Page 22 - PGA Community News - July '21
P. 22

Page 22, PGA C.A.N.!                                                  July 2021                                                                                                                                                      July 2021

      Three Ways To Help Kids Who Worry

      By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                             if it is a rational or irrational fear. Thus, you are leaving   Coping Cat program with their parent. You can learn more
      School Psychologist                               the triggering event that leads to his irrational fear of an   at
         Is your child a worrier?                       accident. This takes lots of discussion as well as teaching      Finally, if  needed, seek a  professional  counselor.
      Excessive  worrying  in                           him how to self-calm through breathing.            There are many counselors that use a cognitive behavioral
      children  might show up                              Second, use books or a program. To help a younger   therapy approach to treatment. This type of counseling
      when he throws up every                           child, you could read What to Do When You Worry Too   helps your child change negative thoughts into more
      day before school, she has                        Much: A Kid’s Guide to Overcoming Anxiety with your   positive thoughts. Counseling helps children cope
      to know your whereabouts                          child. For a teen you can read The Anxiety and Worry   with and manage anxiety symptoms while gradually
      at all times, she can’t sleep                     Workbook: The Cognitive Behavioral Solution by David   exposing them to their fears to help them learn skills.
      in her own bed, he is afraid                      Clark. Younger children often benefit from using the is one good source.
      of a family member dying,
      and  she worries so  much
      about what peers think so it stifles decision making.
         These are real issues and the pandemic has elevated   Book Review from page 20
      anxiety in children. Causes of anxiety include genetics
      as anxiety often runs in the family tree, past experience   likewise lending support to the possibility of transmitting   carefully, worked their ruse on the camp commander –
      such  as  being  bullied,  or  temperament.  Summer  is  a   thought: If person-to-person discourse via telegraphed   at one point even pleading with him not to make them
      great time to help your child and teach new coping skills.   messages, radioed voices, and telephonic speech was a   leave the safety of the camp to lead him to the treasure
      One way to help your child is to teach him or her how   reality, then why not direct communication from mind   – is a story told in gripping detail.
      to identify triggers. What precipitates the anxiety? Your   to  mind,  without  the  intervening  technology?  Many      But  even  the  remarkable  accomplishment  of
      child might not want you to leave him and when you go   investigators of spiritualist phenomena, including the   convincing the commander about Jones’s ability to
      to the store he worries you’ll get in a car accident. Once   Society for Psychical Research, were busy exploring   communicate with the spirit world, and to appeal to his
      you know the anxiety trigger, teach your child to decide   thought reading as well.”                 greed as a way of being able to escape, almost pales in
                                                              The astounding worldwide spread of belief in   comparison to a key part of the plan: the need for Jones
                                                           the Ouija board was its convincingly high record of   and Hill to be diagnosed as certifiably insane so that
                                                           accuracy in answering many of the ordinary kinds of   the commander – for his own greedy purposes – could
                                                           questions asked by those present at group sessions.  officially authorize them to leave the otherwise strictly
            Wanted                                         a staggeringly long distance, and then held in an   Turkish mental hospital. Carefully acting out their

                                                                                                           guarded  camp  in  order  to  be  examined  at  a  distant
                                                             After Harry Jones had been captured, force-marched
                                                                                                           parts, having been coached by a doctor among their
                                                           isolated prisoner of war camp surrounded by desert and
                                                           mountains in Turkey, he made a make-shift Ouija board   fellow prisoners, Jones and Hill anticipate two weeks
                                                           to help pass the time with his fellow prisoners ... and   at the hospital – only to find that their stay extends to
              People are vandalizing                       carefully memorized the complex order of alphabetical   six months, during which time they must act the roles
              golf courses after play                      letters around the edge of the board so that he could   of madmen 24 hours a day! It is a horrific test of their
            hours. Sand traps, greens                      spell out answers even blindfolded, to the amazement   determination and endurance, and one of the most
                                                           of the others, who began to suspect that he could in
                                                                                                           compelling sections of the book.
              and fairways are being                       fact commune with the spirit world.                Finally, we learn what awaited both Jones and Hill
          damaged. If you see anyone                          One day, another group of prisoners arrived that   after this historic experience, and through the rest of
                                                                                                           their lives. The author’s voluminous research is attested
             on courses after hours,                       included an Australian who had enlisted in England’s   to by the 188 pages of reference notes and index at the
                                                           Royal Air Force. Cedric Hill, as it turned out, was an
             please call POA Security                      accomplished sleight-of-hand artist who had entertained   back of the book, plus several maps and photos of the
                   at 627-1600 or                          many with his magic tricks. The meeting of Jones and   leading characters.

                                                           Hill  was  a  fortuitous  coincidence: Together, over a
                                                                                                              Author Margalit Fox takes the story one important
           Resort Security, 627-2000.                      period of months, they used their separate but related   step further in her closing chapter, “Persuasion,” which
                                  Thank you.               skills to convince the camp’s stern Ottoman commander   – with the help of comments from noted psychologists
                                                           that the spirit who answered Jones through the Ouija   and other experts – describes how con men are able
                                                           board – the “Spook” – knew of a treasure buried miles   to fool enormous numbers of people into believing
                                                           from the camp by a wealthy man who had been a victim   what their own common sense tells them is not true –
                                                           of the earlier Armenian massacre by the Turks.  when they believe what they want to believe. It is an
                                                              The extraordinary and complex psychological steps   especially relevant read during this time in our own
                                                           by which Jones and Hill slowly, and excruciatingly   nation’s life.

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