Page 6 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens- November '23
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Page 6, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens

      Get Into The Spirit Of The Season! from page 1     are eligible to receive up to
                                                         $10,000 in cash and prizes.
        MIAPBC  will  collect  toys  by  land  and  by  sea  for     All  vessels  must  be
      Toys for Tots and Little Smiles. During the first week of   registered by Nov. 28. Entry
      November, donation boxes will be placed throughout the   is free with $40 refundable
      county for toy drop-offs. During the boat parade, there   deposit. For more information,
      will be a “toy fleet” of boats traveling along the parade   visit palmbeachboatparade.
      route that will make convenient dockside pickups. Simply   com or call (561) 863-0012.
      wave  a  flashlight  when  you  see  a  boat  with  toy  drive     You can follow the boat
      signage, and uniformed Marines and volunteers will pull   parade  virtually  using  the
      right up to your dock to collect your donations. Last year,   free GPS app KnowWake!
      MIAPBC received more than 14,000 toys.             KnowWake  maps  coastal
        “The parade has become an honored tradition for so many   waterways for both Android
      people throughout the years,” says MIAPBC Executive   and  iPhone  users.  Simply
      Director Alyssa Freeman. “With our toy fleet and donation   download  the  app,  create
      boxes, we hope to spread a lot of holiday cheer to children   an  account,  and  track  the
      across South Florida.”                             parade as it makes its way to
        The MIAPBC invites local businesses to participate   the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse.
      as boat parade sponsors, with packages starting at $500.   Light  up  the  holidays  this
      Package benefits vary and include business exposure through   year with MIAPBC!
      television, radio, print, digital, social media, and public   About Marine Industries Association Of Palm Beach   International Boat Show features billions of dollars of yachts
      relations. A sponsorship guarantees access to the MIAPBC’s   County                                  and accessories, with an economic impact of $1.05 billion
      exclusive VIP Viewing Party, with premium views of the     The Marine Industries Association of Palm Beach County,   statewide and $4.7 billion in Palm Beach County. MIAPBC
      boat parade, along with entertainment, food, and drinks. This   Inc. (MIAPBC) is a not-for-profit organization formed in   supports over 40 local marine-related events and nonprofits
      year, the parade’s top sponsors include the Town of Jupiter,   1986. Their mission is to promote and protect the sound   that protect and promote the marine industry in Palm Beach
      Safe Harbor North Palm Beach Marina, Harbourside Place,   growth of the marine industry in Palm Beach County for the   County and beyond, with a portion providing scholarships
      Florida Blue, Post 32, and Freedom Boat Club.      benefit and education of its members, the community, and the   to deserving students. Since its inception, the MIAPBC has
        Register your boat today and be part of this holiday   environment. The MIAPBC brings the community two annual   donated over $2.5 million to local nonprofit organizations
      tradition. A panel of judges will evaluate each vessel based on   signature events: the Palm Beach International Boat Show   and scholarship candidates.
      lights, enthusiasm, and themed décor! Participating vessels   and the Palm Beach Holiday Boat Parade. The Palm Beach               Photos by Sean Paul


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