Page 5 - The Shores of Jupiter - February '24
P. 5

The Shores, Page 5
      northern notes

      nonnative Species and                             as  they  become                                   owned property. They asked that all landowners be made
                                                        used to different
                                                                                                           aware of the following.
      hunting On northern                               climates.  iguanas,                                  Please be advised that, while permissible on private
                                                        Burmese pythons,
                                                                                                           property with permission, hunting an invasive species
      property                                          tegus,  Cuban  tree                                is expressly  prohibited on real property owned by the
                                                        frogs, cane toads,                                 Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District.
      By Katie Roundtree,                               Muscovy ducks,                                     This property includes lakes, canals, parks and preserves
      Director of Finance and                           and  Egyptian  geese                               owned by Northern. The only exception is state-licensed
      Administration, Northern                          are other commonly                                 trappers authorized by Northern to trap and remove wild
      Palm Beach County                                 encountered invasive                               hogs, threatening alligators, or other invasive species.
      Improvement District                              species in our area.                                 The FWC asks that the public report sightings of
        Northern Palm Beach                               Nonnative species                                nonnative species. Reporting observations helps to
      County improvement District                       are not protected in                               manage nonnative species. The best reports of nonnative
      (“Northern”)  owns  over                          Florida except by                                  species are credible reports. These are reports that the
      2,000 acres of preserves,                         the anti-cruelty law,                              FWC can verify for the species in question, and all
      approximately 50 miles of                         Florida Statute § 828.12.  They can be captured and   necessary data is included. Credible reports contain three
      canals, and more than 370                         humanely killed on private property at any time with   elements.
      water bodies with associated                      landowner permission. The Florida Fish and Wildlife     • A photograph showing the animal in question that is
      maintenance areas or easements. An abundance of native   Conservation Commission (FWC) recommends contacting   not blurry and has a high enough resolution so that it can
      animals and plant species reside in those areas. Northern’s   a nuisance wildlife control operator if concerned about   be enlarged to ensure species identification
      staff take pride in ensuring their continued success.  invasive species on their property. A list of trappers can     •  The  location  where  the  animal  was  seen.  GPS
        Unfortunately, nonnative species also encroach and   be found at               coordinates are best, but the location can also be a street
      reside in many of the same areas. While some do not cause     A recent incident involving the shooting of Egyptian   address or a detailed description of the area.
      problems, others are considered invasive, meaning they   geese on the bank of a lake owned by Northern Palm     • The date when the animal was seen
      negatively impact native fish and wildlife, cause extensive   Beach County improvement District was brought to the     You can use the web form at to report
      damage, or threaten human health and welfare.     attention of Northern’s staff and Board of Supervisors.   nonnative animals. The form will prompt you for the
        As discussed last month, wild hogs are one type of     During a recent board meeting, the Board members   information and has a map where you can select the
      invasive species whose population continues to expand   discussed the hunting of invasive species on Northern-  location if you do not have the GPS coordinates.
                                                                                                             npdeS tip: Don’t feed wildlife, especially near ponds,
                                                                                                           lakes, and streams. Attracting a large amount of wildlife
        Clerk alert                                                                                        to one location can lead to an increase in nutrients and
                                                                                                           bacteria level from wildlife waste. This can contribute to
                                                                                                           the pollution of our lakes and streams.
        making your Tax dollars                         discuss strategy and monitor portfolio performance. This
                                                        allows us to maximize investment earnings while ensuring
        Work as hard as you do                          that tax dollars are protected.
                                                          Our investment team is guided by the county investment
          Palm Beach County’s                           policy, developed by our in-house professionals and the
        investment portfolio has                        county’s investment policy committee. That policy
        enjoyed record-setting                          governs what type of investments our team can make
        returns in 2023, earning                        and provides guidelines related to risk management and
        a record $172 million in                        reporting requirements.
        investment income for the                         In technical terms, the portfolio benefited from money
        fiscal year that ended on                       invested in short, fixed income investments tied to rising
        Sept. 30.                                       interest rates. This fueled the portfolio’s growth, with
          This income is money                          investment income for the 2023 fiscal year reaching its
        that Palm Beach County                          highest point ever – more than five times the $32.6 million
        will  use  to  help  ease                       of income earned in fiscal year 2022.
        the  financial burden  on                         investment balances are at an all-time high, peaking at over
        taxpayers, supporting vital services such as community   $4.5 billion, and include conservative financial instruments
        centers, public safety and parks.               such as certificates of deposit, money market accounts, small
          How did we achieve such strong growth this past fiscal   business administration pools and israel bonds.
        year? To put it simply, in my role as comptroller i lead a     in addition to our role as comptroller, we play a crucial
        team of investment professionals who safeguard and invest   role in maintaining accurate and transparent county
        county tax dollars. Unlike many other counties, our finance   records. We are committed to providing our community
        team operates entirely in-house, which gives us greater   with information to help people understand how their tax
        control and flexibility over our investments.   money is being invested and spent.
          Our investment team – which includes me, Treasurer     Visit
        Felicia Landerman, investment Analyst John Burford and   for investment information and to review other county
        Radcliffe Brown, our chief operating officer of finance –   financial reports.
        combined have eight decades of professional investment     My team is dedicated to making sure that your tax
        experience. Our investment team earned certification from   dollars work as hard as you do. if you have any questions,
        the Centre for Fiduciary Excellence (CEFEX) for the last   do not hesitate to contact my office.
        15 consecutive years.                                                                  Regards,
          Together, we have positioned Palm Beach County at the                          Joseph Abruzzo,
        forefront of investment opportunities, meeting weekly to     Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller

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