Page 11 - Talk of Tequesta - November '21
P. 11

The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 11

      loCal governmenT from page 10
                   Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office

      Dear Taxpayer:                                    commitment to protecting our country. I wanted to highlight     I hope this Thanksgiving finds you with much to be
        My office has certified                         exemptions available to veterans and active duty military.   thankful for. As always, I am thankful to be your property
      the 2021 Real Property                                                                               appraiser.
      and  Tangible  Personal                                                                                                                   Respectfully,
      Property Assessment Rolls                                                                                                      Dorothy Jacks, CFA, AAS,
      for Palm Beach County to                                                                                            Palm Beach County Property Appraiser
      the tax collector. And, we                                                                                                     We Value What You Value
      are  already  hard  at  work
      planning  for  next  year’s                                                                             Military Exemptions And
        The tax roll has been sent                                                                                         Discounts
      to the Palm Beach County
      Tax Collector’s Office, who is responsible for printing and                                            These are available to those who qualify for a homestead
      mailing property tax bills on or before November 1. They                                             exemption and who have been honorably discharged.
      should arrive in mailboxes soon.                  Property Appraiser Dorothy Jacks (right) signs the certified   Veterans 65 Or Older Combat-Related Disability
        As we celebrate Veterans Day this month, we honor the   2021  Real  Property  and  Tangible  Personal  Property   Discount
      service and sacrifice of those in our armed forces and their   Assessment Rolls with Dino Maniotis, tax roll coordinator    This exemption is for disabled veterans, age 65 or older,
                                                                                                           who are partially or totally and permanently disabled, have a
                                                                                                           disability that was combat-related and have been honorably
                                                                                                           discharged upon separation from military service.
                                                                                                           Veterans Disability Exemption
                                                                                                             Veterans  with  a  100  percent  total  and  permanent
                                                                                                           disability that was service-connected may be eligible for
                                                                                                           total exemption of property taxes. Veterans with a service-
                                                                                                           connected disability of 10 percent or more but not 100
                                                                                                           percent may be eligible for an additional $5,000 exemption.
                                                                                                           Veterans with a non-service-connected disability may be
                                                                                                           eligible for an additional $500 exemption.
                                                                                                           Veteran’s Surviving Spouse Exemption
                                                                                                             This exemption is for the surviving spouse of a deceased
                                                                                                           veteran who qualified for a disabled veteran exemption, or
                                                                                                           the surviving spouse of a military veteran who died in the
                                                                                                           line of duty.
                                                                                                           Active Duty Military Exemption
                                                                                                             This applies to service members of any branch of the
                                                                                                           U.S. Military, U.S. Coast Guard and Florida National Guard
                                                                                                           who were deployed during the preceding calendar year on
                                                                                                           active duty outside the continental United States, Alaska, or
                                                                                                           Hawaii in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, which
                                                                                                           began Oct. 7, 2001, or Operation New Dawn, which began
                                                                                                           Sept. 1, 2010.
                                                                                                             The amount of the exemption is equal to the taxable value
                                                                                                           of the homestead of the service member on January 1 of the
                                                                                                           year the exemption is sought, multiplied by the number of
                                                                                                           days that the service member was on a qualified deployment
                                                                                                           in the preceding calendar year and divided by the number
                                                                                                           of days in that year. We will do the math for you.
                                                                                                             You can always call us at (561) 355-2866 or email us at
                                                                                                  for more information, or find
                                                                                                           more online.

                                                                                                            Update Your Address Online

                                                                                                             An  address  change  is  available  on  your  individual
                                                                                                           property’s page. First, look up your real property or tangible
                                                                                                           personal property in the Search box on our website. Then
                                                                                                           click Change of Address underneath the map image. Simply
                                                                                                           follow the steps on the form. It’s that easy!

                                                                                                                   Holiday Food Drive

                                                                                                             This month kicks off the Palm Beach County Property
                                                                                                           Appraiser’s  Office’s  annual  Holiday  Food  Drive. The
                                                                                                           special food-raising campaign is in its 22nd year.
                                                                                                             Last year, nearly a ton of food and more than $3,500

                                                                                                           Local Government on page 12

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