Page 6 - The Jewish Voice - December '20
P. 6

Page 6, The Jewish Voice

      Local Happenings from page 5                      Kind Kitchen Helps                                 Garden Paint Party

      the position of goalkeeper at Manchester City and becomes a   Those in Need                             Many women
      football icon; Love In Suspenders, a sweet, romantic tale of two                                     gathered for a
      widowers who find love; Fiddler: A Miracle of Miracles, the      Amidst all the chaos, The Kind Kitchen found a way to   guided paint class,
      engrossing documentary that traces the origins, incarnations,   bring cheer to those in need. Volunteers gathered to deliver   complete with a
      and influence of the beloved stage musical Fiddler on the Roof;   more than 700 fresh, hot meals last month to those stuck at   delicious salad
      and Mrs. G, the Israeli documentary celebrating how Holocaust   home due to the pandemic, the elderly, or anyone in need.  and dessert bar –
      survivor Mrs. Lea Gottlieb created the world’s most famous                                           all individually
      swimsuit company.                                                                                    packaged.
      The Rabbi Goes West

         Chabad of Palm Beach
      Gardens recently presented
      an event that highlighted the
      beauty and joy of Judaism,
      with Montana Chabad
      Rabbi Chaim Bruk.
         Rabbi  Dovid Vigler
      stated that some Jews make
      the mistake of defining
      their Jewish identity based
      on anti-Semitism, but the
      evening’s event highlighted
      the  “joys”  of  Judaism
      instead of the “oys.”
         Guest speaker Rabbi Chaim Bruk is Chabad’s representative
      to the State of Montana, which is 17.5 times the size of the
      State of Israel. He spoke passionately and humorously about
      the work that he and his wife, Chavie, and their children do to
      reach out and inspire every single Jew in the state, ensuring that
      no Jew is left behind. He spoke about their response to white
      supremacists in Montana — creating an initiative called the
      Montana Chumash Project, giving an English/Hebrew Torah
      for each Jewish home in the state.
         He told the story of how he taught the Montana police to
      communicate with their Israeli-trained dogs in Hebrew and of
      the challenges of arranging kosher food in Montana.
         But the most touching part of his talk was when he spoke
      about the infertility that he and his wife have experienced and
      their choice of adopting five children, including their black
      son, Meni.
         Rabbi Vigler concluded by saying that the Rebbe inspired
      the most powerful response to the Holocaust: Just as the Nazis
      searched out each and every last Jew with hate, our job is to
      search out each and every last Jew with love.

      The Nazi Titanic

         The Nazi Titanic was
      a fascinating presentation
      at Chabad of Palm Beach
      Gardens by Dr. Robert
      Watson, Distinguished
      Professor  of American
      History at Lynn
         Though the records
      of this sad story had been                                          Zoom....To Temple BeTh DaviD!
      locked up in the archives
      of British Intelligence for
      10 years, Prof. Watson                                 Temple Beth David invites you to join Rabbi paul arberman
      was able to have them recently declassified. The archives
      tell the story of the Fuhrer obsessed with Hollywood movies,   and Cantor Danielle Benshimon for virtual minyan and Shabbat
      which he watched together with Minister of Propaganda   Services. Visit our website, for
      Joseph Goebbels. When they realized that the directors and
      owners of the movies were all Jews, they set out to create   dates and times.
      their own Nazi blockbuster in the form of Titanic. Though
      Hitler spared no expense in producing the film, it was an
      epic failure, as even the German director he hired used
      the movie to portray anti-Nazi propaganda, under the very
      noses of his Nazi taskmasters. Though he was hanged for his
      insubordination, he had the last laugh from the grave as the
      film was rendered useless for the Nazis.
         Beyond the epic embarrassment that the film was for Hitler
      and the Nazis, it was the worst maritime disaster of human
      history, resulting in the deaths of at least 10,000 Jews, all by
      friendly fire! Though many of us have heard of the brutal death
      marches that the Nazis forced the Jews to take just before the
      end of the war, the purpose and destination of these marches
      finally comes clear in this painful presentation.
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