Page 15 - Boca Club News - February '24
P. 15

Boca Club News, Page 15
      Legal: Real Estate Horror Stories

      By Michael J Posner, Esq. a partner               property. Needless to say, in both cases the buyers got a big      A common tactic found in many foreclosure cases is
      in Ward Damon P.L., a mid-sized                   surprise when they got to the house after closing.  former owners pouring cement down the toilets and the sinks
      real estate and business-oriented                    One client advised me after we handled their closing that   before vacating the property. This will be a costly repair
      law firm serving all of Florida, with             their new home was left in a disgusting, dirty condition. It   if the cement is deep into the sewer lines due to the slab
      offices in Palm Beach and Lee County.             took them many hours and much money to clean the property.   construction of most modern homes.
      They specialize in real estate law                However, there was a bright spot as they discovered an old      Another common tactic is the removal of plugged-in
      and can assist lenders, buyers and                painting left behind that contained a surprise discovery when   appliances. This includes refrigerators, washers and dryers,
      sellers with purchases, loan closings             removed from the wall. Taped to the back of the painting was   microwaves, ovens and other plugged-in appliances. In
      and refinances of residential and                 an envelope containing nearly $20,000 in cash that appeared   some cases, even appliances that are hardwired such as
      commercial real estate. They can be reached at 561.594.1452   to have been left there many years before by an old owner.   dishwashers, ceiling  fans, garbage disposals, kitchen
      or at                     This more than covered the cost of cleanup and restoration   cabinets and the like are removed by the former owners.
         Real Estate transactions can bring out the worst in people.   for the new buyer.                  This can be considered felony theft, though few lenders
      Whether it is unhappy sellers, homeowners being foreclosed      Evictions and foreclosures are often very stressful on   seek criminal prosecution for these actions.
      and/or tenants being evicted, some act out and, as they say   the owners/tenants being forced to leave their property. It      Some former owners even resort to whole property
      on Law & Order, these are their stories.          is common for banks and landlords to discover damage or   destruction.  There have been several cases of arson
         I have handled thousands of closings and in most cases the   destroyed property upon taking possession. This includes   associated with foreclosed homes. These cases have resulted
      parties are happy about the transaction. However, sometimes   unflushed toilets, punched holes in walls, rotting food in an   in felony arrests for the former owners who were caught
      the deal goes sour and the seller acts out in an attempt to harm   unplugged refrigerator or freezer, garbage strewn throughout   for their actions. In Longwood last year a homeowner set
      the buyer. In one closing, a seller removed every single light   the interior, animal waste on carpets and lawns not mowed   fire to a home of 25 years after losing the property to a
      bulb located in the house. This included the lights in the closets,   with  dead  plants.  In  addition,  many  former  occupants   homeowner’s association lien foreclosure. He had fought the
      refrigerator, and even in the oven. In another closing the seller   leave behind unwanted personal property items. We once   HOA for six years before the home was sold to a third-party
      detached the wall-to-wall carpeting in every room and rolled up   discovered a hardtop for a Mercedes-Benz convertible left   bidder. Investigators said Hermann told a paramedic treating
      the carpet as if they were preparing to deliver same to another   in a garage.                       him that he “started the fire in an act of revenge against the
                                                                                                           Homeowners Association in charge of his property” and that
                                      A Free Opportunity                                                   he had shot himself in the neck after starting the fire.
                                                                                                             How can lenders and landlords avoid these issues?

                           For Animal Lovers ...                                                           One option is to offer a bonus to the former occupants to
                                                                                                           deliver their property in good condition. This offer should
                   Now Feed 6 Shelter Dogs and Cats Every Day at No Cost to You ...                        be delivered pre-possession, with agreed upon rules to
                           in Less Than a Minute ...with just “Click”                                      make it clear what is expected. Lenders have been known
                                                                                                           to offer several thousand dollars for properties returned in
          Want to feel really good about yourself? If, like most of us, those TV announcements bring tears to your eyes with   good condition as part of a cash for keys program.
       photos of sad shelter dogs and cats in small cages, hoping somehow to be brought into loving homes – when you wish      In sale transactions, it is crucial that buyers take advantage
       over and over again that you could somehow bring joy into their lives, here is an act of loving kindness that will cost   of pre-closing walkthroughs to ensure that the property has
       you absolutely nothing ... and take less than a minute a day.                                       been maintained in the same condition as when originally
          Visit the website: and click on the words “Click here to feed a dog or cat.” A “button”
       will appear on your screen, and all you have to do is click on it once. Each time a person clicks on that button, the website’s   shown. Damage and missing items can be intentional (such as
       sponsors provide bowls of food, free, to feed 6 dogs and cats.                                      a high-end built-in audio system being removed and replaced
          That’s all there is to it. In only seconds each day, you can see to it that 6 animals are fed. The folks who run the website never   with a mass market system) to unintentional damage due to
       bother you with tons of promotional e-mails. You can, if you wish, click on a link that sends a daily reminder to you. I did that; the   sloppy movers. Also, carpets and paintings can easily hide
       reminder is e-mailed, and that is it. No hard-sell follow-ups. And if you realize how good it will make you feel to be able to do at least   wall and floor damage. Both the pre-closing walkthrough
       something for these poor, loving creatures who are there through no fault of their own (some have been rescued from abusive owners),
       imagine how even bowls of food will help make the animals feel better.                              and the duty to maintain the property in the same condition
          Please take just seconds a day to lift 6 animals’ spirits ... and your own. Thanks.              as the start of the contract are enshrined in most residential
                                                                                                           contracts as a right in favor of a buyer.
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