Page 4 - PGA Community News - February '24
P. 4

Page 4, PGA C.A.N.!                                                 February 2024                                                                                                                                                 February 2024

         Reminder From                                     Commissioner’s Update from page 1               continues to rise. Homeowners are facing massive
                                                                                                           property insurance rate increases and loss of coverage,
                                                                                                           but legislators anticipate that we have only begun to
                                                           economic development, substance use and mental
           The POA/ARC                                     health, affordable housing, homelessness, protection   feel the effects of the tort reform package passed during
                                                                                                           the 2023 legislative session and the additional guardrail
                                                           of county ordinances, transportation and water and
                                                           environmental restoration. The agenda outlines what   previously put in place. The costs of insuring vehicles
            POA documents                                  the county’s legislative affairs and intergovernmental   in Florida has also skyrocketed and a series of bills has
         require that all                                  offices, in conjunction with the county’s contract state   been filed to repeal and overhaul the state’s “no-fault”
         res idents apply                                  lobbyists, will advocate for, and work to oppose.  auto insurance system.
                                                              A significant topic among local officials is home
                                                                                                             The decisions made during this legislative session
         for POA and HOA                                     rule.  Home  rule  refers  to the  authority  granted  to     have a profound impact on the social, economic and
         approval  prior to                                local  governments  to  govern  themselves  within  the   environmental fabric of the state and will ripple through
         making any changes                                framework of state laws. Striking a balance between   communities, schools, businesses and homes across
         to the exterior of                                local autonomy and state oversight has been a serious   Florida. As leaders, it is imperative that we to continue
         your home, including but not limited to tree      challenge as lawmakers pass legislation that has   to find ways to relieve the increased burden placed
         removal or planting, new landscaping, painting,   statewide ramifications.  That balance is essential   on our residents and lead with fiscal responsibility.
         roofing, additions or construction, fencing,      to ensure communities can effectively address their   As I have advocated with the County Commission
                                                                                                           to adopt a 5 percent millage rate reduction for FY
                                                           unique challenges.
         hurricane shutters, impact glass, play equipment,      Local governments have a keen eye on bills affecting   2024/25, I am keeping the same watchful eye on any
         garage door replacement or any other change, you   home rule, like HB 267 – Building Regulations, which   legislation that could create undue financial burdens on
         must contact the PGA POA Architectural Review     aims to make a comprehensive update to the residential   our residents. The vigilance and engagement of local
         Committee for approval. Information and forms     building review process. SB 280 – Vacation Rentals,   officials during the legislative session is critical to
         are available at under the        attempts to revise regulations within the industry. In   ensure that outcomes align with the needs and values
         “Documents & Forms” heading or call 627-2800.     2011, when online rental business wasn’t well known,   of the communities we serve.
                                                                                                             As always, if I can be assistance to you, please

                                                           legislation passed that preempted local governments
                                         Thank you,        from regulating short-term rentals in local ordinances.   contact me at (561) 355-2201.
                                       Jack Hughes,           Residents continue to look to their government for
                                 Chairman, POA ARC         assistance with pocketbook issues, as the cost of living


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