Page 15 - Palm City Spotlight - October '21
P. 15

Palm City Spotlight, Page 15

       Martin County Sheriff’s Department

       There Is A New Air One In                                                                             This endeavor of finding a new helicopter for Martin
                                                                                                           County started 3 years ago as we analyzed our air assets
       Town                                                                                                and concluded that the useable lifespan of our current
                                                                                                           military surplus OH-58  helicopters was coming to  an
         The Martin County Sheriff’s Office and members of our                                             end. The maintenance costs and the lack of available
       community welcomed the new Airbus H125 to its new home                                              military parts for the 1970s, Vietnam-era helicopter, made
       in Martin County on Wednesday, September 15.                                                        it abundantly clear that the program had to give way to
         Here in Martin County, our helicopters have become the                                            different equipment. In addition to the lack of available
       backbone of our law enforcement efforts. Everything we do at                                        military parts, the military has no replacements that the
       the Sheriff’s Office is viewed through the lens of, “How do we                                      Sheriff’s Office could utilize.
       keep Martin County safe?”                                                                             The challenges we faced forced us to purchase the Airbus
                                                                                                           H125, a civilian helicopter. This helicopter is fully equipped
                                                                                                           with state-of-the-art crime fighting technology. In addition,
                                                         Martin County Sheriff’s Deputies and K-9          this helicopter is outfitted with a rescue lift that will help
                                                                                                           us extricate victims in remote areas such as state parks,
                                                                                                           preserves, as well as offshore. This lifesaving capability
                                                                                                           did not exist in Martin County until today.
                                                                                                             We would like to give a special thanks to our Aviation
                                                                                                           personnel who did the research and preparation for
                                                                                                           this helicopter.  Thank you to our Board of County
                                                                                                           Commissioners who supported us in this effort and the
                                                                                                           citizens of Martin County for their support!
                                                                                                             Everything done at the Martin County Sheriff’s Office
                                                                                                           is done to advance public safety and this new Airbus H125
       Sheriff Will Snyder and our new Airbus                                                              helicopter epitomizes that goal.

                                                                                                             Brews & Boos
                                                                                                                Friday, October 22, 2021
                                                                                                                 5:00 PM- 9:00 PM
                                                                                                           Sampling great beers and costume contest
                                                                                                               Cost: $25 Per Wrist Band
                                                                                                                  Adults Only!
                                                                                                            Wrist Bands Sold at the Front Gate
                                                                                                             SPONSOR PACKAGES
                                                                                       Pilsner Sponsor: $1,000 Includes 8 wrist bands, major visibility in all print ads,
                                                                                           news releases, Membership Minute, banner placement, and 2 signs
                                                                                         Lager Sponsor: $750 Includes 6 wrist bands, visibility in all print ads, news
                                                                                              releases, Membership Minute, banner placement, and 1 sign
                                                                                      IPA Sponsor: $500 Includes 4 wrist bands, 1 sign, visibility in news releases and a
                                                                                                               banner placement
                                                                                      Stout Sponsor: $200 2 wrist bands, visibility in all print ads, news releases, banner
                                                                                                             placement, and 1 sign
                                                                                                                Signage: $125

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