Page 3 - PGA Community News - March '24
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March 2024                                                                March 2024                                                    PGA C.A.N.!, Page 3
      From The Editor: Coincidence? …

         Perah, along with her two                       they agreed to hide Perah and the children for a few hours.   New York in 1905. Nancy extolled the Postmaster in Kiev
      young children ages 4 and 6                        Shortly before midnight they began a journey out of the   who saved Lou’s grandmother, mother, uncle and aunt. As
      on either side of her, entered                     city and traveled west. It was the last time Perah and the   Nancy continued the story she noticed a tear form in Arthur
      the Post Office in Russia                          children would see their hometown of Kiev. They left all   Gunter’s eye. After a moment he said, “That Postmaster was
      on the cool October day                            their possessions behind.                         my grandfather!! He told us that story also.” Eighty years
      unaware of the life changing                          For three weeks, Perah, with her two children and unborn   after the life shattering day in Kiev, Russia, Perah and the
      experience that was about to                       child, traveled further west in the “underground” network   Postmaster’s grandchildren met in Daytona Beach, Florida!!!
      take place. It was Oct. 18,                        through Europe sleeping uneasily with the fear of being   At a distance of 5,500 miles from the City of Kiev, Lou and
      1905 and Perah visited the                         discovered. They were the lucky ones. Thousands of Jews   Arthur recounted their grandparents’ stories of the tragedy
      Post Office to check to see if                     were killed and their properties burned that year at the hands   that befell them and the extraordinary act of bravery and
      a letter had arrived from her                      of crazed mobs whose hatred was focused on the factories,   humanity of the Russian Christians who saved their Jewish
      husband in the United States                       shops and homes of the Jewish citizens in Russia.  brothers and sisters.
      with money he had earned and sent to her. He had moved      Through the kindness of strangers, Perah and her children      Some people view life’s experiences as coincidence.
      there for work and was saving for the day when Perah and   arrived in London and then boarded a ship to New York to   Others call it fate. I believe people come into our lives for
      the children would join him. Actually, Perah was pregnant   begin their new life with their husband and father. They   a reason and our lives are intertwined at present and in the
      so there would be another mouth to feed in a few months.  traveled in the bottom of the ship and Perah was violently   hereafter. There are aspects of our lives that we can control.
         Shortly after Perah entered the Post Office, the Postmaster   ill throughout the trip. Max traveled from Kentucky to New   We possess many freedoms in this great country. We control
      noticed through the window crowds of people were running   York to meet his wife, Perah, and his children when they   our thoughts and actions and our government provides the
      in a frantic state and buildings were on fire in the distance. He   arrived. The immigration officials changed their names   framework in which our freedoms can be expressed.
      saw some of his Jewish customers being engulfed by groups   because they couldn’t understand the foreign names.      105 years ago fringe elements of Russian society sparked
      of men and the violence that ensued. He quickly ushered   Within two months Perah now “Pearl” gave birth to a baby   fear and hatred against a group of people they considered an
      Perah and her two children to a second floor office that was   girl. Every morning and night, Perah/Pearl included the   enemy of their way of life. It happened again in the 1930’s in
      not visible from the lobby and warned them to remain quiet.   Postmaster in her prayers and asked the Lord to keep him and   Germany. Let us make certain that it does not happen in the
      Suddenly four men pushed open the main door to the Post   his family safe. She knew she would never see him again to   United States with the recent incidents of anti-Semitism. Our
      Office with weapons in their hands and asked him if there   express her gratitude in person for saving her family – while   technology has advanced our society beyond what many of
      were any Jews in the building. He quickly uttered, “No,”   risking his life and the lives of his family and friends.   us could have imagined just 30 years ago. News is available
      while making the sign of the cross as the men brandished      On a late summer day in 1985 Nancy Goldman and her   24 hours a day on television and the Internet. Facts are often
      guns in his direction and admonished him to tell the truth or   husband, Lou, were home in Daytona Beach when Nancy   replaced with interpretation and misinformation by talk show
      he would regret it. Once again, he responded, “No, did you   received a phone call from her widowed friend, Thea,   hosts and public figures that disseminate hateful speech along
      see any Jews enter this building on your way here?” They   in Atlanta advising Nancy that she would be marrying   with video to millions of people in the space of few seconds
      left while shouting their threats to his safety if he did not   a neighbor, Arthur Gunter,  a widower, whom she had   around the globe – now via Twitter and Facebook. Emotions
      participate in the Pogrom and kill the Jews and socialists.  known for years. Nancy commented that Gunter was her   can reach a fever pitch in a short period of time based on
         He immediately locked the entry door to the Post Office,   family name and joked “What a small world. We might   conjecture, untruths or distorted facts and cloud judgment
      placed the closed sign in window and lowered the shades to   be related.” They made plans at a later date to meet in   in response to perceived threats of a group of people.
      avoid any further confrontations with the angry mobs.  Daytona Beach. Nancy had not seen Thea for some time      Let us each strive to be an extraordinary citizen like the
         He opened the door to the office and could hear Perah   and they were anxious to catch up on their lives and hear   Postmaster of Kiev in 1905 whose instinct, love of humanity
      praying with the children. He prayed that Jesus would help   all about Arthur Gunter. When they met, the four of them   and sense of reason allowed him to counter the hatred
      him save this family. He did not want to alarm them so he   exchanged pleasantries and spoke about their careers and   and emotions of the reactionaries in society. Was Lou and
      re-assured them that he would protect them. They shared   their children. Nancy began to inquire about Arthur’s parents   Arthur’s meeting a coincidence?
      some food he kept in his office and waited until sundown.   with the hope that they may share a common ancestor. They      Until next month…
      He opened the back door of the building to the outside   realized they were not related. The conversation shifted                 James A. Cioffi, Editor
      darkness and saw no one was in the street. They walked to   to Lou’s family tree. Nancy related the story of Lou’s         
      a nearby apartment building where his friend resided and   grandmother, Perah/Pearl, and her journey from Kiev to

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