      take Arya with him. At the
      11th hour, he was desperate
      and determined that she
      would not go to a shelter. He                                                                                                 Expires 10/15/23.
      found The Pet Cottage. Arya
      is friendly, outgoing, playful                                                                                     State Licensed & Insured
      and  loving  with  beautiful                        Serving Palm Beach County                                    CPC # 1457468 • LPG#30099
      green eyes. She lives at the
      sanctuary but would love a
      forever guardian and home
      where she is the only pet. If
      that’s you, please contact us.

        Brody is an almost
      2-year-old  A merican
      bulldog who came to The
      Pet Cottage when his owner
      was restationed in the
      Navy. Brody is a handsome
      handful. He loves riding in
      the golf cart  and playing
      with the other sanctuary
      big dogs. He will be going
      to a forever guardian family
      we have chosen for him
      in a few months when his
      training is solid.

                                                                                    Located in Gallery Square North
                                                                                    367 Tequesta Drive, Tequesta, FL
                                                                                Now accepting phone orders (561)295-5962

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