Page 19 - Southern Exposure - July '21
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Southern Exposure, Page 19

                                                           thEatrE haPPEnings

                                 Palm Beach Dramaworks Announces

                                             The Return Of The Master Playwrights Series

                Live Zoom Presentations On July 14 And August 4 Examining The Life And Work Of Wendy Wasserstein And August Wilson

        Palm Beach Dramaworks’(PBD) popular Master Playwrights  born. Three playwrights were showcased each season and the  Turner’s Come and Gone, and Two Trains Running.
      Series, an informative and entertaining program that provides  programs became two-day events, with the second day devoted    “Given all we’ve been through as a society in the past few
      in-depth looks at the lives and works of major playwrights, is  to a reading of a complete play by the featured playwright. In  years, I think it’s likely that audiences will view these programs
      returning this summer as an online initiative, with the focus on  2013, the Master Playwrights Series was folded into a new  with fresh eyes and hear Wasserstein’s and Wilson’s words with
      two beloved writers of the late 20th century. The first of the two  series, Dramalogue: Talking Theatre! which alternated between  fresh ears,” said Hayes. “And we’re excited to be doing these
      live Zoom presentations takes place on Wednesday, July 14 at  the familiar presentations about playwrights (minus the second  presentations online, as we can reach a wider audience.”
      7:30 p.m., with a look at the life and career of Wendy Wasserstein.  day), and live interviews with theatre luminaries.    To reserve tickets, visit or
      The second program, on Wednesday, August 4 at 7:30 p.m., is    Both Wasserstein and Wilson have been featured before, so  call the box office at (561) 514-4042, Ext. 2.
      devoted to August Wilson. The presentations by Mark Perlberg,  these programs are revivals of sorts. Hayes and Perlberg chose  About Palm Beach Dramaworks
      executive producer of the series, will include scenes from  to revisit these dramatists now because their personal journeys    Palm Beach Dramaworks is a professional, nonprofit theatre
      Wasserstein’s and Wilson’s plays, read by professional actors.  and their plays speak with great immediacy to this moment in  company founded in 2000 and located in the heart of downtown
      There will be a Q&A session via Zoom at the conclusion of each  time. In such works as Uncommon Women and Others, Isn’t It  West Palm Beach. Each season, the award-winning company
      program. Tickets are free, but reservations are required.   Romantic, The Heidi Chronicles, and The Sisters Rosensweig,  produces five mainstage shows and offers a wide variety of
        The Master Playwrights Series was launched in 2007 after  Wasserstein, with great wit, humor, insight, and compassion,  programs for students at the theatre, in schools, and online.
      Perlberg, a Henrik Ibsen enthusiast, asked Producing Artistic  explored the dreams, the challenges, and the obstacles faced by  Committed to fostering the future of theatre, PBD has become a
      Director William Hayes if he could do a presentation about the  women seeking to forge rich personal and professional lives.  hub for playwrights in Florida and around the country to nurture
      playwright that combined a lecture with excerpts from Ibsen’s  Wilson, who chose the blues as his aesthetic, was a lyric poet  their work through initiatives including drama (in the) works and
      plays. Hayes liked the idea, and so did PBD patrons: the one-time  and consummate storyteller, whose monumental achievement  the annual New Year/New Plays festival. PBD is a member of
      only event quickly sold out. So, a second show was added. It was  was The Century Cycle, 10 plays that chronicle Black America  Theatre Communications Group, Florida Professional Theatres
      evident from the audience response that there was a desire for  in a different decade of the 20th century, including Ma Rainey’s  Association, and the Cultural Council of Palm Beach County,
      this kind of programming, and the Master Playwrights Series was  Black Bottom, Fences, The Piano Lesson, Seven Guitars, Joe

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        To reserve your Peripheral Neuropathy consultation                                                         Who Worry

              and exam special price of $49 (reg. $228.94)                                                       By Jim Forgan, Ph.D., School Psychologist
                                                                 Keith L Volstad DC DABCI DACBN
                                                                           Chiropractic Internist           Is your child a worrier?
                                                                          Jupiter Professional Plaza      Excessive worrying in
                                                                           875 Military Trail #208        children  might show  up
                                                                  when he throws up every
                                                                                                          day before school, she has
                                         The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination, or treatment   to know your whereabouts
                                         that is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination, or treatment.
                                                                                                          at all times, she can’t sleep in
                                                                                                          her own bed, he is afraid of
                                                                                                          a family member dying, and
                                                                                                          she worries so much about
              CAMPBELL AND KARLIK, P.A.                                                                   what peers think so it stifles
                                                                                                          decision making.
                                   ATTORNEYS AT LAW                                                         These are real issues and the pandemic has elevated
                                                                                                          anxiety in children. Causes of anxiety include genetics as
                                                                                                          anxiety often runs in the family tree, past experience such
                                                                                                          as being bullied, or temperament. Summer is a great time
                             Wills • Trusts • Estate Planning • Probate                                   to help your child and teach new coping skills. One way

                               Taxation • Real Estate • Corporations                                      to help your child is to teach him or her how to identify
                                                                                                          triggers. What precipitates the anxiety? Your child might
                                                                                                          not want you to leave him and when you go to the store
                                                                                                          he worries you’ll get in a car accident. Once you know the
                                                                                                          anxiety trigger, teach your child to decide if it is a rational
                                                                                                          or irrational fear. Thus, you are leaving the triggering event
                                                                                                          that leads to his irrational fear of an accident. This takes
                                                                                                          lots of discussion as well as teaching him how to self-calm
                                                                                                          through breathing.
                                                                                                            Second, use books or a program. To help a younger
                                                                                                          child, you could read What to Do When You Worry Too
                                                                                                          Much: A Kid’s Guide to Overcoming Anxiety with your
                                                                                                          child. For a teen you can read The Anxiety and Worry
                                                                                                          Workbook: The Cognitive Behavioral Solution by David
                                                                                                          Clark. Younger children often benefit from using the Coping
                                                                                                          Cat program with their parent. You can learn more at www.
                                                                                                            Finally, if needed, seek a professional counselor. There
                                                                                                          are many counselors that use a cognitive behavioral therapy
                                        Diane L. KarLiK                                                   approach to treatment. This type of counseling helps your
                                                                                                          child change negative thoughts into more positive thoughts.
                                                                                                          Counseling helps children cope with and manage anxiety
                                                                                                          symptoms while gradually exposing them to their fears to help
                                                                       Tel: (561) 625-5220                them learn skills. is one good source.
        3450 Northlake Boulevard Suite 210                 Fax: (561) 625-5201• Mobile: (561) 797-5004      Dr. Forgan tests kids for ADHD/ADD, dyslexia, gifted,
        Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33403                                EMail:               anxiety, learning disabilities, and processing problems. Call
                                                                                                          (561) 625-4125 or visit
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