Page 12 - Martin Downs Bulletin - October '21
P. 12

Page 12, Martin Downs


      The Forbidden City: Beijing’s                        The Mongols ruled China from an
                                                         imperial palace located in Beijing in the
      Former Imperial Palace                             latter portion of the 14  century during the
                                                         Yuan Dynasty. When Emperor Hongwu
      By Don Kiselewski, MCC,                            established the Ming Dynasty, he moved
      D.S., Palm Beach Gardens                           the palace to Nanjing in the south and
      Travel Leaders                                     ordered the Mongol palace razed. When
        A  little  more  than  600                       Hongwu’s son Zhu Dii became the
      years ago, in 1406, ground                         Yongle Emperor in 1402, he ordered the
      was broken for the world’s                         construction of a new imperial palace in
      largest palace complex                             Beijing (the Forbidden City).
      – known today as the                                 For 224 years, the Forbidden City was
      Forbidden City.                                    the seat of the Ming Dynasty. In 1644 the
        It  was  the  fifth  year                        city fell to Li Zicheng, who proclaimed
      of the reign of the third                          himself emperor of the Shun Dynasty.
      emperor of the Ming                                His reign was short-lived because of a
      Dynasty. The walled area that is now in the heart of   counterattack by the combined forces of
      Beijing, China, took only 14 years to build. This seems   the Ming and Manchu armies. By the end
      like an astronomical feat considering that the complex   of the year, the Manshu force had claimed
      consisted of 9,999 buildings contained within a 20-foot-  supremacy in northern China. In the fall of
      high wall that encapsulated some 72 hectares (178 acres).   that year, Shunzi was proclaimed emperor
      The wall that encloses the city is 2,300 feet from east   of all China. “Supremacy” was replaced
      to west and 2,900 feet from north to south. It is 26 feet   with “Harmony” as the theme of the
      wide at the base sloping to a width of 20 feet at the top. A   dynasty, changing many of the building
      moat that is 20 feet deep and 60 feet wide surrounds the   names accordingly.
      city, further buffering the interior from the outside world.     There were other changes in ownership
      Records indicated that more than a million workers, of   of the city. Anglo-French forces took
      which around 100,000 were artisans, worked around the   control of the city in 1860, during the
      clock to complete the construction of the complex.  Second Opium War, and held it until
        Designed and constructed as the “Imperial Palace,” the   the end of the war. It was then that the
      complex has been bestowed with numerous names over   Empress Dowager Cixi began to hold
      the course of its history. The “Forbidden” aspect of the   court, which lasted until 1900 when
      name stemmed from the fact that no one could enter or   she fled the palace during the Boxer
      leave the city without the permission of the emperor. Other   Rebellion.
      names associated with the palace throughout time were the     The last emperor of China, 2-year-old
      “Forbidden Palace,” “Purple Forbidden Palace,” “Layered   Puyi, then controlled the city until his
      Inner City” and the “Purple Forbidden Walled City.”  abdication in 1912. Before his departure,
                                                         he sold many of the artifacts to finance his
                                                         extravagant lifestyle. Puyi lived in a small
                                                         section of the palace until he was evicted
                                                         by a coup in 1924.                Hall of Preserving Harmony
                                                           When Japan invaded the area in 1933,
                                                         the national treasures in the museum were divided and sent     The “Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties” was
                                                         to various areas of the country. A small but very valuable   the official name given to the Forbidden City in 1987, when
                                                         portion of the treasures were sent to Taiwan under orders of   it was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
                                                         Chiang Kai-shek. These were not returned and kept hidden     The Outer or Front Court is found on the south end of
                                                         until 1965, when they reappeared at the core exhibit of the   the complex. The great open space was used for ceremonial
                                                         National Palace Museum in Taipei.                 purposes. The Inner Court, or Black Palace as it is often called,
                                                           In  1949  when  the  People’s Republic  of China  was   lies to the north; this was the residence of the emperor and
                                                         established, there were several confrontations and damage   where the day-to-day affairs of the state were carried out.
                                                         was inflicted upon portions of the palace. Further destruction   The three tiered terraces further elevate the Hall of Supreme
       A water container used in fire fighting           was thwarted during the Cultural Revolution when Premier   Harmony, which dominates the Outer Court. Odd numbers,
                                                         Zhou Enlai stationed a battalion of army troops in the city
                                                         to stabilize the situation.                       Travel on page 13

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