Page 6 - Waterways - September '20
P. 6

Page 6, Waterways
      Property Appraiser’s Office

      Taxpayers:                                         Filing A Petition                                   For more information about the VAB in Palm Beach
        As we head into September,                         Florida law sets the deadlines for filing a petition on   County, visit their website at www.mypalmbeachclerk.
      my office continues to                             or before the 25th day following the mailing of the notice   com/public-funds/value-adjustment-board-vab or email
      implement measures to ensure                       from our office. This year’s deadline is Sept. 14. These   them at, or call them at
      the health and safety of our                       deadlines do not change, even if you choose to discuss   (561) 355-6289.
      staff, while also maintaining                      the issue with our office. The VAB may charge up to $15
      the highest level of  safe                         for filing a petition.                            Property Appraiser’s Office
      service to the taxpayers of                          Petition forms are available on our website or you
      Palm Beach County during                           may visit the Clerk and Comptroller’s VAB website:  Receives Award From
      the COVID-19 pandemic.                   
        Our office is open to the                        adjustment-board-vab for online petition filing.   International Professional
      public however we encourage                          Once a petition is filed, you will receive a notice   Association
      you to contact us via phone: (561) 355-3230, email: PAO@  with the date, time, and location of your hearing at least or utilize our online services at our website: www.  25 days before your hearing date. You can reschedule                                   your hearing once for good cause. If your hearing is     The Palm Beach County
        By now, all property owners in Palm Beach County have   rescheduled, the clerk will send notice at least 15 days   Property Appraiser’s Office
      received their 2020 Notice of Proposed Property Taxes and   before the rescheduled hearing.          has been named recipient of
      Assessments from my office. Remember this not a bill, but rather     Fifteen days prior to the scheduled petition hearing,   the 2020 Public Information
      an estimate of your taxes based on the proposed tax rates, your   you are required to provide our office with a list and   Program Award from the
      property value and exemptions.                     summary of evidence that you will present at the hearing.   International Association
        The next stage in the tax roll process is the petition filing   You can submit your evidence electronically on the clerk’s   of Assessing  Officers
      period. Property owners have the option to appeal their property’s   VAB website. Seven days before the VAB hearing, our   (IAAO).  The award is
      assessment or denial of portability before the county’s Value   office is required to provide you with a list and summary   presented  annually,  to  an
      Adjustment Board (VAB), which is administered by the Clerk   of evidence, which will be presented at the hearing.   assessment jurisdiction
      and Comptroller’s Office. Florida law sets the value petition filing   The Hearing                   that has developed and
      period, which begins when the notices are mailed and ends 25     At the VAB hearing, you may represent yourself or   implemented an effective
      days later. This year’s deadline to file a petition is Sept. 14.  seek assistance from a professional; some examples might   system  for  distributing
        For questions about petition filing, go to the VAB website:   be an attorney, a licensed real estate appraiser or broker,   information to taxpayers  or a certified public accountant.              and other stakeholders.
      adjustment-board-vab                                 If  someone  who  is not a licensed professional     The video series submitted – Celebrating Women’s
        Also highlighted in this month’s newsletter, I am happy to   represents you, you must sign the petition or provide   History Month – March 2019, profiled the contributions
      announce our office has been named recipient of the 2020 Public   written  authorization  or  power of attorney  for  your   of some of the longest serving female employees in the
      Information Program Award from the International Association   representative.                       property appraiser’s office.
      of Assessing Officers.                               During the hearing, a special magistrate, usually a     “We selected the Women’s History Month video series
        I hope you and your loved ones remain healthy and safe.   licensed appraiser or attorney will ask you to present your   for consideration in conjunction with the recognition of
        We Value What You Value.                         evidence and testimony in support of your petition. A   this year’s centennial of the 19th Amendment,” said Palm
                                            Respectfully,  representative from our office will then present evidence   Beach County Property Appraiser Dorothy Jacks, CFA,
                                  Dorothy Jacks, CFA, AAS  in support of the property valuation, denied exemption,   AAS. “The theme honors the confident women in our
                       Palm Beach County Property Appraiser   etc.,  depending  on  the  issue. You  will  have  another   office who forged a path toward equality in their careers
                                                         opportunity to comment before the end of the hearing.   just as the brave women who fought to win suffrage rights
      The Value Adjustment Board                           Keep in mind, although the decision of the magistrate   for women,” she said.
                                                                                                             “Thank you IAAO for the recognition and a special
                                                         is binding, the hearing itself is an informal process. The
      Process                                            VAB will mail you a written copy of its final decision.  thanks to all the outstanding women who participated in
                                                           In most cases, to win a reduction in appraised value   the series,” said Jacks.
        Property owners who disagree with the property assessment   before the  VAB, you must prove that the county’s     To view the series go to:
      listed on their notice of proposed property taxes have two options   appraisal of your property exceeded market value and   playlist?list=PLww8Y2vJ_bCmeBqhGq5MdXvs1Fh6g5lAc.
      – contact the Property Appraiser’s Office for an informal review   explain why.
      of the matter or file a petition for adjustment with the Value     Regardless of the outcome of your hearing, you must   Office Closed Due To
      Adjustment Board (VAB), or both.                   pay all or the required portion of your taxes by April 1 to
        The VAB is administered by the Palm Beach County Clerk   keep your petition valid and avoid additional cost and fees. Upcoming Holiday
      and Comptroller’s Office, which is independent of the Property   After The Hearing
      Appraiser’s Office. The Board is made up of five individuals: two     The VAB must issue all final decisions within 20     The Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office
      from the county’s board of commissioners, one from the county’s   calendar days of the last day it was in session. You may   (including all of our service centers) will be closed in
      school board and two citizen members. They approve and use   file a lawsuit in circuit court if you do not agree with the   observance of Labor Day on Monday, Sept. 7. We will reopen
      special magistrates experienced in property appraisal techniques   VAB’s decision.                   on Tuesday, Sept. 8 at 8:30 a.m.
      or legal matters who conduct hearings and recommend decisions
      to the VAB for final approval. Special magistrates will review
      property valuation, denials of portability, deferrals and change
      of ownership or control determinations. All final rulings are
      determined by the VAB.
      Prior To Filing A Petition
        Our office encourages property owners to contact us to
      request a (phone) conference regarding their concerns prior to
      filing a petition. In preparation for this discussion, records on   Upscale Resale
      your property are available on our website at
      PAPA or call us at (561) 355-3230.
        If the matter cannot be resolved, you can file a petition with   Experience The Difference
      the VAB.
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