Page 10 - Palm City Spotlight - February '21
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Page 10, Palm City Spotlight                                                                                         DOUBLE SPACE

                                                          Book Review

      Hits & Misses                                      satirical commentary on our                       screaming his head off. And now, he is in a cage in a glue factory
                                                                                                           and nobody cares about him, and his friend, Paul – you know
                                                         “millennial” generation’s
      By Nils A. Shapiro                                 foibles and lifestyle trends.                     him, Paul Revere – is famous. It isn’t fair.
        I  should  make  this  an                          That story has just                               Menlo Park, 1891. Thomas Edison’s laboratory was located in
      annual treat!                                      been made into a film, An                         Menlo Park, N.J. In 1891, he invented the kinetograph, the first
        Exactly one year ago, in                         American Pickle, starring                         “motion picture camera” which he knew would change the world
      February 2020, I reviewed                          Seth Rogen in dual roles                          and make him famous. He hires a boy, hands him two oblong
      a collection of short stories,                     as both the immigrant                             wooden clubs, tells him to just swing the clubs over his head,
      Spoiled Brats, by Simon                            Jew and the century-later                         films that activity for a few minutes with his new invention and
      Rich, an author among whose                        descendant of his wife who                        sarcastically titles the film Newark Athlete. Then Edison invites
      credits are having been a                          was pregnant at the time of                       the press, screens the film and anticipates their excited reaction
      writer for TV’s Saturday Night                     his disappearance.                                and questions. When the reporters notice the boy, they rush to
      Live and The Simpsons. He is                         Rich’s newest collection,                       him – not Edison – and ask what it feels like to be an actor, what
      a frequent contributor to The                      Hits & Misses, contains 19                        advice he has for youngsters seeking an acting career, inquire
      New Yorker magazine, has created several TV series, and now   stories. Published in 2018, it         about his girlfriends, and so on. Simon Rich lives in Los Angeles,
      has seven published books to his credit.           is every bit as much fun. And, just as with the others, you can   and knows full well the irony of celebrity worship – actors over
        England’s Guardian newspaper calls Simon Rich “the   open it to almost any page – at the beginning of any story – and   all others, including in this fictional case the inventor!
      funniest man in America,” and he has also been described as “the   find a hit; there are virtually no misses here. In my case, I had     Dinosaur is about a real dinosaur. You know, the really big,
      Stephen King of comedy writing.” Conan O’Brien has simply   an hour or so before dinner New Year’s Eve and decided to start   green kind with a scaly back, yellow eyes and sharp razor teeth.
      stated, “My admiration for Rich is rivaled only by my jealousy.”  reading the first story. In two sittings, by the end of New Year’s   Except this one works as a writer for a TV show, and the rest of
        As for my reaction to Spoiled Brats, the book I reviewed a   Day, I had turned the last of the book’s 230 pages ... captivated   the staff, humans one-twentieth his size, are really way – and I
      year ago, I laughed out loud from first page to last at the wildest   again by the almost inconceivable imagination capable of   mean waaaaaaaay younger. The problem is that the others keep
      extremes of comedic imagination I had ever encountered in   springing from one man’s mind!           using words like “woke,” and other terms that he hasn’t caught
      any creative form. One of the 13 stories in that book, Sellout –     I kept telling myself “just one more story ... just one more ...”   onto, and he is embarrassed to admit it, so he has to keep looking
      although, at 78 pages in length, I described it then as almost a   After all, they average only about five or six pages each. But,   them up. It’s a “generation gap” thing, but when robots enter
      novella – I found especially hilarious and impressive. It tells of an   like eating potato chips, I couldn’t stop until there were no more   the picture it all works out at the end, thanks to Simon Rich’s
      immigrant Jew who arrives in America from Europe, gets a job in   left. Here are several examples to explain why:  inexhaustible imagination.
      a Brooklyn pickle factory, marries a girl who becomes pregnant,     Riding High: The Oatsy Story is told by a horse who has a     There are 16 more like these. Go along for the ride. You will
      and one day he falls into a large vat of brine, the lid closes above   legitimate complaint. He describes how one night he spent hours   love it. And when somebody makes a movie out of one of these
      him, and he is not discovered – perfectly preserved – until 100   running all around town, even through brambles, no matter how   stories, you will have read the book first!
      years later! What happens to him then becomes the author’s   tired, while his friend Paul on top of him, was scared and kept

                                                    fInanCIal foCus

      Remote Work May Offer                              pandemic, according to a Harvard Business School study.   appropriate  office  attire.  By  working  from  home,  you
                                                                                                           can “dress down,” reducing your clothing costs and dry-
                                                         This shift to at-home work can affect people’s lives in
      Financial Benefits                                 many ways – and it may end up providing workers with   cleaning bills.
                                                         some long-term financial advantages.                As you can see, it may be possible for you to save quite
      By Bryce Buchanan,                                   If  you’re  one  of  those  who  will  continue  working   a bit of money by working from home. How can you use
      Edward Jones                                       remotely, either full time or at least a few days a week,   your savings to help meet your long-term financial goals,
        During  the  COVID-19                            how might you benefit? Here are a few possibilities:  such as achieving a comfortable retirement?
      pandemic, many of us have                            • Reduced transportation costs – Over time, you can     For one thing, you could boost your investments. Let’s
      been forced to work from                           spend a lot of money commuting to and from work. The   suppose that you can save $2,500 each year by working
      home. But once we’ve                               average commuter spends $2,000 to $5,000 per year on   remotely.  If  you  were  to  invest  this  amount  in  a  tax-
      moved past the virus, many                         transportation costs, including gas, car maintenance,   deferred account, such as an IRA or your 401(k) or similar
      workers  may  continue                             public transportation and other expenses, depending on   employer-sponsored  plan  and  earned  a  hypothetical  6
      working from home. More                            where they live, according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic   percent annual return for 20 years, you’d accumulate more
      than one-third of companies                        Analysis and the U.S. Census Bureau. If you are going to   than $97,000 – and if you kept going for an additional 10
      with employees who started                         work primarily from home, you should be able to greatly   years, you’d have nearly $210,000. You’d eventually pay
      working from home  now                             reduce these costs.                               taxes on the amount you withdrew from these accounts
      think  that  remote  work  will  stay  more  common  post-    • Potentially lower car insurance premiums – Your auto   (and withdrawals prior to age 59½ may be subject to a
                                                         insurance premiums are partially based on how many miles   10 percent IRS penalty), but you’d still end up pretty far
                                                         you drive each year. So, if you were to significantly reduce   ahead of where you’d be otherwise.
                                                         these miles by working from home, you might qualify for     You also might use part of your savings generated by
                                                         lower rates.                                      remote work to help build an emergency fund containing
        Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing        • Lower expenditures on lunches – If you typically eat   a few months’ worth of living expenses. Without this fund,
        Palm Beach County and is a privately             lunch in restaurants or get takeout while at work, you could   you might be forced to dip into your retirement accounts
        owned and managed company.                       easily be spending $50 or more per week – even more if   to pay for something like a major home repair.
        Captain’s is committed to providing              you regularly get coffee drinks to go. By these figures,     Becoming an at-home worker will no doubt require
        dependable, reliable and professional            you could end up spending around $3,000 a year. Think   some adjustments on your part – but, in strictly financial
        ground transportation to and from all
        South Florida Airports and Seaports.  PBCVH212   how much you could reduce this bill by eating lunch at   terms, it could lead to some positive results.
           To reserve your vehicle:                      home during your remote workday.                    This article was written by Edward Jones, member
       561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890    • Lower clothing costs – Despite the rise in “casual   SIPC, for use by your local Edward Jones financial
                                                         dress” days, plenty of workers still need to maintain   advisor.

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                                                                           Agent in Charge

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