Page 6 - The Jewish Voice - November '20
P. 6

Page 6, The Jewish Voice

      Local Happenings from page 5

                                                        bless the palm frond, myrtle, willow, and citron while holding   Gardens members a renewed sense of belonging and Jewish
                                                        them all together, and assisted with the blessings.  pride as they got a chance to connect with the Rabbi and
                                                           All stations were manned by the enthusiastic children of the   Rebbetzin and celebrate this beautiful holiday from the comforts
                                                        Rabbi and Rebbetzin as they proudly stood, gloved and masked,   of their own car.
                                                        ready to help their fellow Jews perform the holiday mitzvahs.
                                                           Now they were ready for the best part of all — driving right
                                                        into the drive through sukkah. Each guest received their own
                                                        sealed and sterile container including a beautiful can of kosher
                                                        Italian wine as well as a bagel with cream cheese and lox and
                                                        salad. While parked inside sukkah they were each given the
                                                        opportunity to make a blessing under without ever having to
                                                        leave their car. Several members arrived with their sunroof open
                                                        or their car tops down, taking experience to a whole new level.
      heard the sounding of the shofar, overlooking the sparkling      It was an incredible event that gave Chabad of Palm Beach
      beachfront waves.
         Standing as a community, at the shoreline of the vast
      ocean, the services culminated with the Tashlich ceremony,
      with wishes for a good, happy, healthy, and sweet new year.
         Yom Kippur on the Beach was held at the Palm Beach
      Marriott Singer Island Beach Resort & Spa.
         The moving melody of Kol Nidrei was sung in unison
      as the Torah scrolls were carried out of the hand-carved
      wooden ark and held throughout the prayer, followed by a
      stirring Yom Kippur sermon.
         Many people, who since the start of the pandemic have
      not had the opportunity to safely attend in-person services,
      were able to pray for their loved ones at the Yizkor Memorial
      Service in a socially distanced and safe manner, overlooking
      the glistening waves.
         The culmination of the Yom Kippur experience was the
      widely attended Neila service, filled with uplifting melody,
      riveting prayer, and joy.
         To break the fast, attendees enjoyed individually packed
      bagels, lox & cream cheese, salads, and pastries, paired with
      fresh steaming coffee.

                                                                                                           Simchat Torah Meals

                                                                                                           Delivered to Holocaust


                                                                                                              Last month, volunteers
                                                                                                           from Ferd & Gladys Alpert
                                                                                                           Jewish Family Service’s
                                                                                                           (Alpert JFS) AmeriCorps
                                                                                                           program volunteered to
                                                                                                           deliver 72 meals to 53
                                                                                                           Holocaust survivors for the
                                                                                                           Jewish holiday of Simchat
                                                                                                           Torah, as part of the ongoing
                                                                                                           partnership Alpert JFS has
                                                                                                           with The Kind Kitchen of
                                                                                                           Palm Beach. The holiday
                                                                                                           marks the completion of
                                                                                                           the Torah reading cycle, and celebrates Jews’ relationship with
                                                                                                           the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible). Volunteers
                                                                                                           from the Jewish Volunteer Center of the Jewish Federation of
                                                                                                           Palm Beach County also made meal deliveries.
                                                                                                              “Alpert JFS is grateful to KAVOD, which provided the
                                                                                                           funding that enabled local Holocaust survivors to receive
                                                                                                           a special holiday meal by The Kind Kitchen for Simchat
                                                                                                           Torah,” said Alpert JFS Director of Long-Term Care Jennifer
                                                                                                           Escobar. “These meals have meant so much to our survivors
                                                                                                           during a time of such isolation and uncertainty.”

                                                                                                  “Service is our number one priority”


      Drive-Thru Sukkah

         This year has most certainly challenged everything we ever
      thought or knew. The festival of Sukkos was no different. Chabad
      of Palm Beach Gardens hosted a drive-thru Sukkah event titled
      Lulav, Lox and L’chaims!
         Guests arrived by car and received a video guide sent straight
      to their phones. The video featured all eight of the Rabbi and
      Rebbetzins’ children narrating the unique mitzvah of Sukkos
      that were going to be observed during the drive-thru. Then they                                                               Expires 11/30/20.
      pulled up to their first stop to disinfect and sanitize their hands.
      Upon completing this crucial step, they were ready to drive on                                                     State Licensed & Insured
      to their next destination, where they were greeted with a lulav   Serving Palm Beach County                      CPC # 1457468 • LPG#30099
      and etrog, the traditional mitzvah of the four species where we
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