Page 2 - The Jewish Voice - January '22
P. 2

Page 2, The Jewish Voice

                                                        From the rabbis

      You Are Never, Ever Stuck —                         eclectic palate as much as to heal his hurting heart. It was   sometimes it’s in this world and sometimes in the next
                                                           The purpose of the gift wasn’t to nourish Yaakov’s
                                                                                                           world. Everything will be good in the end; if it’s not good,
      Your Story Ends in Victory!                       sent to lift his broken spirit and to provide hope and promise   it’s not the end! And we too will be able to toast “L’Chaim”
                                                        to a father who had been mourning his favorite son for 22   joyously when it’s all over!
      Whatever you face, remind                         years, compounded by the realization that it was his own      Joseph doesn’t just accept his suffering; he sees its
      yourself that you can handle                      sons who had been the cause of all of his grief. This gift   ultimate meaning and purpose. He actually tells his brothers
      it; you’ve been designed for                      was not a gift of food, but of consolation!        that they are not to blame for selling him because it was all
      this!                                                The aged wine was clearly not purchased recently. It had   part of G-d’s master plan — to break us into little pieces so
                                                        in fact been purchased on the very first day that Joseph was   that we could become something much greater!
      By Rabbi Dovid Vigler                             able to buy it upon his arrival to the land as a slave. The      When a group of New York women attended a Ladies
         Do you ever feel stuck?                        bottle represented his conviction that all of his suffering   Convention in Detroit, they planned their trip to return home
         So many people feel stuck                      was only short lived and that he would eventually toast   early Friday morning so as to be able to spend Shabbos
      in a relationship, a financial                    “L’chaim” when it was all over. With every fiber of his   with their families. They were deeply concerned to learn
      rut, or  a dead  end. It’s an                     being, Joseph believed that his pain was only temporary   of a snowstorm that shut down the Detroit airport, severely
      unpleasant place to be. But                       and that he would ultimately land on his feet. This was the   delaying their flight and making it impossible for them to
      the Torah assures us that we                      drink of hope and promise.                         be back with their families in time.
      are never stuck. As much as it might look like it and you      The crushed beans, too, were a physical representation      Out of desperation, Mrs. Miriam Popack called the
      (and your mother-in-law) convince yourself so, if you look   of the benefit that comes after agony. It’s no fun being   Rebbe’s  office  for  a  blessing. When  she  explained  the
      deeper, you’ll find the light!                    beaten, but beans taste better when cooked in pieces rather   problem to the Rebbe’s secretary, Rabbi Binyamin Klein,
         A perfect example is in the Torah portion Vayigash:   than whole. He was telling his dad that he was now able   she said that they were “stuck at the airport.” He put her
      Joseph, Prime Minister of Egypt, reunites with his family   to see the benefit of being crushed like beans: Though   on hold for a minute and then came back on the line saying
      after 22 years of estrangement. As he reveals himself to his   they had both suffered so much over the decades of their   that “the Rebbe doesn’t understand what ‘stuck’ means?”
      long-lost brothers, Joseph sends a bizarre gift to his father,   separation, ultimately it was for a greater good. Had he not      As she proceeded to elaborate, Klein stopped her and
      Jacob, in Israel: aged Egyptian wine and ground beans.  been mercilessly sold by his brothers as a slave to Egypt,   explained  that  the  Rebbe  speaks  perfect  English!  “He
         It’s not exactly my idea of a spectacular gift from the   he would never have risen to become the brilliant prime   doesn’t understand how you can be stuck because a Jew is
      monarch of the world’s superpower. Had he put some thought   minister that was able to feed not just his family but the   never stuck! If you are in the Detroit airport it’s because
      into it, Joseph might have chosen to send his dad some nachas   known world, saving them from the great famine of the   there’s something you need to do there!”
      that he could appreciate — pictures of the grandchildren or   time.                                     The ladies got the message! They immediately sprang
      evidence of their achievements. His odd choice leaves us      Joseph serves as a striking role model for us all never   into action and began sharing Shabbos candles with all the
      scratching our heads in wonder.                   to get stuck. Hashem is the Master of the Universe — He   Jewish ladies in the terminal. Years later, some of the women
         It was on this Shabbos in 1972 that the Rebbe explained   is always in full control and He always has a plan.   they met that day still light the Shabbos candles!
      the mystery of Joseph’s gift and exposed it as profoundly      Hebrew, the Holy Tongue, doesn’t even have a word for      G-d doesn’t send us problems, just opportunities. He
      inspiring and deeply moving:                      “tragedy.” While the Greeks have made an entire genre out   loves us and will never, ever abandon us, not even for a
                                                        of pathetic stories that end with sadness, Jews don’t even   moment! He never wants to hurt us, just to lift us higher.
                                                        know the meaning of the word!                         Don’t beat yourself up; you’re not a finished product,
                                                           Hashem is our beloved Father in Heaven, and everything   you’re just a work in progress. You’re not stuck; you just
                                                        He does is good. Just like a child has a hard time processing   haven’t decided to move forward yet!
      e                       e                       e  struggle to comprehend the ways of our Father in Heaven.   the momentum!
                                                        his father’s harsh discipline until much, much later, we too
                                                                                                             Wishing you a month of seizing the moment and creating

                                                                                                             Rabbi Dovid Vigler is spiritual leader at Chabad of Palm
                                                        But we do know that it’s all the work of our loving Father
                                                           Sometimes we see the light sooner and sometimes later;
                                                          in Heaven who’s always in control!               Beach Gardens and host of the Jewish Schmooze Radio Show.
                                                                                                           Email him at


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