Page 8 - Jupiter Spotlight - October '23
P. 8

Page 8, Jupiter Spotlight
      Northern Notes

      Anhinga Or Cormorant –                             food. However, there                                Finally, the two types

      How To Tell The Difference                         are many differences                              of birds vary in how
                                                                                                           they fly through the air.
                                                         between the two.
                                                         The first difference                              Anhingas soar and flap
      By Katie Roundtree,                                is  the  shape  of  their                         their wings occasionally
      Director of Finance and                            beak.  Cormorants                                 once their wings are
      Administration, Northern                           have  a  curved  beak,                            dry. They need a taller
      Palm Beach County                                  while anhingas have                               platform to take off
      Improvement District                               a sharp, pointed                                  from to soar through
        Have  you  ever  walked                          beak. Cormorants eat                              the sky. Cormorants flap
      or driven by a lake in the                         primarily fish and can                            their wings the whole
      area and seen a bird sitting                       eat up to one pound of                            time they fly, allowing
      by the side of the lake with                       fish per day. Anhingas                            them to take off more
      their wings outstretched and                       eat fish, crabs, frogs                            easily from the ground
      wondered what they were                            and other invertebrates.  Anhinga                 than anhingas.     Cormorant
      doing? Two types of birds                          They use their pointed                              Next time you see
      found in lakes around Palm Beach County display this   beak to stab their prey and bring it back to shore to eat.   one of these dark-colored birds with their wings outstretched,
      activity: anhingas and cormorants. These birds with snake-    Anhingas have longer necks and fuller, longer tails than   try to see if you can tell if they are an anhinga or a cormorant.
      like necks will perch by the water and spread their wings to   cormorants. The anhinga’s nickname is the water turkey due   Remember, “C” for a curved beak and wearing basic black is
      dry after diving for food. When the anhingas and cormorants   to the size of its tail. Their other nickname is snake birds since   a cormorant, and if it has a sharp, pointed beak, long tail, and
      enter the water, their feathers get soaked because they don’t   their neck is as long and curved as a snake. They can be seen   wearing a light-colored jacket, it’s the water turkey or anhinga.
      possess oil glands like other water birds. However, this   swimming slowly through the water with only their necks     NPDES tip: It is important to never dump any debris,
      allows them to move faster and more efficiently through   and head above the surface. Cormorants are more compact   including but not limited to landscape waste, garbage or
      the water. Their feathers soaked with water make them   and are powerful swimmers. They use their webbed feet to   chemicals into a storm sewer inlet. While bulky materials can
      very heavy when they get out of the water. Therefore, they   dive deep and catch larger fish.        cause flooding, chemicals and other wastes that are dumped
      have to stand in the sun with their wings extended to dry     Their plumage and eyes are also slightly different from   into a storm sewer eventually drain into lakes and canals,
      themselves in order to fly again.                  each other. The anhinga is slim with white markings on its   which threaten fish and wildlife and pollute the water. Please
        Anhingas and cormorants look similar when spotted   back, like a coat of light-colored feathers, and blue-green   check our website for information regarding illegal dumping.
      from afar. They are both dark in color, either black or dark   to reddish-colored eyes. The cormorant is stockier than the     Photos by Lucas Schaffer,
      brown. They both have long necks and dive to catch fish for   anhinga, with no markings on its back and crystal blue eyes.   Environmental Manager, NPBCID
      Reading Time

      With Dad                                                Peripheral

      By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,
      School Psychologist                                   FREE Consultation
        James and the Giant
      Peach and Danny, Champion
      of the World were two of                              for Acupuncture
      Roald Dahl’s books my dad
      read with me when I was in
      elementary school. Some
      of my fondest childhood
      memories were reading these
      books with my dad. We did
      other things together like                                                                                        561-745-1002
      playing basketball, going fishing, and riding bikes but the
      relational connection of sitting next to my dad on the couch                                                       654 West Indiantown
      and feeling his presence and love was strong and evident.   THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS THE RIGHT TO   Road, Jupiter, FL 33458
                                                            REFUSE TO PAY, CANCEL PAYMENT OR BE REIMBURSED FOR PAYMENT FOR ANY OTHER
      Dad gave me his precious gift of time.                SERVICE, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT WHICH IS PERFORMED AS A RESULT OF AND
                                                            WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RESPONDING TO THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE FREE, DISCOUNTED
        The father-child relationship is powerful and creates a   OR REDUCED FEE SERVICES, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT.
      foundation for your child’s psyche to develop. Will your
      child feel loved and affirmed or rejected and ignored by
      dad? As a school psychologist and dad, I get it. Dads are
      busy. Dads might believe they don’t have the nurturing
      instinct that mom holds. They are busy providing for
      their family. Parenting expert, Meg Meeker, M.D., says,
      “After 30 years in my medical practice and extensive
      research, I see one common thread in children of all ages:
      the direct correlation between a father’s presence and a
      child’s well-being.”
        If you are a dad reading this, it’s not meant to guilt
      you. Whether you’ve messed up or think it’s too late,
      your child of any age still needs you. They don’t need
      perfection; they need your presence and affirmation. Start
      small. Perhaps for you it’s asking them more thoughtful
      questions, taking a genuine interest in them telling you
      about a favorite video game, or watching a funny video
      together. For other dads it is telling your child what every
      child wants to hear: You love them and are proud of them.
        Parenting is an on the job learning experience. Here are
      a few resources to help you along the way: Meg Meeker’s
      book Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters, Robert Lewis’
      book Raising A Modern Day Knight or John C. Maxwell’s
      book Intentional Living, are thoughtful books to help dads
      along their parenting journey. Check out
      Dad, you got this.
        Call or text to discuss your child as we test for autism,
      dyslexia, dysgraphia, ADHD, depression, and anxiety.
      Visit or call (561) 625-4125.
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