Page 8 - Boca Club News - July '19
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Page 8, Boca Club News
      Council Corner: What You Should Know

      About Boca Raton’s New Municipal Golf Course

      Andy Thomson was elected during the                18 traditional holes, an 11-hole short course, a traditional   keep them playing. As for time, if you ask most people
      special City Council election in 2018.             clubhouse, a golf school, and other elements. The total cost   (particularly young parents), the reason they don’t play golf
         There will soon be a new municipal              of construction, as designed, is estimated to be $28 million.   is because they don’t have four to five hours to play 18 holes.
      golf course in Boca Raton. I feel                  Taking into account the purchase price of the land, this new   Recognizing this, we should build 18 quality holes, but as
      strongly that it should be golf for                course would cost taxpayers a total of around $52 million.   part of two creatively designed nine-hole courses, ideally by
      the people--inclusive and affordable               Given this cost, the Beach & Park District has proposed   two sets of architects. That way, people who don’t have five
      for all. Here’s how I want to make it              greens fees in the range of $75-90 per round.     hours to dedicate to 18 holes have an easy off-ramp after an
      happen.                                               Recognizing now that they cannot afford to construct   hour or two, while those with more time can enjoy all 18.
         Around the country, golf courses                the course as originally designed, the Beach & Park District   Time doesn’t have to be a barrier to enjoying golf, and a
      are struggling. Many are closing, just as the Ocean Breeze   recently asked the City to approve the Price/Fazio golf course   Community Golf model can accommodate everyone.
      Golf Course did here in Boca Raton several years ago.   design and contribute $20 million toward its construction.     With more amenities for non-golfers, more attractive
         About a year ago, Boca Raton agreed to sell its municipal      We’re now at a critical decision point. Should Boca Raton   architecture for newer golfers, and quicker options for busy
      golf course. Around the same time, an independent   (or any city) spend a total of $52 million, and perhaps more,   golfers, we can make this course more inclusive for everyone.
      government body, the Greater Boca Raton Beach & Park   on a traditional golf course model that is dying, too expensive      Better deal for the taxpayers and players. Not only is
      District, purchased the defunct Ocean Breeze course for $24   for the average resident, and used by a only a small sliver of   the $30 million price tag for the current design simply too
      million. The Beach & Park District interviewed several golf   taxpayers?                             much to spend on an amenity that will be used by relatively
      course architects and ultimately selected Price/Fazio to design      Since being elected late last year, I’ve spent a great deal   few people, but it also creates another problem. The cost to
      a new “championship” golf course. This design includes   of time researching the future of golf. As a pretty lousy golfer   play on such a course will be as high as $75-90 a round, which
                                                         myself, I’ve spent hours meeting and speaking with golf industry   is more than the average resident can afford. As a member
                                                         experts, architects, analysts, and elected officials in cities with   of the City Council with a duty to spend taxpayers’ money
        Commissioner Robert S. Weinroth from page 7      successful municipal courses. All of this time and research   wisely, I can’t accept that. We need to find ways to create a
                                                         has led me to conclude that there is a better way: let’s call it   quality golf course for less. But how?
        to contact your local member of Congress urging support   the “Community Golf” model. This model, which has been      One way would be by engaging talented, creative, up-
        of the TRACED Act.                               successfully implemented in several municipal courses around   and-coming golf architects. Architects who are looking to
           Camino Real Bridge Due to Open. The $9 million   the country, has two main benefits: golf that is more inclusive   make a name for themselves, and who not only design the
        structural restoration work on the Camino Real Bridge   for all ages and skill levels, and a better deal for the taxpayers.   course (creatively, as outlined above), but build it; they are
        in Boca Raton is scheduled to be completed by mid-     More inclusive for all ages. It’s easy to forget that a   out there on the bulldozers shaping the holes themselves.
        July. Work began in April 2018, after the historic bridge   city-owned golf course is a park. It tends to be a relatively   These experienced but up-and-coming architects charge far
        was one of 14 in South Florida identified as structurally   expensive park used by a relatively small subset of the   less which, in turn, leads to lower development costs. Lower
        deficient by the state.                          community, but it doesn’t have to be. The Community Golf   development costs means a more efficient use of taxpayer
           Due to its historic designation, there was a limit on the   model recognizes that golf courses belong to everyone and   dollars and lower fees for golfers, which in turn increases
        type of aesthetic changes permitted. The most noticeable   should have something to offer everyone. For example, rather   the chances that the course will generate revenue over time.
        change was the relocation of the bridge tender’s house on   than a large and expensive clubhouse, Boca’s course should      There is a recent case study of how these elements can
        the north side. Also, the sidewalks have been widened,   have a brewery and an outdoor meeting space for golfers and   combine to create successful municipal golf: Winter Park 9.
        providing extra room for cyclists and pedestrians.   non-golfers to enjoy. There should also be free amenities,   It, too, was a defunct golf course which that city revitalized. It
           Changes Expected in Nonpartisan Elections. A   such as a putting course and free rounds for kids/juniors to   was designed by two up-and-coming architects. It was designed
        recent Florida Supreme Court opinion found that county   attract more people to the game. And we should retain some   to be inclusive and playable with broad fairways, large greens,
        constitutional officers’ elections cannot be nonpartisan.   of the 200+ acres at Ocean Breeze as park space, walking   and strategic bunkering. It includes a free putting course. Winter
        Even though the ruling stemmed from an Orange County   trails, or other creative uses of green space. All residents   Park 9 now regularly ranks as one of the top municipal courses
        case, Palm Beach County is impacted as its charter calls   could enjoy a Community Golf course like this.  in the country.
        for nonpartisan elections for the office of sheriff, property      Also, when golf experts discuss the decline in golf’s      Most impressively, this quality product was developed
        appraiser and supervisor of elections.           popularity, they often point to two main factors: intimidating   for only $1.2 million and costs only $19 to play. And the
           In light of the Supreme Court’s action, the county   difficulty and time. Golf has a well-deserved reputation for   success of this course can be seen in the bottom line: It went
        attorney issued an opinion stating that the Palm Beach   being frustratingly difficult for beginners. Traditional golf   from losing $250,000 a year to earning $100,000 a year.
        County charter’s provisions providing for such elections   course architecture---narrow fairways, water hazards---  I’ve discussed the Community Golf model and the success
        are unenforceable as a matter of law. In other words,   compound this initial intimidation factor. But the Community   of Winter Park 9 with Winter Park’s mayor at length, and he
        starting with the 2020 elections, the offices identified   Golf model calls for more inclusive architecture of the   could not be more passionate about how much this course
        above will be partisan. All other offices continue to   holes themselves---broader fairways, more short grass,   improved their city and how that model is the future of
        be held as set forth in the Florida Election Code. The   fewer hazards---that makes the course more inviting for   municipal golf.
        practical result of this change is the likely need for   newcomers, but still challenging for seasoned players with      Inclusive for all ages and skill levels. A better deal for
        primary elections for these offices in August 2020.  large, undulating greens and strategic bunkering.  taxpayers and players. That’s a golf course for the people,
                                                            A design like this would attract newer players and   and one that I want to see here in Boca Raton.

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