Page 9 - The Jewish Voice - January '20
P. 9

The Jewish Voice, Page 9

      Local Happenings from page 8                      challenged each other to send a mission to the Moon from   they faced and how they overcame them. Notable among
                                                        Israel. His incredible story told of the impossible hurdles   them were how they managed to prove to the world that the
      had the opportunity to view the exhibit and meet with the
      photographer. The entire project was part of Federation’s
      new Israel Program Center, aimed at empowering
      community members to connect to and engage with Israel
      through relevant and meaningful experiences that convey
      the beauty and complexity of Israel’s people and culture.

      Friday Night LIVE:
      Cosmos & Cutlets

         Chabad of PBG welcomed one of Israel’s most famous
      innovators at its monthly Friday Night LIVE. Yonatan
      Weintraub  was  just  23  years  when  he  and  two  friends                                         Local Happenings on page 10


                                                                                             since 1895

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