Page 18 - The Jewish Voice - December '21
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Page 18, The Jewish Voice


      Financial Focus                                   Canine Obesity                                     insulin resistance resulting in diabetes in some pets. Dia-

                                                                                                           betes is a difficult to manage disease and reduces pets’
      Don’t Avoid “Taboo” Topics                                                                           longevity as well as quality of life.
      with Older Parents                                                                                      Hypertension and kidney disease:  Current  evi-
                                                                                                           dence links obesity with high blood pressure. Hyperten-
      By Sally Stima Stahl                                                                                 sion causes pressure on the kidneys leading to chronic
         If your parents are getting                                                                       kidney disease. Studies show that obesity causes excess
      close to retirement age, or                                                                          hyaluronic acid in kidneys that causes damage over time.
      are already retired, it may be                                                                          Respiratory:  Fat  accumulates  along  the  outside
      time to talk with them about                                                                         of  the  lungs  and  in  the  abdomen. This  compresses  the
      financial and aging issues,                                                                          spongy lungs and makes taking in enough air difficult.
      some of which may involve                                                                            Dogs that have reduced airways due to conformation —
      difficult conversations. For                                                                         such as pugs, English bulldogs, French Bulldogs, etc. —
      the sake of everyone in your                                                                         have even more trouble breathing with fat accumulating
      family,  don’t  avoid  these                          Most dogs today are obese. In fact, we have gotten   around the neck as well. Obese pets may even have dis-
      “taboo” topics.                                   so used to seeing overweight dogs that we now think this   rupted sleep patterns and poor quality sleep.
         You’ll need to be careful                      is normal. I am often surprised when I see a canine pa-     Cancer:  In  humans  the  link  between  obesity  and
      about  approaching  these  subjects  with  your  parents.   tient at an ideal weight. Today we take much better care   certain types of cancers is becoming more and more ap-
      Mention  ahead  of  time  that  you’d  like  to  talk  to them   of our canine family members than in the past. Our ca-  parent.  It  stands  to  reason  that  this  may  be  one  of  the
      about their future plans and reassure them that you want   nines have become true family members and as such are   reasons we see cancer develop in our canine friends as
      to understand their wishes, so their affairs will be taken   spoiled like our children. It is a good thing for ourselves   they get older.
      care of as they would like.                       and our pets to be part of the family, but one of the main      Obesity is a serious problem as we are seeing more
         If  your  parents  are  agreeable,  choose  a  location   ways we spoil our pets is to give them extra treats and   and more dogs that are very overweight. It is something
      comfortable for them and ask whom they might like to   food. Just like in people, obesity is a silent killer. There   that needs to be addressed so that our canine companions
      invite (or not invite). Then, think about how to open the   are many serious medical consequences that result from   can be with us as long as possible. Remember, food does
      conversation, preferably not with what they want to do   obesity. Most importantly, it reduces quality of life and   not equal love. Don’t make the mistake of overfeeding
      with  their  money  —  this  could  be  interpreted as  your   reduces life expectancy.              your  pet  just  because  they  like  to  eat.  We  can  control
      seeking  information  about  your  inheritance  or  being      Chronic  inflammation:  Fat  cells  actually  produce   what they eat. Let’s make it our mission to keep our dogs
      skeptical about their financial decisions. Instead, build a   proteins that lead to multiple inflammatory processes in   healthy and fit! Just remember, our pets are very good at
      broad-based discussion about their vision for their aging   the body. As you can imagine, chronic inflammation will   getting us to do what they want us to do!
      years. A series of shorter conversations may allow you to   break  the  body  down  over  time.  Getting  a  pet  back  to      Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center
      cover topics more comfortably, one by one, rather than   ideal body weight can stop this process in its tracks.  is dedicated to providing the best possible care for your
      trying to solve everything at once.                   Osteoarthritis: We  know  that  the  more  weight  on   pets. With focuses on compassionate care in surgery,
         Try to address these areas:                    the joints the more breakdown of cartilage. This process   physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative medicine,
         • Health care: You’ll want to learn if your parents have   leads to arthritis in the joints. But we also know that fat   extensive diagnostics, and emergency service, Palm City
      established the appropriate health-related legal documents   cells produce products that lead to inflammation within   Animal Medical Center combines exceptional medical
      — a health care power of attorney, which gives someone   the joints contributing to arthritis in a big way. Also, the   care with a caring philosophy for pets and their owners.
      the  authority  to  make  important  decisions  about  their   more weight a pet has on its joints, the more painful the   For more information, call (772) 283-0920, visit www.
      medical care if they become unable to do so themselves;   arthritis will be for that pet. We see many pets on mul- or find us on Facebook
      and  a  living  will,  which  spells  out  the  extraordinary   tiple  medications  for  arthritis  that  could  be  reduced  or   at
      medical treatments they may or may not want.      stopped if they were at a normal weight.
         •  Independence: As  people  age,  they  may  begin  to      Diabetes: It has been shown that excess fat leads to   Lifestyles on page 19
      lose their independence. Have your parents considered
      any options for long-term care, such as a nursing home
      stay or the services of a home health aide? Do they have
      plans in place? If they plan to receive support from family
      members, do their expectations match yours?
         •  Financial goals:  Focusing  on  the  personal  and
      financial aspects of the legacy your parents want to leave
      can be a valuable conversation. Have your parents updated
      their wills or other arrangements, such as a living trust?
      Have they named a financial power of attorney to make
      decisions on their behalf if they become incapacitated?
      Do  they  have  the  proper  beneficiary  designations  on
      their insurance policies and retirement plan accounts? If
      you can position these issues as being more about your
      parents’ control over their financial destiny, rather than
      “who will get what,” you’ll more likely have a productive
         • Last wishes: You’ll want to find out if your parents
      have left instructions in their wills about their funerals
      and  last  wishes.  Express  to  them  that  you,  or  another                                            Act Now and Do the
      close family member, should know who is responsible for                                         Holiday Hustle Bustle with
      making sure their wishes are met.
         Money,  independence,  and  aging  can  be  sensitive                                                       Your New Match!
      topics. Don’t think you have to go it alone — you can
      enlist help from another close family member. Or, if you
      know your parents are working with a trusted advisor, such
      as an attorney or financial professional, you could see if    We Connect REAL People in REAL Life. Quickly.
      they’d be willing to have this person participate in your
      talks. You might even be able to introduce them to one of
      your advisors.
         In any case, keep talking. These conversations can be
      challenging — but, if handled correctly, can be of great
      benefit to your parents and your entire family.
         This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
      your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
      Member SIPC.
         Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in
      all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D.
      Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and                                                                          #TellYourFriends
      Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of                                  DATE LOCAL   Private & Con dential   NOT ONLINE DATING

      New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency                                           90% Success Rate  All Clients Pre-Screened

      of Massachusetts, L.L.C.                                                                  One-on-One Matchmaking  Representing Ages 21 - 80+
         Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors                                      Palm Beaches 561.630.XOXO (9696)
      cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your                                        Treasure Coast 772.932.HERE (4373)
      qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.
                                                              Kelly Leary, M.S.       REVOLUTIONDATING.COM

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